Orientarea în mediul fizic - o problemă de comportament motor şi percepţie vizuală
Orientation in the physical environment - a motion behavior and visual perception issue
Author(s): Constantin CHIFELEA
Subject(s): Psychology
Keywords: orientation; behavior; motion; planning
Summary/Abstract: The ease to find the road in a building or in a city can be seen as an important function of architectural or urban design. When focusing on navigation problems in buildings, cities and landscapes, the design of the physical environment can be seen as a useful instrument in achieving a specific purpose, such as to facilitate the achievement of a destination or find an escape route. The study aims to analyze the relationship between architecture and urban design (seen as a conceptual representation of the physical environment) environment exploration by human observers and the perception of the elements of the space, represented as abstracted geometric shapes. Research linking urban and architectural design of the navigation in the environment focused mainly on two aspects: space complexity reflected in the structure planand the use of sites differentiation. The study introduced a third direction of research regarding the morphological elements of the physical environment in relation with the needs of guidance of movement; real objects being represented by rectangular surfaces, which describe abstract forms in visual contact with the viewer. Several design rules can be derived from these findings. The architectural or urban design, with a consistent treatment of orientation issues, will greatly reduce the cognitive load of users and will contribute to a better understanding of the environment assembly. Good design enables easy navigationand without error, conveying a sense of satisfaction and accessibility of the architectural or urban message.
- Page Range: 91-102
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: Romanian