Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor), Vasile Meita (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Governance, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: urban planning; architecture; civil engineering
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the esearch conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development, editions 1-8. Individual abstracts available for each article.
- Page Count: 209
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: English, Romanian, French
Columns and their representation in architecture such as trees
Columns and their representation in architecture such as trees
(Columns and their representation in architecture such as trees)
- Author(s):Iulia-Victoria Neagoe
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:4-6
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:architectural; modeling; structure; form; tree
- Summary/Abstract:Structural conformation of buildings is the first step for their accurate and coherent design. In order to comply the basic ideas and the concept of architect it is necessary for him to be the first who takes into account this so that the engineer not to greatly modify the project. The article presents an interesting modality for representing in a conceptual mode columns in the form of natural elements such as trees.
Research approaches in the field of construction economics
Research approaches in the field of construction economics
(Research approaches in the field of construction economics)
- Author(s):Cezar-Petre Simion
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:7-10
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:economy; building; sector
- Summary/Abstract:Until now research on construction economy has had a series of remarkable achievements but also weaknesses originate the lack of understanding of the role of economic research in the field. In the future it will be necessary to address a number of research topics such as: definition of supply and demand in the sector and the need to balance their; determining how state intervention in industry; formulating strategies to take into account all stakeholders; adoption of methodologies for prioritizing investments based on multi-criteria analysis. Future research in construction economics should be directed especially towards solutions applicable in the sector rather than to reflect statistical phenomena.
Queen Elisabeth Almshouse
Queen Elisabeth Almshouse
(Queen Elisabeth Almshouse)
- Author(s):Sidonia Teodorescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:11-14
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Ion D. Berindey; Queen Elisabeth Almshouse; neo-Romanian style; early twentieth century
- Summary/Abstract:Ion D. Berindey (1871-1928) graduated the Belle Arte School in Paris in 1897. Five years later ″Queen Elisabeth” Society put him in charge with the design of an almshouse, which was built in a pavilion system with Neo-Romanian elements of style. Although Ion D. Berindey’s most famous public building is the Palace of Culture in Iaşi (completed in 1925), I shall hereinafter focus Queen Elisabeth Almshouse, one of his almost unknown works.
Architectural competition seen as a research method
Architectural competition seen as a research method
(Architectural competition seen as a research method)
- Author(s):Daniel Comşa
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:15-17
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:architectural competition; research through design; envelope
- Summary/Abstract:Architectural competitions in recent years were the most fruitful expression of Romanian architects, representing the promises of a quality architectural product.Repositioning into a competition environment, based on the quality of the architectural project seems difficult after the real estate boom allowed money and connections to matter more than the design concept based on the quality of housing it is useful for the future development of our profession.. The contest is actually the answer to a specific issue, where little can be added functionally and hierarchies must be obeyed, formally, new comes through personal sensibility, experimenting answers to one of the multiple problems.
A loosing combination for romanian cities? Shrinking population and urban sprawl
A loosing combination for romanian cities? Shrinking population and urban sprawl
(A loosing combination for romanian cities? Shrinking population and urban sprawl)
- Author(s):Alina Băileşteanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography
- Page Range:19-22
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:challenges; integrated; sustainable; polycentric; urban regeneration
- Summary/Abstract:Urban development represents a key element of the sustainable economic development in all the countries. The cities through concentration of the people, services and business are driven forces for competitiveness of the countries. More than 70% of the EU population lives in urban areas, urban areas generate more than 67% of EU GDP, cities are territories that focuses most jobs, most economic and higher education institutions can be found in these areas which also provides access to services and trade. But also, in urban areas - unemployment, social segregation, environmental or mobility (congestion) are emphasized. According to the 2007 report of UNFPA, entitled "Urbanization, urban expansion potential", the phenomenon of urbanization will be the most important factor influencing development in the 21st century. Apparently the Romanian cities are facing similar problems as the Western European cities: decay of inner urban space and deterioration in the social, economic, political and physical substance of the city. In spite of the apparent similarity in the forms of manifestation of these phenomena, their substance is different.After emerging the communism era, Romania had to tackle and overcome all sorts of disparities and to reconnect to current practices and policies developed in Western European countries.
Sistemul de planificare spaţială în Germania. Planificarea în criză?
Sistemul de planificare spaţială în Germania. Planificarea în criză?
(German spatial planning. Is planning in a crisis?)
- Author(s):Irina Caretu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:23-44
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:urbanism; map; strategy; territory; tradition
- Summary/Abstract:Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune să prezinte structura sistemului ierarhic de planificare spaţială în Germania, dezvoltând fiecare nivel de planificare şi anume planificarea la nivel federal, la nivel de Land, la nivel de regiune şi la nivel de comună, prezentând mai apoi şi Legislaţia specială a planificării urbane, capitol care include următoarele subteme: Măsuri de reabilitare urbană, Măsuri de dezvoltare urbană, Restructurare urbană, Oraşul social şi Ordonanţa de conservare. Următorul capitol îşi propune să încerce să răspundă la întrebarea dacă actualmente planificarea spaţială în Germania trece printr-o perioadă de criză, aducând o serie de argumente în acest sens. Astfel că acest capitol se împarte în mai multe subteme printre care se numără şi instrumente de planificare pe timp de criză şi sarcinile de viitor ale planificării spaţiale. Mai apoi lucrarea dezvoltă teoria formulată de Christensen în anul 1985 privind comportamentul în faţa nesiguranţei în procesul de planificare. Christensen, tematizează necesitatea ca planificatorul (urbanistul) să joace rolul de comunicator, mediator. El trebuie să se lupte nu numai cu o nesiguranţă analitică în procesul de planificare, dar şi cu o nesiguranţă sistematică. Planificatorii înţeleg nesiguranţa ca fiind principalul obstacol în procesul de planificare, încercând să o reducă, iar Christensen propune în primul rând o înţelegere mai bună a calcului nesiguranţei la nivel de planificare spaţială. Ultimul capitol abordează planificarea participativă, acest subiect fiind pus în discuţie pentru prima oară în Germania în anii 60, în ziua de azi discuţia participării cetăţenilor la marile decizii în ceea ce priveşte planificarea fiind un nou indicator democratic, formulând centrul noilor metode de planificare în Germania. Din păcate însă participarea este actualmente înţeleasă ca un elemnt ce deranjează, constrânge aşa zisa bună desfăşurare a proceselor de planificare, procesul de paticipare presupunând şi mai mult timp, personal şi bani.
Timp şi spaţiu în Bucureşti
Timp şi spaţiu în Bucureşti
(Time and space in Bucharest)
- Author(s):Irina Caretu, Amalia Balescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Applied Geography
- Page Range:45-65
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:development; Romania; urbanism; architecture; history
- Summary/Abstract:Arhitectura şi contextul urbanistic ilustrează sau conturează intr-o masură importantă caracteristica esenţială a poporului ce îi dă viaţă, ce îi dă vibraţie şi o defineşte. Aşadar arhitectura veche si nouă, dar şi constructele de urbanism sunt cu atât mai interesant de urmărit cu cât ele dezvăluie parcursul istoric al unui popor şi ne lasă să intuim proprietăţile interacţiunii sociale ale acestuia. Această lucrare işi propune să analizeze evoluţia tumultoasă a Bucureştiului din perspectiva urbanistico-arhitecturală, să parcurgă toate etapele dezvoltării pentru o mai bună inţelegere a mediului construit variat si deosebit de interesant al acestui oraş, dar în acelaşi timp îşi propune să analizeze încercarea dinamică, reuşită sau nereuişită, a “oraşului” în demersul de a deveni un organism compus atât estetic cât şi funcţional. Pentru început vom incerca sa stabilim un scurt istoric al traseului pe care arhitectura si urbanismul l-au urmat în Bucureşti. Astfel vom parcurge punctual perioadele care si-au exercitat amprenta asupra orasului, urmărind influentele aduse de fiecare si integrarea acestora în structura ansamblului citadin de astăzi. Prima etapă de dezvoltare analizată este cea medievală, predominant caracterizată de construcţia mânăstirilor şi dezvoltarea aşezărilor domneşti, dar şi prin curente şi influenţe importante precum stilul brâncovenesc, neoclasicismul sau stilul eclectic. Următoarea etapă definitorie, caracterizată de un mediu economic prosper şi de un puternic motor de dezvoltare citadină, este perioada interbelică. Ea va fi urmată de perioada comunistă, o etapă lungă care a modificat radical întreaga structură urbanistico-arhitecturală a oraşului. Nu doar prin distrugerea în masă a clădirilor cu importanţă istorică semnificativă, ci şi prin stilul funcţional şi rece al construcţiilor comuniste care le-au înlocuit, majoritatea lipsite de valoare estetică sau arhitecturală. Un alt moment important adus în discuţie este cutremurul din anul 1977. Atunci o bună parte din oraş a fost distrusă datorita seismului, însă pe de altă parte conducerea comunistă, a folosit dezastrul ca pretext pentru multe demolări şi restructurări forţate, acestea făcând obiectul unei alte părţi importante ale lucrării. Capitolul ultim al lucrării prezintă modele de referinţă din diferite oraşe importante ale Europei, acestea ilustrând punctual rezolvări reuşite ale combinării constructelor arhitecturale actuale cu cele “moştenite” şi conturând direcţii demne de urmărit şi de documentat.
Reconsidering the suburbs in the context of expansive urbanization
Reconsidering the suburbs in the context of expansive urbanization
(Reconsidering the suburbs in the context of expansive urbanization)
- Author(s):Oana-Diana CIUPERCA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography
- Page Range:66-73
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:urban sprawl; functionality; polarization; morphology; development; hierarchy
- Summary/Abstract:The article brings forward two main ideas: the living fact that urban sprawl is nowadays the most common reaction of hyper-urbanisation of the big cities and the lack of experience in the european space in how to deal with this phenomenon, in terms of people’s needs, the role that these satelite settlements receive in the urban system, and the dependency to the „mother city”. Nevertheless, Romanian cities have yet to find a solution for preventing the uncontrolable urban sprawl, which leads to economic and social gaps between these new areas and the main city’s. The reference suburb used for comparisson is Pantelimon Town, a small urban area, adiacent to Bucharest, and completely dependent of it’s range of services and labour market.
Financing model for climate protection meas-ures on district level
Financing model for climate protection meas-ures on district level
(Financing model for climate protection meas-ures on district level)
- Author(s):Felix KNOPF
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Micro-Economics
- Page Range:74-80
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:energy efficiency; district planning; urban development
- Summary/Abstract:This project deals with the issue of climate protection and climate adaptation in city districts. In times of decreasing public funds and new frames for the urban planning the aim is to find a solution for energy related renovation and modernization that integrates and combines features like individual ecological awareness, neighborhood management and urban governance. Based on § 171f of the German Town and Country Planning Code (Baugesetzbuch) the project draws the concept of an Climate Improvement District, that includes elements from existing tools in the field of urban planning.
Evoluţia favelelor din Rio de Janeiro
Evoluţia favelelor din Rio de Janeiro
(Evolution of Rio de Janeiro slums)
- Author(s):Roxana Pufu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography
- Page Range:81-90
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:industry; crime; economic growth; urban integration
- Summary/Abstract:The paper was developed to illustrate how problems arising with the process of urbanization that characterized the middle of the twentieth century, led to the emergence of new types of housing and urban landscape, favelas. Developing for over a century, this phenomenon spread throughout Latin America, creating new problems for the city of Rio de Janeiro which aspires to the status of global city and will be the host of two major international events: Football World Cup 2014 Olympic Summer Games 2016. City crisis caused by economic factors, extreme poverty and criminal practices developed within favelas led government and municipalities to launch projects for integrating these communities into the city, Brazil becoming a role model for other Latin countries.
Orientarea în mediul fizic - o problemă de comportament motor şi percepţie vizuală
Orientarea în mediul fizic - o problemă de comportament motor şi percepţie vizuală
(Orientation in the physical environment - a motion behavior and visual perception issue)
- Author(s):Constantin CHIFELEA
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:91-102
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:orientation; behavior; motion; planning
- Summary/Abstract:The ease to find the road in a building or in a city can be seen as an important function of architectural or urban design. When focusing on navigation problems in buildings, cities and landscapes, the design of the physical environment can be seen as a useful instrument in achieving a specific purpose, such as to facilitate the achievement of a destination or find an escape route. The study aims to analyze the relationship between architecture and urban design (seen as a conceptual representation of the physical environment) environment exploration by human observers and the perception of the elements of the space, represented as abstracted geometric shapes. Research linking urban and architectural design of the navigation in the environment focused mainly on two aspects: space complexity reflected in the structure planand the use of sites differentiation. The study introduced a third direction of research regarding the morphological elements of the physical environment in relation with the needs of guidance of movement; real objects being represented by rectangular surfaces, which describe abstract forms in visual contact with the viewer. Several design rules can be derived from these findings. The architectural or urban design, with a consistent treatment of orientation issues, will greatly reduce the cognitive load of users and will contribute to a better understanding of the environment assembly. Good design enables easy navigationand without error, conveying a sense of satisfaction and accessibility of the architectural or urban message.
Dezvoltare durabilă prin folosirea mortarelor ecologice moderne
Dezvoltare durabilă prin folosirea mortarelor ecologice moderne
(Sustainability through the use of modern environmentally-friendly mortars)
- Author(s):Antoanela Popovici, Ofelia Corbu, Gabriela-Emilia POPIŢA, Attila Puskás
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:103-111
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:WEEE; CRT; composite; waste recovery
- Summary/Abstract:In the European Union, the concept of sustainable development covers all the environmental fields, from development politics to the appropriate management of waste, in respect to the future generations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to prove the possibility of use a new ecological composite as construction material. Electric and Electronic Equipment are putted on the market in amounts that increase from one year to another. At the end of life, only half of the amount of the generated waste is collected. Knowing that the e-waste is framed as hazardous waste, because of their hazardous substances content, the challenge of our society is to confer security to human health and environment by safe recycling. The obtained composite is a material which contain CRT (cathode ray tubes) glass waste and plastic from WEEE (Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment). The experimental strength results (39.24 N/mm2 for composite with CRT and plastic contain), entitled the classification of the new material into the mortars category.The obtaining of this type of composite is a new WEEE recycling method, environmentally friendly.
Demography analysis in Romania. Theoretical perspectives at regional level
Demography analysis in Romania. Theoretical perspectives at regional level
(Demography analysis in Romania. Theoretical perspectives at regional level)
- Author(s):Maria Buhociu, Dragoş Horia Buhociu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:112-116
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:regional development; development strategy; demography indicator
- Summary/Abstract:Regional development is a current theme in both public debate and political agenda of Romania in the context of the 2014-2020 programming period. This paper examines the latest theories available, performing an analysis of the population by identifying key demographic theories and applied studies at European and national level. Analysis of regional demographic phenomena highlights the need for political and administrative preoccupation in the development of a strategy for demographic development.
Potenţialul urbanistic al ansamblurilor conacelor boiereşti din spaţiul rural; studiu de caz – zona Iaşi
Potenţialul urbanistic al ansamblurilor conacelor boiereşti din spaţiul rural; studiu de caz – zona Iaşi
(Urban potential of the assembly of gentry mansions in the rural space. Case study - the area of Iasi)
- Author(s):Dragoş CIOLACU
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:117-122
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:conac; spaţiu rural; urbanism; Iaşi
- Summary/Abstract:Lucrarea de faţă este doar o introducere în problematica localizării şi conservării conacelor boiereşti din zona Iaşului, un program architectural şi social cu un rol determinant în modernizarea zonelor rurale românesti.
Intre trecut şi viitor
Intre trecut şi viitor
(Between past and future)
- Author(s):Anda Bălaşa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:123-130
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Berzei-Uranus; patrimoniu; bulevard
- Summary/Abstract:Poster-ul constituie o imagine simbol pentru demolările începute în urma construirii noului bulevard Buzesti – Berzei – Uranus. P.U.Z.-ul în urma caruia s-au declansat aceste actiuni atât de controversate si distructive pentru numeroase cladiri înscrise în patrimoniul cultural si istoric al orasului Bucuresti, a fost aprobat în anul 2006, propunând largirea tronsonului mentionat mai sus. Profilul stradal propus va fi alcatuit din trotuare cu spatii verzi, 2 benzi de circulatie pe sens si un spatiu verde între caile de rulare a tramvaiului. Demolarile propuse sunt pe partea stânga a bulevardului, pe sensul de mers catre Piata Victoriei. Astfel cladirile afectate sunt: Piata Matache (actual piata Haralambie Botescu), cladirea de la nr. 18 din piata Haralambie Botescu, cladirea de la nr. 119 din intersectia Buzesti-Grivitei, cinematograful Feroviarul, Hotelul Marna, cinematograful Buzesti si o serie de alte cladiri interbelice mai putin valoroase, dar care împreuna dadeau caracter si specificitate acestui bulevard, propus înca din 1935. În concluzie, Casa Poporului si sistematizarea actuala au distrus această propunere care se dorea Noul Bulevard care pornea de la Gara de Nord, prin dealul Uranus pâna la actuala piata Cosbuc. Cu siguranta se puteau gasi solutii de sistematizare care sa protejeze patrimoniul construit al orasului, deja extrem de afectat de anii comunismului si de „realizarile” investitorilor de dupa Revolutie.
Le littoral sud-ouest de Madagascar : une zone d’accueil et de départ. Nouvelles mobilités et nouveaux enjeux!
Le littoral sud-ouest de Madagascar : une zone d’accueil et de départ. Nouvelles mobilités et nouveaux enjeux!
(The seaside south-west of Madagascar: an area for coming and leaving. New mobilities and new means)
- Author(s):Francis Veriza
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Sociology
- Page Range:131-145
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:sud-ouest de Madagascar; Vezo; migration; conservation; territoire; hazomanga
- Summary/Abstract:Le projet d’article, que je propose ici, est une étude sur les dynamiques socio-territoriales à l’oeuvre dans le village de pêcheurs du littoral Sud-Ouest de Madagascar, Andavadoake. Les critères d’identification de cette zone sont basés : d’une part sur les règles de résidence traditionnelles c’est-à-dire la présence de cimetière(s) et de hazomanga (poteau rituel) rendant palpable l’identité des groupes, et d’autre part, sur l’émergence des migrants venant de l’intérieur de terre, et la « pullulation » de projet de développement/ conservation dans la région. Si depuis des années la côte sud-ouest malgache a été occupée majoritairement par les pêcheurs Vezo, elle accueille désormais des différents types migrants que certains se convertissent en pêcheurs et d’autres introduisent des nouvelles activités et nouvelles pratiques en adoptant du nouveau mode de vie. Cette situation provoque des désordres sociétaux : conflit entre les usagers des ressources, vente de terre, non respect des anciens…Mon propos consiste donc à réfléchir sur l’avenir de cette zone littorale face à son « statut multiple » : à la fois une « terre d’accueil » pour les étrangers et une « terre de départ » pour les « autochtones » Vezo. De ce fait, la question à laquelle nous cherchons à répondre est: pourquoi les tompontanà, (propriétaire du village) préfèrent migrer, et laisser leur territoire à ces nouveaux venus ? Le déplacement saisonnier était une stratégie utilisé par les pêcheurs vezo pour échapper aux dangers (traite d’esclaves, colonisation, insécurité,…). Avec le temps, cette pratique est devenue une tradition et ils la pratiquent d’une manière systématique pour trouver des endroits plus productifs.
Behavior of ceramic facades to lateral actions
Behavior of ceramic facades to lateral actions
(Behavior of ceramic facades to lateral actions)
- Author(s):Claudiu Matei, Cristian GRIGORASENCO
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:147-152
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:design; facades; ceramics
- Summary/Abstract:Seismic behavior of the structural elements of the envelopes, conceived in the form of ventilated facades, constitutes a permanent concern for manufacturers of such elements. The absence of specific regulations for the calculation and detailing of these types of structures in seismic areas implies the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure the strength and safety in service. Declaration by the manufacturers of the insurance of exigencies of strength and stability and also safety in operation, as specified in Law no 10/2005, represents an ongoing concern for manufacturers of such systems, when marketing these type of construction on the Romanian construction market. On the basis of manufactures projects comparative tests were conceived and performed for different sizes of enveloping ceramic elements, in order to establish their behavior for lateral actions.
Construction sector evolution in Romania in 2008-2011
Construction sector evolution in Romania in 2008-2011
(Construction sector evolution in Romania in 2008-2011)
- Author(s):Cristina ENULESCU
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:153-160
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:construction sector; analysis; indicators and indices
- Summary/Abstract:The study is the analysis of the development of the construction sector in Romania, in the domestic macroeconomic context, based on the results of the sector and compare the level achieved by the EU member states. The analysis was based on a system of economic indicators harmonized with those used in the European Union, included in statistical methodologies to develop short-term construction sector and practiced by European states. Construction sector results at some point during the year are highlighted through statistical, absolute and relative level (indicators and indices), based on a series of statistical data in order to determine the structure of phenomenon and processes in this sector, the evolution over time of the level achieved from other sectors of the national economy and to European states.
Industrial wastewater treatment plants and sound pollution induced
Industrial wastewater treatment plants and sound pollution induced
(Industrial wastewater treatment plants and sound pollution induced)
- Author(s):Dragoş DRĂCEA, Augustina Tronac, Sebastian MUSTAŢĂ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:161-165
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:noise; compressor; source; receiver; individual chamber
- Summary/Abstract:Urban development in post-revolution era in Romania was made by interlocking residential, administrative and production areas, accompanied by a decrease in the population comfort due to neighbourhoods industry pollution. Noise limits are set based on health effects, and verification of compliance is done by direct measurements. This approach is used to assess the noise impact of a treatment plant of industrial wastewater coming from a meat processing factory, having mechanical, chemical and biological phases on the technological chain. Based on the interpretation of recorded values, solutions are proposed to improve the situation of intervention personnel and surrounding areas.
New trends in interior design
New trends in interior design
(New trends in interior design)
- Author(s):Daniela STOICA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:166-169
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:stone; plating; self-adhesive; decorative; building
- Summary/Abstract:Natural stones or rocks, since antiquity, were used as the basic material of construction itself or/and as a decorative element to the walls of brick or concrete. The novelty of this interior design solutions is the method of application of self-adhesive tape on the inside of the plate decorative stone veneer.
Modern flooring solutions for sport fields
Modern flooring solutions for sport fields
(Modern flooring solutions for sport fields)
- Author(s):Cora STAMATE
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:170-173
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:sport floor; synthetic turf; tile floor
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, two types of flooring for sports widely used internationally are increasingly being used in our country: synthetic turf and tile floors, both polypropylene. These are modern solutions for sport floors due to their many advantages: it ensures a high level of safety and performance for outdoor sports, are slip resistant, have a high resistance to UV radiations , rain or other adverse weather conditions, require minimal maintenance, can be installed in a very short time and have a long life.
Modern technologies for management of historic sites
Modern technologies for management of historic sites
(Modern technologies for management of historic sites)
- Author(s):Aurel Florentin Cătălin Negrilă, Constantin COSARCA, Caius DIDULESCU, Aurel Sărăcin, Adrian Savu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:174-179
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:laser scanning; „point cloud”; 3D model; 2D plan
- Summary/Abstract:Article presents terrestrial laser scanning technology used to measure, to represent and to manage information of the buildings and areas of interest, that presents the interest to be added in a database, which contains graphic information. Acquired data are composed of "point clouds" at 1:1 scale, from which can be obtained a variety of 3D or 2D graphic products.
Activation of mainly construction molding sand mixtures
Activation of mainly construction molding sand mixtures
(Activation of mainly construction molding sand mixtures)
- Author(s):Evsei SHAMIS, Veniamin IVANOV, Maria KHOLDAEVA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:180-186
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:molding sand; mixtures; flexural strength
- Summary/Abstract:This paper proposes a fundamentally new energy-efficient and effective technology of hydraulic concrete mixtures. The technique of design mixes and special equipment, leveraging the strength properties of cement, providing environmentally friendly and cost-effectiveness. Presents a number of solutions to this problem. Concrete mix new generation, manufactured by the proposed technology, different homogeneous structure and composition of the components, the most complete and regulated the use of binding properties, high strength characteristics.
Comparative analysis of representative indicator sof construction in EU
Comparative analysis of representative indicator sof construction in EU
(Comparative analysis of representative indicator sof construction in EU)
- Author(s):Cristina ENULESCU
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:187-195
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:construction sector analysis; economic indicators; statistical data
- Summary/Abstract:The analysis is done through absolute level economic indicators, value and physical units and relative sizes, and processes determining the evolution of the previous year (and the other taken as the reference year), and their structure (share components of total). In addition to the results obtained in the course of construction, the study of basic statistical data for a period of three calendar years, and important factors which influence the final results of sector development (number of construction companies, force labor price development resources that contribute to the construction, etc.).
Analysis of concrete damage by ettringite-thaumasite system formation
Analysis of concrete damage by ettringite-thaumasite system formation
(Analysis of concrete damage by ettringite-thaumasite system formation)
- Author(s):Gheorghe Croitoru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:196-204
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:concrete corrosion; sulfate corrosion; ettringite; thaumasite
- Summary/Abstract:The article investigates the peculiarities of concrete corrosion deterioration with ettringite and thaumasite crystallization in it. There have been defined the differences in the nature of concrete deterioration, in the early stages allowing to determine which components of the Ettringite-Thaumasite have dominant influence on the kinetics of destruction. The evaluation of the conditions that are most dangerous to the development of the processes of sulfate corrosion with Thaumasite has also been carried out.
The impact of research and innovation activity in a knowledge society
The impact of research and innovation activity in a knowledge society
(The impact of research and innovation activity in a knowledge society)
- Author(s):Mircea-Iosif Rus
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Governance
- Page Range:205-209
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:research; innovation; financing; knowledge society
- Summary/Abstract:The knowledge society is the stage where mankind is found and aims to raise the living standards of population but also to increase the level of knowledge. To achieve this latter goal, the states of the world, and especially those in the European Union, must ensure an adequate funding for its realization, and therefore in 2011 it was decided at EU level the achievement of an Innovation Union, in which are to be involved all the European countries, while to stimulate and finance research and innovation the Horizon 2020 program was proposed.