Comunicare, cultură şi societate. Culegere de studii
Communication, Culture, Society. Collection of Studies
Contributor(s): Maria Sinaci (Editor), Cristian Măduţa (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Local History / Microhistory
Published by: Trivent Publishing
Keywords: culture; society; philosophy; Bühler-Habermas; persuasion; mass media; globalization; ethics;tradition; education; pedagogy; Kafka; David Lodge; modernism; post-modernism; Facebook; Camil Petrescu; Haiti; university; academia; identity; history;elderly
Summary/Abstract: This volume is a collection of studies written by academics from the “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, the West University of Timisoara, the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu and the University of Novi Sad. Most of these studies were presented at the annual conference organized by the “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad with the occasion of the annual event known as the Academic Days of Arad.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-615-80340-9-8
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-615-80340-8-1
- Page Count: 243
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Romanian
Semnificație și comunicare. Modelul Bühler-Habermas
Semnificație și comunicare. Modelul Bühler-Habermas
(Significance and Communication. The Bühler-Habermas Model)
- Author(s):Ioan Biris
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Communication studies
- Page Range:2-18
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:communication; significance; meaning; reference; model
- Summary/Abstract:Our study starts from the thought-language-reference relationship and tries to explain the concept of significance. Significance is considered a central concept for communication and is accepted as a primitive relationship. After presenting Frege’s paradox of significance, the study presents the Bühler-Habermas model for communication. This model is considered to be a representative model in contemporary debates of the field.
- Price: 8.00 €
Comunicare şi strategii ale persuasiunii centrate pe auditoriu
Comunicare şi strategii ale persuasiunii centrate pe auditoriu
(Communication and Persuasion Strategies Centered on the Audience)
- Author(s):Constantin Grecu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Communication studies
- Page Range:19-33
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:communication; persuation; audience; strategy; political discourse.
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses communication with reference to public discourse, especially political, meant to influence the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of the people it addresses. Therefore, the present material analyses strategies of persuasion in public communication, as well as the nature and the types of the targeted audience. Using persuasive means in relationship to the audience does not always lead to reaching the goals, therefore sometimes veritable disputes can be generated.
- Price: 8.00 €
Beneficiile terapiei asistate de animale în comunicare, dezvoltare personală, fizioterapie și sănătate mentală
Beneficiile terapiei asistate de animale în comunicare, dezvoltare personală, fizioterapie și sănătate mentală
(Animal Assisted Therapy in Communication, Personal Development, Physiotherapy and Mental Health)
- Author(s):Cristina-Elena Mercea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:34-44
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:animal assisted therapy; research; communication; mental health; psychotherapy
- Summary/Abstract:Animal assisted therapy (AAT) is a therapeutic process, led by a specialist, in which the animal's role is to support the achievement of goals in mental health, physiotherapy, ocupational therapy, or logotherapy. A complementary benefit of AAT is the augmentation of cognitive, affective, physical and social well-beeing. Multiple health benefits of AAT have been documented both historically and in recent special literature. However, further research is needed, in order to conclude on the indications and contraindications, client populations, illness conditions, mechanism of action, characteristics and species of animals involved.
- Price: 8.00 €
Teorii ale efectelor mass-media în comunicarea politică. Concepte de referinţă
Teorii ale efectelor mass-media în comunicarea politică. Concepte de referinţă
(Theories on the Mass Media Effects in Political Communication. Reference Concepts)
- Author(s):Mihaela Ozarchevici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Communication studies
- Page Range:45-51
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:communication; effects of communication; stages in the evolution of communication; political communication
- Summary/Abstract:This research started from existing debates in the literature regarding the beginning of communication, mass communication and political communication as scientific disciplines, all three areas having a common object of increased interest in researching the effects of the media. One of the main streams in defining political communication focused on researching media deals with the attitudes of politicians and their behavior during and outside election campaigns. Research on mass communication and political communication has become almost synonymous with concerns about the effects of the media.
- Price: 8.00 €
Comunicarea și Internetul într-o lume globalizată: aspecte etice
Comunicarea și Internetul într-o lume globalizată:
aspecte etice
(Communication and the Internet in a Globalized World. Ethical Aspects)
- Author(s):Maria Sinaci
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Communication studies, Sociology
- Page Range:52-66
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:communication; Internet; ethics; principlism; globalization
- Summary/Abstract:The internet has become in the past years not only an important means of communication, but also a significant source for information and research. The progress of this field (and generally, of the field of communication technologies) was so rapid that it exceeded the capacity of society to keep up, in the sense of creating certain clearly-defined ethical norms. This article discusses the problem of accessing the internet as a universal human right, as well as several significant ethical aspects connected to the usage of internet.
- Price: 8.00 €
Administrarea clasei. Abordări moderne versus abordări tradiționale
Administrarea clasei. Abordări moderne versus abordări tradiționale
(Classroom Management. Modern versus Traditional Approaches)
- Author(s):Laura-Rebeca STIEGELBAUER, Andreea Elena Păcurari
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:67-79
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Classroom management; questionnaire; groups; pairs; individual work
- Summary/Abstract:Classroom management refers to a set of different aspects. In order to have a good classroom management, teachers have to think about classroom space, about the types of activities they will conduct, or how students’ seating arrangement looks like. This paper intends to approach all these aspects with their positive and negative aspects and with their applicability in today’s fast moving world. This research is based on a questionnaire applied on 91 teachers from across Romania.
- Price: 8.00 €
Idei pedagogice inovatoare în opera lui Ștefan Bârsănescu
Idei pedagogice inovatoare în opera lui Ștefan Bârsănescu
(Innovative Pedagogical Ideas in the Work of Ștefan Bârsănescu)
- Author(s):Sorin Ovidiu Bulboacă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:80-91
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:pedagogy; culture; ideas; school; purpose of education
- Summary/Abstract:Ştefan Bârsănescu was a correspondent member of the Romanian Academy, a Romanian pedagogue and essayist, member of the Chicago Savings Association (USA). His scientific work accounts for more than 30 volumes and over 500 articles published in the country and abroad. Stefan Barsanescu attended seminar studies in Buzau and university studies in Iasi, obtaining a law degree in 1919 and then in philosophy in 1921. He later studied in Germany, obtaining the title of doctor on Emil Boutroux, his life, opera and philosophy. His teaching in Iasi includes periods of activity as an assistant at the Department of Psychology of the University of Iasi, then as director of the Normal School of Boys "Vasile Lupu" in Iasi. In 1933, he became a professor at the Pedagogical Department of the University of Iasi. Stefan Bârsănescu's scientific works covers fundamental themes in education sciences - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy, pedagogy of culture, pedagogical epistemology. Stefan Barsanescu, a disciple of Eduard Spranger, is the most important Romanian representative of the Pedagogy of Culture. From this perspective, the purpose of education is the cultural personality, characterized by the mastery of a wide circle of knowledge, the ability of man to devote himself to good, truth, beauty, and to create cultural values. The concept of cultural personality included moral personality. Truth, good and beauty are eternal values beyond time and space.
- Price: 8.00 €
Între tradiţie şi rebeliune: Iudaismul în scrierile lui Franz Kafka
Între tradiţie şi rebeliune: Iudaismul în scrierile lui Franz Kafka
(Between Tradition and Rebellion: Judaism in the Work of Franz Kafka)
- Author(s):Ana-Blanca Ciocoi-Pop
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:92-99
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Kafka; skepticism; Jewish; tradition; thought
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to establish the main coordinates of Franz Kafka’s writings from the perspective of the author’s Jewish heritage. Kafka had always fought an internal battle between the acceptance of Jewish tradition and a complete break with anything that referred to elements of Jewish mentality. His rebellion against the cultural and religious context he was part of was to a great extent the result of the tumultuous relationship with his father, his rejection of Judaism being mainly a rejection of patriarchy and of the destructive authority of his father. In spite of his apparently distancing from his heritage we can nevertheless identify a strong influence of the Jewish mindset in his novels and short stories, which is proof of the fact that one always returns to that which has either shaped or destroyed one’s identity.
- Price: 8.00 €
Modernism şi postmodernism: Aspecte legate de opera critică a lui David Lodge
Modernism şi postmodernism: Aspecte legate de opera critică a lui David Lodge
(Modernist and Postmodernist Literary Criticism in the Work of David Lodge)
- Author(s):Stăncuţa Ramona Dima-Laza
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:100-107
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Literature; criticism; novel; modernism; reader
- Summary/Abstract:Literature cannot be simply regarded as a set of rules and codes which should be deciphered from a language point of view. According to linguists, literary criticism does not decide what is correct and what is not, and does not deal with valid and invalid principles. The job of a critic is not that of revealing the hidden understandings of a novel, because literature can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways, relying on a system of signs. This article highlights the affinity that David Lodge has for criticism and the way in which his academic experience reflects in his entire work. Although the uninitiated reader may find it difficult to perceive his wisdom, irony, paradox, or the intertextual elegance that is in the background of his academic novels, the author has always focused on creating a bridge between fiction and criticism.
- Price: 8.00 €
Religie, comunitate şi Facebook în România
Religie, comunitate şi Facebook în România
(Religion, Community and Facebook in Romania)
- Author(s):Gheorghe Falca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Communication studies, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:108-116
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Internet; religion; Facebook; communication; freedom; opinion
- Summary/Abstract:This study aims to tackle issues related to the connection between religion and mass media in relation to the rise of the Internet as a channel of communication. Is the community interested in accessing the online environment in order to deal with religious topics? Are religious cults interested in creating a visible presence online? Where should a line be traced and how easily can the extremes be reached? These are some questions posed while studying religion and new media.
- Price: 8.00 €
Personaje feminine în romanul psihologic: Camil Petrescu
Personaje feminine în romanul psihologic: Camil Petrescu
(Female Characters in the Pshycological Novel of Camil Petrescu)
- Author(s):Florica Faur
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:117-130
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:female character;typology; reality
- Summary/Abstract:The female character is a reference in the perception of the 1930s Romanian pshychology. Romanian novelist Camil Petrescu created a “gallery” of female characters who represent the view on femininity in a period when this topic was not often approached. The lack in the biographical data on Camil Petrescu can be completed yby his characters who are typologies of women the authors had met in his life. This article aims to demonstrate that Petrescu’s female characters were inspired by the author’s experience and that many of the scenes in his novels were actually inspired by real events. This way, even without having the certitude of his everyday actions, Camil Petrescu can be “recomposed” from other people’s experience and from the point of view of the women who marked his existence.
- Price: 8.00 €
Dileme identitare și dinamică socială. Haiti sau despre sincretismul cultural
Dileme identitare și dinamică socială. Haiti sau despre sincretismul cultural
(Identity Dilemmas and Social Dynamics. Haiti and Cultural Syncretism)
- Author(s):Speranţa Sofia Milancovici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:131-140
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Haiti; identity; alterity; creole; francophone; syncretism
- Summary/Abstract:From a contemporary perspective, the assertion that Haiti was, in the 18th century, the richest French colony would seem unlikely, both to an experienced researcher as well as to a mere tourist who comes in contact with the Haitian reality. Undoubtedly, the world’s first free black republic has stirred the religious and cultural imagination of humanity through its magical reputation, voodoo practices and its cultural-linguistic uniqueness in Central America. We are proposing an exploratory endeavor into the Haitian identity space, in an attempt to clarify certain aspects regarding the status of the French language and its relation to the Creole language, the assumption of the Francophone linguistic influences by the African population bearing, in its genetic tree, the effervescence and cultural nuance of the native lands, as well as the dilemmas of the syncretism that impregnates all levels of the social mind. The major objective is to overcome certain ambiguities of a conceptual or terminological nature that have persisted in regards to creolization, pidgin languages and the Haitian cultural identity.
- Price: 8.00 €
Scurtă anatomie a unui dezastru istoric
Scurtă anatomie a unui dezastru istoric
(A Brief Anatomy of a Historical Disaster)
- Author(s):Adrian Păcurar
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:141-157
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Academic System; Academic Human Resources; Academic Disaster
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to unveil, as much as possible, both the desastrous situation of today’s Romanian higher education human resources, as well as that of the scintific research which is weak and non-promising. This paper presents several of the main phenomena of the Romanian academic environment, while highlighting the significantly low standards of the academic human resources. Furthermore, certain aspects which led to this situation are also analized. This analysis ends with a few possible sollutions which may lead, on the medium and long term, to a significant improvement in the human resources of the Romanian academis system, while also generating the beginning of a real “healing” of the entire Romanian higher education.
- Price: 8.00 €
Identitate şi postmodernism în poezia lui Ioan Flora
Identitate şi postmodernism în poezia lui Ioan Flora
(Identity and Postmodernism in the Poetry of Ioan Flora)
- Author(s):Virginia Popović
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:158-166
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:poetry; postmodernism; identity; memory; Serbian Banat
- Summary/Abstract:Ioan Flora, with his memory of the Serbian Banat, the native place he left behind, focuses on this space he regards as full of magic and confers upon it a multicultural and postmodern identity, these being specific connotations which turn the poet into a unique voice in the context of contemporary Romanian literature. Ioan Flora is Romanian poet from Serbia, who is placed by literary criticism and history among the writers of the 1980s generation. Flora's poetry uses space as a central point of view in many of his poems, a space where the poet located himself. In the same time, in parallel with the theories of postmodernism, Flora uses memory irony to describe the true landmarks in Romanian literature from the Serbian Banat. This paper presents the most significant poetic motifs of Ioan Flora’s poetry.
- Price: 8.00 €
Exilul ca modus vivendi
Exilul ca modus vivendi
(Exile as modus vivendi)
- Author(s):Maria-Miruna Ciocoi-Pop
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:167-174
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:exile; literature; culture; moral survival; social context
- Summary/Abstract:This article sets several guidelines for the coordinates of the exile, which becomes, in the case of many authors, a sine qua non condition of moral and spiritual survival. It is interesting that even though the exile, as a social and political reality, has disappeared, it still exists in the moral context of authors. In what follows I will underline the reasons why Petru Popescu and Jeffrey Eugenides cannot, from a spiritual point of view, break free from their status of exiles.
- Price: 8.00 €
Haiti: repere istorice, sociale și politice
Haiti: repere istorice, sociale și politice
(Haiti: Historical, Social and Political References)
- Author(s):Ștefan-Iaroslav Daniel
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Local History / Microhistory, Social development, Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:175-192
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Haiti; colonization; UN; chronology; historical marks
- Summary/Abstract:In most bibliographical references, both Anglophone and Francophone, the “birth of Hispaniola” dates back to its discovery by Cristopher Columbus. The pre-Columbian stage is much less discussed and the documentary material dedicated to it is significantly less substantial. In an attempt organize the disparate and sometimes contradictory information provided by some bibliographic sources, we have consulted several chronologies and various historiographical references that show the socio-political evolution of the whole island of Saint-Domingue. Aside from drawing a historical image of Haiti as close to reality as possible, I have considered that it would only be possible to sketch a substantiated picture of the socio-cultural, political and economic situation of this inscribed state (with a spectacular vocation for failure, on a downward spiral of generalized corruption, social chaos and overturned values and of an inexplicable rejection of any real chance for betterment) by exploring its past and identifying the mechanisms through which the “Haiti phenomenon” took place.
- Price: 8.00 €
Strategii şi resurse în construcţia de imagine. Timişoara, Capitală Culturală Europeană în 2021
Strategii şi resurse în construcţia de imagine. Timişoara, Capitală Culturală Europeană în 2021
(Resources for Building a Proper PR and Image Campaign for the City of Timișoara as a European Capital of Culture in the Year 2021)
- Author(s):Lia Lucia Epure
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Communication studies
- Page Range:193-199
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Public Image; PR Image Construction; European Capital of Culture
- Summary/Abstract:This paper awill discuss several general conceptual and especially symbolic lines of a possible Public Relations approach which could be used in order to build a solid and authentic PR and public communication campaign for the City of Timisoara (Romania) for 2021 when the city will be the European Capital of Culture. The paper draws a short picture by developing a brief classification of the set of symbolic and material resources which could be used in order to obtain an effective PR campaign not only for the great cultural event scheduled for the year 2021 for the City of Timisoara but also for building a positive image for the city and the entire region and country. This paper is written with the purpose of discussing a general theoretical frame for an effective PR campaign. Therefore, we are not highlighting practical aspects which are either already present in this specific PR campaign or they will be in near future.
- Price: 8.00 €
Înțelegerea acțiunii sociale în cadrul teoriei raționalității comunicative a lui Jürgen Habermas
Înțelegerea acțiunii sociale în cadrul teoriei raționalității comunicative a lui Jürgen Habermas
(Understanding Social Action within the Theory of Communicative Rationality of Jürgen Habermas)
- Author(s):Ioan Lesutan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Philosophy
- Page Range:200-218
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:theory of communicative rationality; social action; strategic action; communicative action
- Summary/Abstract:The theory of communicative rationality by Jürgen Habermas differentiates between two kinds of social action: the success-oriented strategic action and understandingoriented communicative action. Strategic action is a purposive-rational action oriented towards other persons from a utilitarian point of view, for example the calculative manipulation of others. In other words, an actor who acts strategically is primarily trying to achieve his own ends. In contrast, communicative action is oriented towards mutual conflict resolution through understanding. Actors here do not primarily aim at accomplishing their own success, but want to harmonize their plans of actions with the other participants. This attempt to sustain consensus is based on the intersubjective recognition of criticisable validity claims. Thus, communicative action is the opposite of strategic action. In addition, Habermas argues that the use of language with an orientation of understanding is the”original” mode of language.
- Price: 8.00 €
Participarea socială a persoanelor vârstnice
Participarea socială a persoanelor vârstnice
(The Social Participation of the Elderly)
- Author(s):Aurora Lupaş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Social differentiation, Gerontology
- Page Range:219-227
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:social participation; active aging; elderly; quality of life; loneliness; social services for the elderly
- Summary/Abstract:Older people represent a category which specifically constitutes the object of social worker intervention. The modern society treats the elderly with disbelief the uselessness, by creating a culture of young people where the older person finds his or her place increasingly difficult. Promoting the concept of „active aging” assumes education and formation for a lifetime, making withdrawing from activity progressive, by practicing activities beneficial to health.
- Price: 8.00 €
Modelul asistenţial de intervenţie şi îngrijire paleativă în demenţă
Modelul asistenţial de intervenţie şi îngrijire paleativă în demenţă
(The Model of Social Assistance and Palliative Care in Dementia)
- Author(s):Oana Alexandra Morcan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:228-235
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:dementia; Alzheimer; social policies; psycho-social assistance; need intrvention; palliative care
- Summary/Abstract:There are only a few studies on the Romanian local and national level dealing with the extent of dementia in the Romanian population, as well as on the needs of people affected by it and their caretakers. In order to lay the foundations of a social and psychological intervention, there are social policies which create services or facilities for this category and their peers. The present research meets these objectives by evaluating and analyzing the social problems to be improved or settled.
- Price: 8.00 €
Scurte biografii ale autorilor
Scurte biografii ale autorilor
- Contributor(s):Author Not Specified (Editor)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
- Page Range:238-245
- No. of Pages:8
- Price: 4.50 €