Индустриален бизнес и предприемачесво - иновации в науката и практиката. Сборник с доклади от международна научно-практическа конференция
Industrial Business and Entrepreneurship - innovation in science and practice. Proceeding book from international scientific and practical conference
Contributor(s): Ilian Minkov (Editor), Yordan Ivanov (Editor), Ivan Petrov (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Energy and Environmental Studies, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: industry; enterprise; innovation; competition; human resource management;marketing approach; management of investment;
Summary/Abstract: This proceedings are dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the "Industrial Business and Entrepreneurship" specialty at the University of Economics - Varna. Thematic areas are: Competitiveness,innovation and technological development; Re-engineering in the industrial business; Entrepreneurship and self-employment; Current practices of human resource management; Marketing aspects of business management; Industrial policies for sustainable development and economic growth; Challenges to Logistics in various sectors of the economy.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-21-0982-2
- Page Count: 528
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian
Седемдесет години специалност "Индустриален бизнес и предприемачество" в ИУ-Варна
Седемдесет години специалност "Индустриален бизнес и предприемачество" в ИУ-Варна
(Seventy years of specialty "Industrial Business and Entrepreneurship" at the UЕ-Varna)
- Author(s):Ilian Minkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:19 - 26
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:university; industry; business
- Summary/Abstract:In 2018, "Industrial Business and Entrepreneurship" marks 70 years, which is a sign of tradition, maturity and sustainability in development. All these years, the specialty manages to survive the changing socio-economic conditions in the country and the dynamics of the specialty structure in the higher economic schools and to train tens of thousands of economists who have been successful in all spheres of the economy
Индустрията в България: между оценката на настоящето и очакванията за бъдещето
Индустрията в България: между оценката на настоящето и очакванията за бъдещето
(The Bulgarian Industry: Between assessment of this future and expectation of future)
- Author(s):Nikolay Shterev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:27-44
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:industrial growth; Industry 4.0; marketing leadership
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgarian industry is at the crossroads of two different systems: the sharing industry and the net-value industry. The dilemma of the development of the modern Bulgarian industry is complemented by the measures of National Strategy for digitization of the Bulgarian business and, at the same time, in creating the common attitude and institutional support for establishment a Bulgarian industry that is part of the European value chain (mainly at its first levels). Regardless of the strategic choice of the different levels of government (Bulgaria has not yet established a strategy for industrial renaissance), one of the most important features of modern industry is the organization of processes, and in the modern market society. Leading global practices are orient towards industrial development based on marketing leadership and establishment of appropriate marketing organization. The level of acceptance of these leading practices should answer to the main question: Where does the Bulgarian industry go?This paper is structured as follows: 1. Where is the place of Bulgarian industry according to the evolutional stages of development towards Industry 4.0 through Internet 4.0 instruments. 2. What is the role of the marketing organization to ensure "boost" to the development of the Bulgarian industry. 3. How the leadership of marketing should be followed by industrial growth?
Иновациите и предприемачеството в България - основни параметри и оценки
Иновациите и предприемачеството в България - основни параметри и оценки
(Innovation and entrepreneurship in Bulgaria – basic parameters and evaluation)
- Author(s):Iskra Pantaleeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:45 - 57
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:innovation; entrepreneurship; innovative entrepreneurship
- Summary/Abstract:Innovation and entrepreneurship are attractive issue, which has been in the interest of scientists for centuries, which focusing business, political circles and institutions, forcing them to constantly seek, propose and implement actions and measures to achieve good economic performance, generate growth and maintaining the competitiveness of business systems at all levels of aggregation – at enterprise, regional, sectoral and national level. In the report are presented empirical data – a concentrated empirical expression of the background of innovation and entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. Findings and outlines key areas for targeted impacts from/on all players with respect to innovation and entrepreneur-ship are formulated.
Роля на моделите за управление на клиентски портфейли в мениджмънта на ключови клиенти
Роля на моделите за управление на клиентски портфейли в мениджмънта на ключови клиенти
(The role of customer portfolio models for key account management)
- Author(s):Evgeni Stanimirov, Viktoria Stancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:58 - 63
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:CRM; customer portfolio; key account management
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays the importance of managing the customer relationships of a company for her long-term success is widely acknowledged. It is also known that some of the customers (the so-called “key accounts”) create more value than others. In an era of constant digital transformations and a variety of data collection and analysis instruments available the customer portfolio models gain more popularity. The paper discusses the role of customer portfolio models for key account management and identifies some of the expected positive effects from their application.
Широколентовото бизнес предприемачество, като нова технология на комплексния реинженеринг
Широколентовото бизнес предприемачество, като нова технология на комплексния реинженеринг
(Broadband business entrepreneurship as a new technology of complex re-engineering)
- Author(s):Bozhidar Hadzhiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:64 - 75
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Integrated Reengineering; Broadband Entrepreneurship; Industry 4.0; Digital Business Infrastructure; Multi-Business Business Entrepreneurship
- Summary/Abstract:In the modern world, entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly widespread and affects the creation of changes in every business space, at every level in every industrial and territorial area. This is entrepreneurship driven by broadband shopping of goods and services, instant communications, negotiations, orders and deals. It is based on the ideas of Complex Reengineering (CR) theory, the three-tier model and the seven concepts of this theory. This kind of entrepreneurship is closely linked to the CR's objectives and tasks to achieve benefits for both business and society and for nature. In the context of turbulence and business digitization, the need for broadband and multi-lingual entrepreneurship to create digital business infrastructures in which active economic actors receive a new digital existence and electronic mechanisms and tools for all activities of the gaming business are growing. This kind of entrepreneurship is also necessary for every industrial sector, as the variety and speed of technologies are developing with increasing ascending function. The survey focuses on this type of entrepreneurship as a new technology for the CR. An attempt is made to focus research and business practice on the expansion of entrepreneurship through the use of the CR and the transition to industry 4.0 and the use of business technologies based on copying nature and natural processes.
Необходимост от комплексен реинженеринг на туристическия бизнес в България
Необходимост от комплексен реинженеринг на туристическия бизнес в България
(Need of complex re-engineering of the tourism business in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Bozhidar Hadzhiev, Valentina Nikolova-Aleksieva, Iva Bachvarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:76 - 88
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:tourism business; tourism industry; quality management; complex reengineering
- Summary/Abstract:"Tourism business management" is a widely discussed topic, but the lack of meaningful ideas associated with this expression gradually turns it into a scientific and media cliché. This increases the likelihood of its dilution and amorphousness. Tourism has always been linked to the food industry, nutrition, transport, information and culture. But, over the last decades, they have undergone spectacular changes that naturally affect the management of the tourism business. The classical management of tourist companies no longer provides the necessary positive result. The objective construction of the management of the tourism business is complex. It is also complicated to interact with the set of different classical theories and management approaches. The main purpose of the study is to reveal the reasons for the application of complex reengineering (CR) to the tourism business. The results obtained from the management of the tourism business, based on the theory of complex reengineering, are justified. Certain opportunities have been identified to improve the tourism business through CR implementation.
Модел за оптимален избор на доставчици на суровини и материали
Модел за оптимален избор на доставчици на суровини и материали
(A model for optimal choice of supplier of goods and materials)
- Author(s):Rosen Nikolaev, Tanka Milkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:89 - 98
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:optimizing; supply; supply chain
- Summary/Abstract:The effective functioning of each supply chain is determined by the optimal fulfillment of all key business processes with one of them concerning the management of all the relations with suppliers, including logistic activities like determining the needs of material resources, choice of suppliers and specifying the quality of supply. In the specialized literature some economic-mathematical models for optimal choice of suppliers are proposed where the main criteria for optimality are minimizing the transportation costs, minimizing the supply organization costs, optimizing the supply reserves storing costs etc. In the present paper an economic-mathematical model for optimal choice of suppliers is suggested from point of view of minimizing the expenses for buying goods and materials.
Съвременни роли в упавлението на човешките ресурси
Съвременни роли в упавлението на човешките ресурси
(The modern role in management of human resources)
- Author(s):Stoyan Koev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:99 - 106
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:human resources; human resources management; modern roles; human resources specialists; organizational change
- Summary/Abstract:In today's rapidly changing global business world, organizations are facing more complex and competitive environment. Human Resource specialists should recruit, train, and retain the most talented employees while at the same time, improving organizational competencies and capabilities. Human Resource Management success requires not only the capacity to observe a competitive fast changing environment, but also the ability to adapt in brand new conditions. It is precisely these changes that impose new, more comprehensive roles for human resource management specialists related to strategic planning, communication, motivation and assessment of the possibility of human resources change in implementing the organization's development strategies.
Една възможност за двукритериално оптимизиране разпределението на кораби по кейови места
Една възможност за двукритериално оптимизиране разпределението на кораби по кейови места
(One opportunity for double-criteria optimization of ship distribution among port berths)
- Author(s):Radan Miryanov, Yuri Dimitrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:107 - 115
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:optimization; port berths; maritime business
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays in the contemporary maritime business a leading role is played by the sea ports and particularly their internal organization. In the present paper the authors analyze the optimization of the distribution of incoming ships among port berths, which is more from point of view of economics and mathematics, rather than technical. Two of the most important criteria are taken into consideration – time wasting and financial costs during the basic port operations. The economic-mathematical model is based on the combination of these factors and some other constraints. The authors not only explain their idea but they add particular examples with a demonstration of the simple online calculations.
Причини за стартиране и основни трудности пред самозаетите лица в България
Причини за стартиране и основни трудности пред самозаетите лица в България
(Key reasons and difficulties to be self-employed in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Ivan Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:116 - 125
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:self-employed; employer; entrepreneurship; self-employment
- Summary/Abstract:This work presents an analysis for the key reasons and difficulties that self-employed people face in Bulgaria on the basis of a labor force sample survey in the In EU’s Community ad hoc module of self-employment. Key motives behind being self-employed are categorized in the following three groups: self-driven decision, forced decision, and miscellaneous. The report shows that the uncertainty, the lack of financial stability and the administrative difficulties are the main issues entrepreneurs face. The analysis is done considering different types of self-employment, sex and economic sectors.
Теории за междуличностни отношения в контекста на управлението на човешките ресурси
Теории за междуличностни отношения в контекста на управлението на човешките ресурси
(Theories for interpersonal relations in the context of the human resources management)
- Author(s):Irena Emilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:126 - 132
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:interpersonal relationships; theories of interpersonal relations; human resources management
- Summary/Abstract:This paper discusses some theories for interpersonal relationships in the context of the Human resources management. There are made short features of: Harry Sullivan’s The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry; George Homans’s The Social Exchange Theory; The Symbolic Interactionism; Irvin Goffman’s The Management of Impressions and Eric Berne’s Concept of Transactional Analysis. There are confirmed perceptions of interpersonal human nature.
Оценка на териториалното месторазположение на предприятията от растително-маслената промишленост
Оценка на териториалното месторазположение на предприятията от растително-маслената промишленост
(Evaluation of the territorial location of enterprises from vegetable-oil industry)
- Author(s):Nikovay Karev, Aleksandra Gospodinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Agriculture
- Page Range:133 - 141
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:territorial structure; manufacturers; production of vegetable oils; assessment
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present study based on definite criteria is to make an assessment of the territorial disposition of the manufacturers for production of vegetable oils by district towns and planning regions. On the basis of the assessment it is established that territorial disposition of manufacturers which produce vegetable oils is done as a result of the quest for closer of the structurally identified manufacturer up to basic raw materials which turns out beneficial influence on development on this subsector from the processing manufacture.
Разработване на иновационна стратегия посредством бенчмаркинг
Разработване на иновационна стратегия посредством бенчмаркинг
(Benchmarking as a method for developing an innovation strategy)
- Author(s):Milena Kirova, Irina Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:142 - 153
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:innovation strategy; innovation process; benchmarking
- Summary/Abstract:The main function of the innovation management is developing and implementing of an innovation strategies. They are the result of the organization's mission, company culture and traditions, the life cycle of the company itself. One of the modern methods of business management is benchmarking. Its usefulness is expressed not only in the fact that is no longer necessary to find an innovation at the all costs. The analysis of the competitors achievements and mistakes makes it possible to build up an own innovation strategy that is as effective as possible. The aim of this work is to analyze the essence of benchmarking as an approach to developing an innovation strategy. It is defined as an "own investment" in the industry knowledge not only at national but also at the international level. As a result, innovations, such as new products for the company, as well as quality improvements, cost reduction, efficiency gains, increased market presence, etc. are achieved.
Мястото на България в Дунавския вътрешен воден транспорт
Мястото на България в Дунавския вътрешен воден транспорт
(The place of Bulgaria in Danube inland water transport)
- Author(s):Donka Zhelyazkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:154 - 161
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Inland waterway transport; river Danube
- Summary/Abstract:In the present paper, the volume of goods transported on the Danube River and the participation of Bulgaria in the total freight traffic is traced in a comparative research in order to systematize current problems with the domestic water transport of the country. In the course of the analysis it was found that the Bulgarian river transport carries relatively small volumes of freight, mainly products from the group "Metal ores, peat and other ore and products" and products of agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.The problems that have been discovered are caused by two main factors: the nature and the human, which lead to a decrease in traffic on the river in the Bulgarian section.
Десетилетие в ЕС - свръхоптимизъм и овладяване на кризата
Десетилетие в ЕС - свръхоптимизъм и овладяване на кризата
(Decade in EU - overoptimism and overcome the crisis)
- Author(s):Michal Stoyanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:162 - 172
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:domestic trade; consumer market; EU membership
- Summary/Abstract:The historical act of full membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in the EU from the beginning of 2007 predetermined the occurrence of significant socio-economic changes with a serious impact on a wide range of aspects of personal, social and economic life. One of the many dimensions of EU legal acts, cohesion and convergence is directly linked to positive innovation and the economic development of domestic trade. Ten years after the act of accession, trade on the Bulgarian consumer market demonstrates its maturity in a dynamic competitive environment created by the expansive behavior of transnational companies and the innovative entrepreneurial strategies of local market participants. Digitization, commodity trading, personalization of customer service and relationships, innovative commercial formats and forms of exchange, evolution in consumer behavior and many others predetermine the ongoing transformation of trade.
Проблеми на културата на екипите по управление на проекти в бизнес организациите
Проблеми на културата на екипите по управление на проекти в бизнес организациите
(Problems of culture of project management teams in business organization)
- Author(s):Ilian Minkov, Simona Kunova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:173 - 183
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:projects; teams; team culture; team management; project management
- Summary/Abstract:Project work enables modern business organizations to increase their competitiveness by introducing different innovations, increasing market flexibility and adaptability, and more. A substantial problem for the effective implementation of project work is building teams, which share an appropriate team culture and values. The report examines the key issues facing the project management team leader in building a team culture, on the basis of which specific measures can be taken to improve it and to increase the cohesion of team members
HR - бранд в системата на стратегическото управление на човешкия капитал на организацията
HR - бранд в системата на стратегическото управление на човешкия капитал на организацията
(HR - brand in system of strategic management of the human capital of the organization)
- Author(s):Nedka Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:184 - 200
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:employer branding; human resources brand; human capital management; talent management
- Summary/Abstract:Labor market globalization and the "war for talents" motivate many companies to seek new management approaches. With the development of the theory and methodology of marketing and the expansion of its practical application on the basis of modern information technology, more and more companies use marketing tools to formulate and implement their competitive strategies. The idea of applying the marketing approach to the strategic management of the human capital in the organization has been proposed and discussed for the first time by the marketing experts Simon Barrow and Tim Ambler in the period 1990-1996, when they both identified and defined for the first time a specific employer's brand (Employer Brand - EB), also called Human Resources Brand (HR - brand), different from the common corporate brand and the product brands of the organization. Unlike other corporate brands, HR-brand identifies the organization as an employer. HR-brand is a new socio-economic and management phenomenon that is now forming its theory and develops its potential in practice. the interest in its application is increasing on a global scale, both in theory and practice. As far as the human capital is key to both small and large companies, it is equally applicable to all organizations, regardless of size and industry. The concept of the HR-brand is rapidly developing as an effective marketing tool for strategic human capital management, creating a positive corporate identity and increasing the competitiveness of the organization, but to date there is no systematized theory and methodology. With increasing interest, its conceptual nature, component structure, models and technology for construction and development, as well as the effects of its strategic application are being discussed. Various approaches, methodologies, models that have a fragmentary character are proposed in the specialized scientific literature. The belief that, to the extent that the employer's brand expresses its unique identity, it is widely believed that it should be created and developed according to a unique internal project of the organization. The main goal of the author in this publication is the systematization of the results of the theoretical research on the conceptual nature, boundaries and component structure of the employer's brand as an innovative marketing tool in the strategic management of the human capital in the organization. The best practices of leading global companies included in the "Fortune Global 500 Companies" are discussed. The practical significance of the study is the possibility that the results could be used by Bulgarian companies in the competitive struggle for attracting talents
Внедряване на системата за управление на взаимоотношенията с клиенти в компания "Никас България" ЕАД
Внедряване на системата за управление на взаимоотношенията с клиенти в компания "Никас България" ЕАД
(Implementation of the system for customer relationship management in "NIKAS Bulgaria")
- Author(s):Penka Goranova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:201 - 211
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:management system; customer relationships
- Summary/Abstract:For organizations interested in retaining their customers, the exclusive value and services are not just policies or actions – they are a relationship of the whole organization, an important part of its overall culture. The strategy for customer relationship management in each company must take into account the specificities of its activities and all market special features
Характеристики на бизнес планирането в зависимост от големината на индустриалните фирми
Характеристики на бизнес планирането в зависимост от големината на индустриалните фирми
(Characteristics of business planning according to the size of industrial companies)
- Author(s):Radko Radev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:212 - 224
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:business planning; industrial companies; marketing concept
- Summary/Abstract:This report is the third one of a series of reports presented by the author. Their aim is to present individual aspects of the survey on the implementation of the business planning process in the industrial companies in Bulgaria. The specific objective of the current report is to summarize the characteristics of business planning according to the size of the industrial companies. The methodological framework of the empirical study, which was carried out among a sample of industrial companies, is presented In brief. The companies from the sample are producers of consumer goods
Връзка между ефикасността и ефективността при обслужването на клиентите и ценовата конкурентоспособност
Връзка между ефикасността и ефективността при обслужването на клиентите и ценовата конкурентоспособност
(Relationship between efficacy and efficiency of customer services and the price competitiveness)
- Author(s):Yordan Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:225 - 232
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:price; perceived value; competitiveness; efficacy; efficiency; consumer satisfaction
- Summary/Abstract:The competitiveness of business organizations in all its dimensions is a matter of concern to many researchers of economic relations over the years. Very often, especially in recent decades, price has been ignored as a factor of competitive dominance as it is concealed behind the quality and characteristics of commodities and services for exchange. Of course in this opinion has logic, but competitiveness can also be related with two key economic terms "efficacy" and "efficiency" of customer service and these are related to the perceived value and the price. Therefore price is not just a fundamental lever in economics but also a measure of competitiveness
Атомната енергетика в енергийният микс на Република България - текущо състояние и перспективи
Атомната енергетика в енергийният микс на Република България - текущо състояние и перспективи
(Nuclear energy in the energy mix of the Republic of Bulgaria - situation and prospects)
- Author(s):Sergey Naydenov, Borislav Boev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:233 - 239
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:nuclear energy; energy mix; low emission energy sources
- Summary/Abstract:Nuclear Energy is key element in the energy mix of the Republic of Bulgaria. Its strategic importance for the country's energy system was predetermined with the launch of the first Bulgarian nuclear power plant at Kozloduy in 1974. For nearly forty years, Bulgaria has gained solid experience and know-how within the nuclear energy sector
Сигналната политика на образователния пазар и цели на университетите
Сигналната политика на образователния пазар и цели на университетите
(Signal Policy of education market and goals at university)
- Author(s):Tsvetan Dilkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:240 - 246
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:knowledge; educational market; signal policy; rating on the university; competences; education services
- Summary/Abstract:Why do people receive higher education if the knowledge received in the university is not used by them in their subsequent work, and some of them with too little effort can be obtained directly at the workplace? Does the education we receive on our labor qualities affect us? In classical work by Michael Spence, for which her author was awarded the Nobel Prize, it is claimed that even assuming that such influence is absent, receiving education is a meaningful act.The point is that education helps a person on the labor market to report his work qualities as a potential recruiter, distinguishing himself from the total workforce. The idea of education as a signal is based on two prerequisites. First, the capacities of the potential worker are 'closed' for the employer, they can not be directly appreciated, and secondly, there is a positive link between the qualities of man as a worker and his learning abilities: easy to learn, then it will be easier for him / her to work
Иновации и технологичното развитие като стратегически предимства на минното предприятие
Иновации и технологичното развитие като стратегически предимства на минното предприятие
(Innovation and technological development as a strategic advantages of mining company)
- Author(s):Borislava Galabova, Boryana Trifonova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:247 - 260
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:innovation; technological development; strategic advantage; innovation capacity; mining enterprise
- Summary/Abstract:Innovation is the foundation of economic development and growth. The state of the country’s innovation system is determined by the innovation activity of the enterprises, their technological and innovational capacity and focus on development and implementation of innovations. This issue acquires even greater relevance in the context of the need to increase the competitiveness of the economy in a timely manner. In this sense, the main purpose of the study is to highlight the role of the innovational and technological development as strategic advantages of the mining enterprise, ensuring high competitiveness and good financial-economic results
Модифицирани показатели за оценка на инвестиционни проекти
Модифицирани показатели за оценка на инвестиционни проекти
(Modified indicators for the assessment of investment project)
- Author(s):Milcho Bliznakov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Financial Markets
- Page Range:261 - 271
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Discounted cash flows; Modified net present value; Reinvestment
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the application of the modified net present value in the assessment of investment projects. The reasons and necessity of using them as well as the interpretation of the obtained values are discussed
Интернет присъствие на производителите на горно облекло във Варненска област
Интернет присъствие на производителите на горно облекло във Варненска област
(Internet presence of the producers of outerwear in Varna district)
- Author(s):Donica Stoyanova, Petar Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:272 - 283
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Internet presence; website; outwear
- Summary/Abstract:The adequate presence in the web space is a factor in the development and prosperity of any organization. The aim of the study is to investigate the Internet presence of the companies producing outwear on the territory of the Varna district, by studying their websites, social networking activities and web catalog registrations. Measures have been identified to improve the online presence of the enterprises
Някой финансови аспекти на устойчивото развитие за българските индустриални компании
Някой финансови аспекти на устойчивото развитие за българските индустриални компании
(Some financial aspects of sustainable development for Bulgarian industrial companies)
- Author(s):Krasimira Naydenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:284 - 293
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:cost of capital; equity; Bulgarian stock market; financial ratios
- Summary/Abstract:The shareholders' evaluation of the industrial companies’ performance is important for their future financing. The Bulgarian stock market is illiquid and unattractive to issuers and investors but provides some opportunities for sustainability policies for national companies. In order to benefit from these, managers need to improve their performance - the P/E, P/B, ROE, ROIC, TRS, and Rd financial ratios of Bulgarian industrial companies do not satisfy investors. Therefore, as well as in combination with the weaknesses of the Bulgarian stock market, access to capital for future long-term risk projects with high added value is limited
Динамичните способности на предприятието в процеса на създаване, развитие и поддържане на конкурентни предимства
Динамичните способности на предприятието в процеса на създаване, развитие и поддържане на конкурентни предимства
(Dynamic capabilities of the enterprise in the process of creating, developing and maintaining competitive advantages)
- Author(s):Monika Mihaylova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:294 - 303
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Dynamic Capabilities; Competitiveness; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Environment
- Summary/Abstract:The current market conditions, characterized by risk and uncertainty, make Bulgarian businesses face new challenges in finding opportunities for achieving sustainable competitiveness. Тhe purpose of this report is to reveal the role and place of dynamic capabilities in the process of creating, developing and maintaining competitive advantages
Икономиката на България в условията на световна икономическа криза. Емпиричен анализ
Икономиката на България в условията на световна икономическа криза. Емпиричен анализ
(Bulgarian economy in the global economic crisis. Empirical analysis)
- Author(s):Marin Geshkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Public Finances
- Page Range:304 - 314
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:production; consumption; unemployment; transmission channels
- Summary/Abstract:The economic crisis that occurred first in the United States (2008), gradually moved across the Atlantic and from the beginning of 2009 severely affected all European countries, including Bulgarian companies. The aim of our research is an empirical assessment of the Bulgarian economy on macro level during the economic crisis post 2009. We considered the dynamics of specific macroeconomic indicators such as the changes in GDP per capita, changes in unemployment rate, changes in inflation rate and so on. Our report will be organized as follows: 1. Introduction, 2. Transmission channels of the negative effects of the global economic crisis, 3. The Impact of the Global Crisis on Bulgarian economy. Empirical analysis, 4. Conclusion
Българска отбранително технологична и индустриална база - пет години по-късно
Българска отбранително технологична и индустриална база - пет години по-късно
(Bulgarian defense technological and industrial base - five years later)
- Author(s):Ivaylo B. Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:315 - 330
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:BDTIB; Security; Defence; EU; NATO; Conflicts
- Summary/Abstract:The scale of production and export of defense and special products from Bulgaria has increased steadily over the recent years. The Export is expected to exceed the value of 1 billion euro this year. The Bulgarian Defense Technological and Industrial Base (BDTIB) are making a significant contribution to this process. From practical point of view the challenges to the functioning and development of this industrial sector in our country are interesting. There are many opportunities and risks to it. The current situation on the specific and highly competitive International market for defense goods and services are very dynamic and rapidly changing. Bulgarian enterprises are forced to actively compete for their presence in these markets. At the same time BDTIB are continuing to seek their adequate role in the national projects for the Bulgarian Armed Forces modernization
Предизвикателства и перспективи пред иновационната дейност в страните от Европейският съюз
Предизвикателства и перспективи пред иновационната дейност в страните от Европейският съюз
(Challenges and perspectives before innovative activities in the European union countries)
- Author(s):Milen Emilov Dinkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:331 - 337
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:innovation; novation; organizational efficiency; technological development
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years innovation-related issues have become more and more relevant and relevant. The society begins to understand the importance of innovation and its role in all spheres of life - they are the reason for the development of the market, the improvement of the quality and the expansion of the range of goods and services, the creation of new production methods, the emergence of a new kind of trade or improving management efficiency.High innovation activity is a prerequisite for the economic development of each country. This is achieved through growth in the volume of realized investment resources, their most efficient use in the priority areas of material production and the social sphere. The benefits of innovation are varied. It is generally accepted that innovation is crucial to improving economic performance, social welfare and environmental sustainability. On the other hand, they can improve organizational efficiency, provide higher quality and more timely services to citizens, reduce costs, provide new working methods, and enable better implementation and management in new directions
Иновационна политика в някои водещи иновативни икономики - част втора
Иновационна политика в някои водещи иновативни икономики - част втора
(Innovations policies in some leading innovative economies - part two)
- Author(s):Plamen Pavlov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:338 - 350
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:innovations; innovation policy
- Summary/Abstract:Innovations promote the productivity and competitive advantages of the business. But in order to innovate, there must be a coherent national innovation policy that will stimulate businesses and organizations to innovate and create the right environment for both the creation of innovative products and processes and their realization. Different countries apply a variety of concrete measures to stimulate innovation, and governments are always a major player in the implementation of innovation policy
Внедряване на екологична политика в предприятията - предпоставка за повишаване на конкурентоспособността им
Внедряване на екологична политика в предприятията - предпоставка за повишаване на конкурентоспособността им
(Integration of environmental policy into organization - a prerequisite for increasing competitiveness)
- Author(s):Radka Petrova Ivanova, Radmil Nikolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:351 - 362
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:ecology; environment; policy; ISO 14001; EMAS
- Summary/Abstract:Polluting the environment and the negative effects on people’s lives has turned into a serious issue in the last few decades. Its popularization attracts even more attention from the society. In this way of thoughts a couple of organizations direct their efforts towards forming special economic politics aiming to decrease the human damage on the environment. In support to that, the ISO develops a special standart, whose integration shows the efforts of organizations to minimize negative impact on the nature and also to improve their public image
Читалищата и устойчивото развитие на градовете
Читалищата и устойчивото развитие на градовете
(Cultural institution and sustainable urban development)
- Author(s):Silviya Dimitrova, Svetoslav Stoychev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:363 - 374
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:chitalishte (cultural institution); sustainable development; cultural activities; SDGs
- Summary/Abstract:This paper considers the "Napredak 1901" Chitalishte - Razgrad, typical bulgarian cultural institution, and the contribution of its activity towards the Sustainable Development Goals' achievement. Generally, its contribution is about protecting the heritage (11.4, 11.7) and population's education (4.7). The most visible transformations are regarding cultural results (advancement of community wellbeing through citizens’ active participation in artistic and cultural consumption) and social (social inclusion, gender equality, between generations, etc.).
Задържане на персонала - предизвикателство пред съвременния бизнес
Задържане на персонала - предизвикателство пред съвременния бизнес
(Staff retention - a challenge to modern business)
- Author(s):Silviya Hristova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:375 - 381
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:find; retention; staff; motivation; organization
- Summary/Abstract:Finding and retaining staff is a major problem for modern companies on the one hand. On the other hand, a large part of the working-age population is unemployed or seeks livelihood outside of the country. The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between these two problems and how to deal with them. One way is to properly motivate human resources
Специфика на маркетинга на взаимоотношенията с клиенти
Специфика на маркетинга на взаимоотношенията с клиенти
(Specificities of customer relationship marketing)
- Author(s):Tsanko Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:382 - 390
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:customer relationships; marketing; specificities
- Summary/Abstract:Relationship marketing aims at forming a strong customer loyalty to the company. It affects every aspect of everyday lives of costumers, gives them the opportunity to make the right product choice, stimulates their new ideas and is characterized by certain specificities that provoke scientific interest
Проявление на кохезионната политика на Европейският съюз чрез оперативните програми в България
Проявление на кохезионната политика на Европейският съюз чрез оперативните програми в България
(Performance of the European union's cohesion policy through the operational programs in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Vladi Korshumov, Vladislav Valchinov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:391 - 401
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Cohesion policy; Structural funds; Operational programs; Competitiveness
- Summary/Abstract:Cohesion policy of the European Union is of great importance for the development of the member states, incl. Bulgaria. Operational programs, as a tool for fulfilling the objectives of the Policy and the funding they provide, have an impact on enhancing the competitiveness of both organizations and at national level
Предимства на прилагането на ресурсно базираната теория при формулиране на операционната стратегия на фирмите
Предимства на прилагането на ресурсно базираната теория при формулиране на операционната стратегия на фирмите
(Advantages of the application of the resource based theory in the formulation of the operational strategy of the companies)
- Author(s):Stefan Kalpachev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:402 - 410
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:operational strategy; resource based theory; production performance; competitiveness; manufacturing
- Summary/Abstract:Understanding the sources of a sustainable competitive advantage is of a key importance in formulating an enterprise's operational strategy, perceived as a common model of decisions that shape the long-term capability of each type of activity, and their contribution to the overall strategy by combining market requirements with operational resources. Based on a comparison of sustainable competition models based on environmental and resource-based exploitation, three types of resources are derived, the exploitation of which could lead to a firm competitive advantage
Интелектуалния капитал - основа на съвременния бизнес и предизвикателство пред финансовата отчетност
Интелектуалния капитал - основа на съвременния бизнес и предизвикателство пред финансовата отчетност
(Intellectual capital - basis of contemporary business and challenge for financial reporting)
- Author(s):Atanas Atanasov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:411 - 427
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:intellectual capital; book value; market value; integrated reporting
- Summary/Abstract:This paper shares the view that in the current economic context, the role of capital as a basis for the company's market assessments in its traditional sense, in the form of financial and tangible capital, is gradually decreasing and supplemented and replaced by the growing role of intangible assets. That is why we believe that modern corporate reports should provide information not only about the financial situation of an enterprise in its traditional sense, but also about strategic goals, resource use, intellectual capital, socially responsible practices, and through the implementation of the concept of integrated reporting. In this way, users will be able to deliver significantly higher information and communication needs than they had years before, and ultimately allow them to explain the model in which the business generates value
Класически и съвременни измерения на индустриалния контрашпионаж
Класически и съвременни измерения на индустриалния контрашпионаж
(Classic and modern aspects of industrial counterespionage)
- Author(s):Tsanko Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:428 - 442
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:industrial counterespionage; corporate security; threats
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the report introduces a different view on both classic and modern aspects of industrial counterespionage in context of the transition from information to knowledge society. Different threats to intellectual property have been identified in order to highlight the increasing role of security in modern business
Еволюция на портфейлния подход в бизнеса
Еволюция на портфейлния подход в бизнеса
(Evaluation of the portfolio approach in business context)
- Author(s):Viktoriya Stancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:443 - 451
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:CRM; portfolio theory; risk
- Summary/Abstract:Portfolio theory, which has emerged in the field of financial investment, has come into the wider context of management over time. Portfolio models are used for decision-making in conditions of risk and uncertainty regarding product management, project management, real estate investment, customer relationship management, etc. The report tracks the evolution of the Portfolio Approach in a business context and identifies guidelines for its future development
Концептуален модел за измерване на представянето от подобряване на управлението на знанието и информацията в организацията
Концептуален модел за измерване на представянето от подобряване на управлението на знанието и информацията в организацията
(Conceptual model for measuring the performance of the companies from improving knowledge management and information in the organization)
- Author(s):Nevena Shopova-Grigorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:452 - 460
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:knowledge; information; competitiveness; efficiency; effectiveness
- Summary/Abstract:The availability, dissemination and use of adequate information for implementation of the activities of organizations are key in achieving high efficiency and effectiveness in the work of today's global business. [1] The implementation of information management systems is one of the main approaches to improving their performance. [3,7] Improving their effectiveness and efficiency is a major motivating factor for a positive perception of the need for their presence in companies. [8] Implementation of systems implies an appropriate internal environment and a culture of knowledge and information sharing. [9] Developing the conceptual model, which facilitates the objective measurement of results and creates a logical sequence to assess the functioning of the knowledge and information management systems
Същност на риска в икономиката и бизнеса
Същност на риска в икономиката и бизнеса
(The nature of the risk in economics and business studies)
- Author(s):Marieta Hristova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:461 - 476
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:risk; business environment; competitiveness; business risk
- Summary/Abstract:The development of economic relations, globalization, modern technology place a number of challenges not only to business organizations but also to the academic community. The environment in which businesses operate in all sectors of the economy is full of opportunities and threats that affect the achievement or not of the desired results. This is associated with expressing the concept of risk in the economy and business
Емоционалната интелигентност - предпоставка за ефективна екипна работа
Емоционалната интелигентност - предпоставка за ефективна екипна работа
(Emotional Intelligence - prerequisite for effective teamwork)
- Author(s):Stefka Masaldzhiyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:477 - 490
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:emotional intelligence; team emotional intelligence; abilities, product of emotional intelligence; effective teamwork
- Summary/Abstract:In modern conditions, building and functioning teams has a key role for the success of business organizations. The scientific evidence for this are indisputable. The range of features of the efficient team is wide. Among them, an important place is occupied by those of a psychological nature, and in particular related to emotional intelligence - the personal of each member of the team and the team group as a whole.The issue of emotional intelligence has intense scientific development and evolution over the last decades. Business practice, and in particular bulgarian industrial organizations, are still lagging behind the scientific wealth in the field of emotional intelligence and the use of its potential. Undoubtedly, personal emotional intelligence is influenced by the organizational environment and especially by the particular environment within the team to which the individual employees belong. At the same time, the high level of emotional intelligence in the team is one of the important preconditions for its effective action and the achievement of challenging goals.
Организационна култура и удовлетвореност на персонала
Организационна култура и удовлетвореност на персонала
(Organizational culture and employee satisfaction)
- Author(s):Tsvetelina Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:491 - 497
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organization; organizational culture; motivation; satisfaction; employee
- Summary/Abstract:The modern business context is a set of facts that predetermined and define a new approach to the management of one of the most important resources - the human one. Each organization aims to achieve better results, each supervisor knows that their achievement depends on the proper management of organizational culture. At a time when a number of companies can provide a lucrative workplace with adequate pay, other incentives are needed to attract and retain loyal employees. The competitive edge of many organizations is the market share of the company and its clients, and more and more attention is being paid to the right employees and their satisfaction
Government policies affecting entrepreneurship and doing business in Albania
Government policies affecting entrepreneurship and doing business in Albania
(Government policies affecting entrepreneurship and doing business in Albania)
- Author(s):Dorina Koci
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:498 - 506
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:policies; entrepreneurship; business
- Summary/Abstract:Government policies, that support a dynamic business environment, create greater opportunities for all stakeholders in one's country's economy. These supportive policies are more relevant to entrepreneurs, enabling them to make more investments, create more jobs and increase productivity of the country. One of the main challenges of the Albanian market is the survival of small and medium entrepreneurs by the pressure of the global market suppliers, who supply the domestic market with quality and competitive prices. According to Doing Business 2018 report, Albania has a drop of 7 levels in the "Easy of doing business" ranking compared to the previous report. The aim of this paper is to offer a comparative and interpretative analysis of the government policies that affect entrepreneurship and doing business in Albania, by using a methodology based on secondary data
Evaluation of the level of financial literacy of entrepreneurs of MSMES – case of rural areas in Albania
Evaluation of the level of financial literacy of entrepreneurs of MSMES – case of rural areas in Albania
(Evaluation of the level of financial literacy of entrepreneurs of MSMES – case of rural areas in Albania)
- Author(s):Perseta Grabova, Greta Bakiasi, Xhorxhina Gjoni
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:507 - 520
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:financial literacy; entrepreneurs; financial inclusion; Albania
- Summary/Abstract:Micro-Small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) make up the majority of enterprises in Albania. International studies argue that the low level of financial literacy is a major obstacle to seeking financial products and services for MSMEs, since their entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with such products and services and consequently do not ask to access them. The main purpose of this research is to assess the impact of the financial literacy components in promoting financial inclusion for MSMEs entrepreneurs in rural areas in Albania. Based on the data collected through the survey, it was also analyzed, the relationship between entrepreneurs financial literacy, demographic and socio-economic factors. From the results of this study it was concluded that skills, knowledge and financial attitude are necessary to enable the financial inclusion of entrepreneurs. Also, significant differences have been noted in the level of financial literacy according to the socio-demographic characteristics of MSMEs entrepreneurs. The findings of this study are important for government authorities, educational institutions and financial system actors. Understanding the level of financial literacy of entrepreneurs can contribute not only in clarifying their financial decision making process but also their business performance
Counterparty risk management in an industrial enterprise
Counterparty risk management in an industrial enterprise
(Counterparty risk management in an industrial enterprise)
- Author(s):Zoya Ivanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:521 - 528
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:counterparty risk management; risk counterparties; risk circumstances; risk exposure; industrial enterprise
- Summary/Abstract:Counterparty risk as a distinct type of risk generates a number of difficulties, some of which to one degree or another strongly influence the functioning, development, survival of the industrial unit. It creates a chain reaction that inevitably leads to lack of working capital for sustaining the current production activity and the timely coverage of costs related to production and its realisation. To a great extent all this reflects on the production activity of the enterprise and on the impossibility to provide enough funds to pay its obligations. The purpose of this paper is the counterparty risk and to justify the possibility of its management, thus limiting and reducing the unfavourable consequences and risk exposure of the industrial enterprise