Atașamentul copiilor cu istoric de abandon, ca urmare a plasamentului familial vs. adoptiei
Attachment of children with abandonment history as a result of family placement vs. adoption

Author(s): Oana Alexandra Morcan
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Trivent Publishing
Keywords: attachment; family placement; adoption; family alternatives; institutionalization
Summary/Abstract: Starting from the premise that one of the words with the darkest resonance, no matter the language, is the one which denotes abandonment "(D, Magdalena, 1998, p.5), M. Ainsworth has defined the concept of safety by matching the attachment system with the exploration system (1974). In this paper, we are highlighting the affective, cognitive, somatic, social and behavioural problems in children currently facing these life situations, in once abandoned children, in children currently in foster families or foster care, waiting for an eventual adoptive family. In this respect, the main purpose is to examine the existing relationships between the problems of children adopted or in placement, evaluated from 3 perspectives: scales2measuring syndromes, DSM derived scales, ADHD problems and internalization problems and outsourcing.

  • Page Range: 144-152
  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Romanian
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