Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development

Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor), Vasile Meita (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Governance, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: urban planning; architecture; civil engineering
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the esearch conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development, editions 1-8. Individual abstracts available for each article.

  • Page Count: 209
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: English, Romanian, French
Columns and their representation in architecture such as trees

Columns and their representation in architecture such as trees
(Columns and their representation in architecture such as trees)

Research approaches in the field of construction economics

Research approaches in the field of construction economics
(Research approaches in the field of construction economics)

Queen Elisabeth Almshouse

Queen Elisabeth Almshouse
(Queen Elisabeth Almshouse)

Architectural competition seen as a research method

Architectural competition seen as a research method
(Architectural competition seen as a research method)

A loosing combination for romanian cities? Shrinking population and urban sprawl

A loosing combination for romanian cities? Shrinking population and urban sprawl
(A loosing combination for romanian cities? Shrinking population and urban sprawl)

Sistemul de planificare spaţială în Germania. Planificarea în criză?

Sistemul de planificare spaţială în Germania. Planificarea în criză?
(German spatial planning. Is planning in a crisis?)

Timp şi spaţiu în Bucureşti

Timp şi spaţiu în Bucureşti
(Time and space in Bucharest)

Reconsidering the suburbs in the context of expansive urbanization

Reconsidering the suburbs in the context of expansive urbanization
(Reconsidering the suburbs in the context of expansive urbanization)

Financing model for climate protection meas-ures on district level

Financing model for climate protection meas-ures on district level
(Financing model for climate protection meas-ures on district level)

Evoluţia favelelor din Rio de Janeiro

Evoluţia favelelor din Rio de Janeiro
(Evolution of Rio de Janeiro slums)

Orientarea în mediul fizic - o problemă de comportament motor şi percepţie vizuală

Orientarea în mediul fizic - o problemă de comportament motor şi percepţie vizuală
(Orientation in the physical environment - a motion behavior and visual perception issue)

Dezvoltare durabilă prin folosirea mortarelor ecologice moderne

Dezvoltare durabilă prin folosirea mortarelor ecologice moderne
(Sustainability through the use of modern environmentally-friendly mortars)

Demography analysis in Romania. Theoretical perspectives at regional level

Demography analysis in Romania. Theoretical perspectives at regional level
(Demography analysis in Romania. Theoretical perspectives at regional level)

Potenţialul urbanistic al ansamblurilor conacelor boiereşti din spaţiul rural; studiu de caz – zona Iaşi

Potenţialul urbanistic al ansamblurilor conacelor boiereşti din spaţiul rural; studiu de caz – zona Iaşi
(Urban potential of the assembly of gentry mansions in the rural space. Case study - the area of Iasi)

Intre trecut şi viitor

Intre trecut şi viitor
(Between past and future)

Le littoral sud-ouest de Madagascar : une zone d’accueil et de départ. Nouvelles mobilités et nouveaux enjeux!

Le littoral sud-ouest de Madagascar : une zone d’accueil et de départ. Nouvelles mobilités et nouveaux enjeux!
(The seaside south-west of Madagascar: an area for coming and leaving. New mobilities and new means)

Behavior of ceramic facades to lateral actions

Behavior of ceramic facades to lateral actions
(Behavior of ceramic facades to lateral actions)

Construction sector evolution in Romania in 2008-2011

Construction sector evolution in Romania in 2008-2011
(Construction sector evolution in Romania in 2008-2011)

Industrial wastewater treatment plants and sound pollution induced

Industrial wastewater treatment plants and sound pollution induced
(Industrial wastewater treatment plants and sound pollution induced)

New trends in interior design

New trends in interior design
(New trends in interior design)

Modern flooring solutions for sport fields

Modern flooring solutions for sport fields
(Modern flooring solutions for sport fields)

Modern technologies for management of historic sites

Modern technologies for management of historic sites
(Modern technologies for management of historic sites)

Activation of mainly construction molding sand mixtures

Activation of mainly construction molding sand mixtures
(Activation of mainly construction molding sand mixtures)

Comparative analysis of representative indicator sof construction in EU

Comparative analysis of representative indicator sof construction in EU
(Comparative analysis of representative indicator sof construction in EU)

Analysis of concrete damage by ettringite-thaumasite system formation

Analysis of concrete damage by ettringite-thaumasite system formation
(Analysis of concrete damage by ettringite-thaumasite system formation)

The impact of research and innovation activity in a knowledge society

The impact of research and innovation activity in a knowledge society
(The impact of research and innovation activity in a knowledge society)

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