Внедряване на екологична политика в предприятията - предпоставка за повишаване на конкурентоспособността им
Integration of environmental policy into organization - a prerequisite for increasing competitiveness

Author(s): Radka Petrova Ivanova, Radmil Nikolov
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: ecology; environment; policy; ISO 14001; EMAS
Summary/Abstract: Polluting the environment and the negative effects on people’s lives has turned into a serious issue in the last few decades. Its popularization attracts even more attention from the society. In this way of thoughts a couple of organizations direct their efforts towards forming special economic politics aiming to decrease the human damage on the environment. In support to that, the ISO develops a special standart, whose integration shows the efforts of organizations to minimize negative impact on the nature and also to improve their public image

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