Отчетна ли е прокуратурата според чл. 84, т. 16, изречение второ от Конституцията на Република България? (Коментар на решение № 6 по к.д. № 15 от 2016г. на Конституционния съд на Република България)
Is the Prosecutor’s Office Accountable according to Article 86, point 16, sentence 2 of the Constitution of Republic Bulgaria? (Comments to Decision No. 6 on Constitutional Case No. 15 of 2016 of the Constitutional Court of Republic Bulgaria)

Author(s): Ekaterina Mihaylova
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: Bulgarian Constitution; Accountability of Prosecutor; Parliament; Reports of Chief Prosecutor; Constitutional Court Case Law
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the accountability of the prosecutor’s office according to Article 86, point 16, sentence 2 of the Constitution as interpreted in the case law of the Constitutional court of Republic Bulgaria. It provides a critical analysis of the narrow interpretation of the constitutional text made in Decision No.6 on constitutional case No.15 of 2016. The articles develops an argument that the implementation of prosecutor’s accountability requires a broader interpretation of the parliament’s powers to hear reports from the Chief Prosecutor.

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