Десетилетие в ЕС - свръхоптимизъм и овладяване на кризата
Decade in EU - overoptimism and overcome the crisis

Author(s): Michal Stoyanov
Subject(s): National Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: domestic trade; consumer market; EU membership
Summary/Abstract: The historical act of full membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in the EU from the beginning of 2007 predetermined the occurrence of significant socio-economic changes with a serious impact on a wide range of aspects of personal, social and economic life. One of the many dimensions of EU legal acts, cohesion and convergence is directly linked to positive innovation and the economic development of domestic trade. Ten years after the act of accession, trade on the Bulgarian consumer market demonstrates its maturity in a dynamic competitive environment created by the expansive behavior of transnational companies and the innovative entrepreneurial strategies of local market participants. Digitization, commodity trading, personalization of customer service and relationships, innovative commercial formats and forms of exchange, evolution in consumer behavior and many others predetermine the ongoing transformation of trade.

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