Comunicare, cultură şi societate. Vol. II - De la Teorie la Practica Culegere de studii
Communication, Culture, Society. Vol. II - From Theory to Practice. Collection of Studies
Contributor(s): Maria Sinaci (Editor), Cristian Măduţa (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Trivent Publishing
Keywords: Communication; Ethics; Language; Multicultural; Intercultural; Philosophy;Society;
- E-ISBN-13: 978-615-80996-7-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-615-80996-6-0
- Page Count: 169
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian
Comunicare și adevăr
Comunicare și adevăr
(Truth and Communcation)
- Author(s):Ioan Biris
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:4-15
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:In a conversation with Karl Otto Apel, the well-known philosopher of science, Karl Popper, drew his attention to the fact that the communicative function of language is what we share with animals, so communication does not have much importance. What is important in human language is the scope of the sentences, because the sentences are the only ones that allow man to speak in terms of truth about the real world. We call this the "challenge" of Karl Popper.
Corespondență de front în Primul Război Mondial
Corespondență de front în Primul Război Mondial
(Wartime Correspondence in the First World War)
- Author(s):Florica Faur
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History, Philosophy
- Page Range:16-24
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:front-line letters; Great War; values ethical and moral.
- Summary/Abstract:Literature has multiple faces, and correspondence, as a manner of preservation of memory, is all the more valuable. Front-line letters or diaries from the Great War, written by young Romanian enlistees in the Austro-Hungarian Army, from the Mureș valley, Arad county, are samples of preserved ethical and moral values.
Coeziunea discursului unionist – element firesc al discursului politic la 1918
Coeziunea discursului unionist – element firesc al discursului politic la 1918
(The Cohesion of the Unionist Discourse – a natural element of the political discourse of 1918)
- Author(s):Cristian Măduţa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:25-36
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The intellectual elite of Ardeal has continuously worked towards the implementation of national conscience among the commoners. At the beginning, such ideas influenced only an insignificant part of the people, but throughout the 19th century, with the help of the establishment of several cultural institutions, alongside the aid of schools, newspapers, and communication systems, cultural nationalism became one of the main pillars of collective mentality.The historical argument motivates and justifies the struggle for national unity, offering assurance for the national destiny and a non-interrupted existence. The origin, the continuity or the Latinity are valuable in this respect, as they underline the vital character and the incipient force of the people.
Limbajul şi specificitatea comunicării educaţionale
Limbajul şi specificitatea comunicării educaţionale
(Language and the Specificity of Educational Communication)
- Author(s):Teodor Pătrăuţă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:37-46
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:In sistemul de educaţie, comunicarea este privită drept circulaţie a informaţiilor în fluxuri continue. Limbajul şi para-limbajul asociat acestuia, îmbracă forme scrise, rostite, imagistice, gestuale, simbolice, conform cu nevoile de comunicare, pentru a asigura transmisia-recepţia mesajelor într-o situaţie dată. Specialiştii în ştiinţele educaţiei au preluat elementele teoriei comunicării adaptându-le fenomenului educaţional. Didactica modernă nu impune folosirea metodelor şi procedeelor drept reţete, ci lasă libertate deplină cadrului didactic, încât asistăm la un proces continuu de diversificare şi restructurare a metodelor şi procedeelor, ceea ce dă o notă dinamică şi deschisă actualei metodologii a învăţământului.
Predarea limbii engleze într-o lume schimbătoare
Predarea limbii engleze într-o lume schimbătoare
(Teaching English in a Changing World)
- Author(s):Laura-Rebeca STIEGELBAUER, Simona Emanuela Murgu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:47-55
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:The world is in a permanent change. This affects very different aspects of our lives and the society itself. We believe that modern technology can be integrated into the classroom and it can be successfully used for teaching English language. With the help of digital devices and the Internet, teachers and students can have access to a wide range of free resources and teaching materials. This article presents the changes determined by the wide use of new technologies in our society and how the new generation of students has been influenced by the fast development of technology.
Exilul în opera lui Jeffrey Eugenides: o metaforă a însingurării
Exilul în opera lui Jeffrey Eugenides: o metaforă a însingurării
(Exile in the Works of Jeffrey Eugenides: a Metaphor for Solitude)
- Author(s):Maria-Miruna Ciocoi-Pop
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:57-62
- No. of Pages:6
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most prominent contemporary authors, Jeffrey Eugenides, perfectly uncovers the essence of exile in his novels. The feeling of solitude and alienation are found in all of his major books. The author does not simply define exile; he redefines it and uses it as an instrument for contouring his main characters. Thus, Eugenides illustrated the idea of a continuous cultural recessivity which is specific to exile.
O călătorie a descoperirii în romanul academic
O călătorie a descoperirii în romanul academic
(A Voyage of Discovery in the Campus Novel)
- Author(s):Stăncuţa Ramona Dima-Laza
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:63-69
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most widely-appreciated developments in post-war British literature was the emergence of the campus novel. A remarkable figure in this respect was David Lodge, due to the trilogy he published between 1975 and 1988. Within the background of the industrial revolution, in Thatcherite Britain, David Lodge introduces the readers into the closed world of universities and into the familiarity of its norms, values and possibilities of intrigue. The familiar routines of characters, the hierarchical structures and the conspicuous plot-lines make the delight of the readers. This article focuses on the third novel of the author’s trilogy, that is, Nice Work. It represents an oscillation between the words of business on one hand and university professors on the other. Dealing with the demoralization of universities, with adultery and campus and industry traditions, it is actually a parody of the 19th century industrial novel.
D. D. Roșca - orientări culturale contra „tiraniei utilului”
D. D. Roșca - orientări culturale contra „tiraniei utilului”
(D. D. Roșca - cultural guidelines against "the tyranny of useful")
- Author(s):Gabriel Hasmatuchi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:70-80
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:D. D. Roșca (1895-1980) is a Romanian philosopher who enjoyed a rare prestige. He was welcomed among the members of the Romanian Academy because of his philosophical contribution. A thinker, historian of philosophy, professor and translator, D. D. Roșca was always involved in solving the issues of Romania's cultural life. With a philosophy based on rationalism and using appropriate methods of research in the field of culture and scientific creation, D. D. Roșca grasped the particularities of Romanian culture and came up with solutions. In this essay, we analyze relevant ideas proposed by the philosopher on culture and scientific creation.
Perspective culturale și interculturale într-o societate multiculturală
Perspective culturale și interculturale într-o societate multiculturală
(Cultural and Intercultural Perspectives in a Multicultural Society)
- Author(s):Alina Ionescu, Florin Trandafir Vasiloni
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:81-90
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:socio–linguistics; interculturality; multiculturality; intercultural competences; cultural competences
- Summary/Abstract:Intercultural competence and cross-cultural aspects in education are among the most important trends in the education of the 21st century. The development of key competences for lifelong learning is a constant concern among the educational policies of the European Council. The multicultural society of our times calls for a reconsideration of what culture, nation, identity, and interculturality mean. Our study tackles the issue of intercultural education, cross-cultural competence and the development of cultural competence, highlighting the most important aspects connected to these issues as well as providing some recommendations for the development of cultural competences. We have also conducted a quantitative research and applied a questionnaire on a sample of 300 undergraduate students enrolled in Bachelor programmes at the Faculty of Humanities within the ”Aurel Vlaicu”2University of Arad (Romania). The results of the study revealed that most students are interested in developing their intercultural skills especially as there are foreign students enrolled at the university.
De la români pentru români, de la frați pentru frați
De la români pentru români, de la frați pentru frați
(From Romanians to Romanians, from Brothers to Brothers)
- Author(s):Ioana Nistor
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:91-99
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Transylvania; ASTRA; culture; progress; freedom; emancipation
- Summary/Abstract:‘The Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture of the Romanian People’ was established in 1861, Sibiu. The Association had a remarkable activity on cultural, social, and economic grounds for the emancipation of the Romanian people oppressed by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Its main objective was the cultural progress, by unifying the literary Romanian language and spelling, cultural conferences and symposiums, scholarships for the Romanian students, the establishment of the Association’s Library in Sibiu, printing books, editing the first Romanian Encyclopaedia.
Timișoara 2021 – Simbol și imagine
Timișoara 2021 – Simbol și imagine
(Timisoara 2021 – Image and Symbol)
- Author(s):Adrian Păcurar, Lia Lucia Epure
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:100-107
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:legitimacy; public campaign; intellectuals; public sphere; social segments
- Summary/Abstract:This article does an extensive analysis on some issues involved in the process of promoting and sustaining the image of a city. The analysis is built upon distinct elements of the current promotion process of the event scheduled for the year 2021: the city of Timisoara (Romania), European Capital of Culture. The study follows two major concepts. The first one concerns legitimacy with some derivative concepts. The second one discusses the concrete action of promoting such an event by different means to the public sphere. The concept of legitimacy is analyzed on two distinct dimensions. The first one tackles the issue of general legitimacy regarding the entire act of electing a city as a European Cultural Capital. The second one deals with the legitimacy of developing the actual process of promoting this type of an event. The concept of promoting by different forms of public campaigns is analyzed starting with some of our previous studies although the analysis goes2further and tries to establish new elements through which the process of promoting could have more chances of success. The role of the intellectuals and that of several distinct social segments are also discussed.
100 de ani de la ocuparea Aradului de armata franceză
100 de ani de la ocuparea Aradului de armata franceză
(100 Years since the Occupation of Arad by the French Army)
- Author(s):Andrei Ando, Mihaela Ozarchevici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:109-123
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Newspaper; Great Union; French troops; Arad; history
- Summary/Abstract:This year, on the 13th of December 2018, the Romanians celebrate 100 years since the establishment of the French occupation army - detachments for the maintenance of peace, an event which had strong implications on the history of Romania. After the Great Union of the 1st of December 1918 had caused military clashes on the streets of Arad and its surroundings, French battalions were detached to Arad, and the city was under French occupation until the 16th of July 1919. This paper presents the way in which two publications from Arad – the newspapers “Românul” and “Aradi Közlöny” – reported the arrival of general Berthelot on the 29th of December 1918 and of the French soldiers on the 31st of December 1918. These were topics of great interest for publicists who reported how they perceived the arrival of the2French troops in Arad, or how this transitional regime was seen throughout history. By bringing these texts from the newspapers to the foreground, we intend to bring to life various impact actions for the national history, intending thus to design a greater image of an important period of the history of Arad, in the general context of the occupation of Banat by the French troops.
Discriminarea femeilor din românia în societate și în viața economică în sec. XX
Discriminarea femeilor din românia în societate și în viața economică în sec. XX
(The Discrimination Women in Romania in the Society and Economic Life of the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Sorin Ovidiu Bulboacă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:124-134
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:discrimination; women; gender inequalities; education; society
- Summary/Abstract:This study discusses the discrimination of women in contemporary Romanian society. During the communist regime, the state had completely subordinated the projection of the woman to its ideology, but brought some changes in the status of women in society, the most important being free access to education. Discrimination against women in the economic life was visible through the followings: lesser paid jobs, dismissal of pregnant women, sexual harassment at work, domestic violence, etc. Offensive language against women was also a form of discrimination. Refusal to hire women managers in view of appearance and age was yet another form of discrimination. In everyday life, successful publications widely circulated prejudices, traditional stereotypes and jokes which reflected the unbalanced power relations and sexism which still exists on all levels of society.2Ombudsman and the National Council for Combating Discrimination is the institution which fights all forms of discrimination against women in Romanian society. Local public institutions were required to intervene and take specific measures against domestic violence. We believe that the education of new generations of students, guided by European values, play an important role in changing attitudes in combating discrimination against women and all forms of violence in Romanian society.
Efectele migratiei in societate si familie
Efectele migratiei in societate si familie
(The Effects of Migration within the Society and the Family)
- Author(s):Aurora Lupaş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:135-143
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:The migration phenomenon has always existed, fluctuating depending on the historical context, as well as the economical, political, social and demographic disparities between the Central and East European countries and the EU Member States, the interdependencies between the origin and receiving countries and the European integration processes. In Romania, the migration of parents to foreign countries, in order to stop poverty, is constituted as a social phenomenon that in time will have consequences against the family and children.
Atașamentul copiilor cu istoric de abandon, ca urmare a plasamentului familial vs. adoptiei
Atașamentul copiilor cu istoric de abandon, ca urmare a plasamentului familial vs. adoptiei
(Attachment of children with abandonment history as a result of family placement vs. adoption)
- Author(s):Oana Alexandra Morcan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:144-152
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:attachment; family placement; adoption; family alternatives; institutionalization
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the premise that one of the words with the darkest resonance, no matter the language, is the one which denotes abandonment "(D, Magdalena, 1998, p.5), M. Ainsworth has defined the concept of safety by matching the attachment system with the exploration system (1974). In this paper, we are highlighting the affective, cognitive, somatic, social and behavioural problems in children currently facing these life situations, in once abandoned children, in children currently in foster families or foster care, waiting for an eventual adoptive family. In this respect, the main purpose is to examine the existing relationships between the problems of children adopted or in placement, evaluated from 3 perspectives: scales2measuring syndromes, DSM derived scales, ADHD problems and internalization problems and outsourcing.
Construirea sensului lumii sociale
Construirea sensului lumii sociale
(Building the Meaning of the Social World: A Psychological Approach)
- Author(s):Maria Oprea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:153-160
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:social being; socialization; social psychology; personality; social environment; construction of human personality; social groups
- Summary/Abstract:Man is a social being in essence. The complexity of human nature led to the development of theoretical perspectives on its characteristics, psychologists and sociologists alike, trying to identify those aspects of human behaviour specific to each individual, social group and also man in general. From this perspective, social psychology deals with the construction of human personality not as a result of the specific personality traits in the foreground, but especially the social environment, the characteristic social context. As a result, an overall explanatory theory is outlined, experimentally grounded and conducted by scientific methods, a perspective from which the personality is especially a social construct, is the one that gives meaning to his world.
Construirea Oportunități și provocări
Construirea Oportunități și provocări
(Challenges and Opportunities)
- Author(s):Ovidiu-Florin Toderici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History, Social Sciences
- Page Range:161-169
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:immigration; Europe; immigrant workers; changes; demographics
- Summary/Abstract:At the beginning of the 1990s, Romania had a relatively modest level of immigration which dramatically increased over the following decades. This study focuses on the forms and dynamics of the Romanian immigration within the European border, analysing the determining factors of relocation, the social-economic and cultural implications, as well as the common abusive practices related to immigrant workers.