Преподаването на материята за правата на човека - реалности и перспективи
Human Rights Education – Realities and Perspectives

Author(s): Svetla Margaritova-Vuchkova
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Conference Report
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: Human rights; Bulgarian Legal Education; ECHR
Summary/Abstract: Over the past few years there were held a series of forums in Bulgaria dealing with university teaching of human rights and especially - the issues of the ECHR and the ECtHR case law. The Foundation "Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights" conducted a survey in 2014 among magistrates and advocates regarding their satisfaction with the training in this field at an academic and a professional level. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is working on the amendments to the currently existing Recommendation No 4 of 2004 concerning the teaching of Human Rights at the universities. Whether the prepared draft of the Regulation on the uniform state requirements for obtaining higher education in the specialty "Law" as the professional qualification "lawyer" and included in this course "Fundamental Rights and Freedoms" will meet the requirements of the practice and will be adequate to the current trends in teaching in other European countries? Certain aspects of the project raised serious doubts and concerns.The publication draws attention to the lack of trained teachers in the field of Human Rights in the lectures on fundamental legal disciplines, which makes impossible the realization of the idea for the Horizontal training.Also the current legislation restricts the involvement of non-academic experts in the field of human rights as teachers in universities. In this respect they made a range of recommendations.

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