Dezvoltare durabilă prin folosirea mortarelor ecologice moderne
Sustainability through the use of modern environmentally-friendly mortars

Author(s): Antoanela Popovici, Ofelia Corbu, Gabriela-Emilia POPIŢA, Attila Puskás
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: WEEE; CRT; composite; waste recovery
Summary/Abstract: In the European Union, the concept of sustainable development covers all the environmental fields, from development politics to the appropriate management of waste, in respect to the future generations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to prove the possibility of use a new ecological composite as construction material. Electric and Electronic Equipment are putted on the market in amounts that increase from one year to another. At the end of life, only half of the amount of the generated waste is collected. Knowing that the e-waste is framed as hazardous waste, because of their hazardous substances content, the challenge of our society is to confer security to human health and environment by safe recycling. The obtained composite is a material which contain CRT (cathode ray tubes) glass waste and plastic from WEEE (Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment). The experimental strength results (39.24 N/mm2 for composite with CRT and plastic contain), entitled the classification of the new material into the mortars category.The obtaining of this type of composite is a new WEEE recycling method, environmentally friendly.

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