Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2001
Yearbook of Slovakia's Foreign Policy 2001

Author(s): Alena Kotvanová, Attila Szép
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Public Administration, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA)
Keywords: Slovakia; 2001; foreign policy; EU; NATO; integrations; evaluation; culture; security; defense; Home Political Developments; trends; Central Europe; Regional Cooperation; Bilateral Relations; embassy; consulate; human rights; identity; legislation;
Summary/Abstract: Presented the third volume of the Yearbook of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic 2001 offers the reader a presentation and summary of foreign policy of the Slovak Republic of 2001 from the point of view of its prime actors, expert and analytical view of the issue complemented by topical data of practical character as chronology of the most important foreign policy activities of the SR in 2001, structure of the State Administration bodies acting in a sphere of international relations and European integration, and others are. This structure of the publication known from previous volumes is based on needs to strengthen a tradition of regular assessment of the whole complex of Slovak foreign policy in all its levels with regard to a wide basis of its actors. It is confirmed also by an interest rendered to publication of the Yearbook of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic 1999 and the Slovak and English versions of the Yearbook of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic 2000 as well as to holding two annual evaluation conferences where representatives of central bodies of the State Administration, political parties, scientific research and academic centres and non- governmental organisations took part. The Evaluation Conference of the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic for 2001 held under a title Slovakia and its Integrational Prospects was an important contribution to more effective use of intellectual and social potential of the Slovak Republic focused on the foreign policy and international relations field. Its specifics lay in the fact that it was hold in a year of parliamentary elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic. This reflected not only in its content but in participation in the Conference as well. In an attempt to give a wide space to a political discussion besides governmental representatives and representatives of relevant committees of the National Council of the SR delegates of opposition parliamentary subjects presented their view of Slovak foreign policy of the last year. Presence of research and academic circles and think tanks representatives and foreign policy students was not less important if we concern building of institutional background and human capacities and widening and strengthening foreign policy community in the SR. Interest and entry of young people, students into active participation in similar events is one of bases of a sound development of foreign policy community in Slovakia. The facts assure us about meaningfulness of our endeavour and the need to continue in organizing similar conferences and publishing Yearbooks of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic. The Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung financially supported the Conference, as in previous years. We most of all thank to Frank Spengler, the director of its office for Slovakia and his deputy Agáta Pešková. It would not be able to hold the event without a restless and self-sacrificing work of the SIIS employees. Our thanks for assistance in organisation of the Conference belong also to L'udmila Lipková, the dean of the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economy and to students of the Faculty. Publishing of the Yearbook of the Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic 2001 was financial supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic. It would not be possible to publish the Yearbook without mature work of Katarína Žáková, David Oršula and Marek Kalma. Special thanks belong to consultant of this publication Štefan Šebesta.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 80-968224-8-9
  • Page Count: 191
  • Publication Year: 2002
  • Language: Slovak


Vystúpenie predsedu Národnej rady SR Jozefa Migaša

Vystúpenie predsedu Národnej rady SR Jozefa Migaša
(Presentation of the Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Jozef Migaš)

Vystúpenie predsedu vlády SR Mikuláša Dzurindu

Vystúpenie predsedu vlády SR Mikuláša Dzurindu
(Presentation of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Mikuláš Dzurinda)

Vystúpenie podpredsedníčky vlády SR pre európsku integráciu Márie Kadlečíkovej

Vystúpenie podpredsedníčky vlády SR pre európsku integráciu Márie Kadlečíkovej
(Presentation of the Vice Prime Minister of the Government of the Slovak Republic for European Integration Mária Kadlečíková)

Vystúpenie ministra zahraničných vecí SR Eduarda Kukana

Vystúpenie ministra zahraničných vecí SR Eduarda Kukana
(Presentation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Eduard Kukan)

Vystúpenie ministra obrany SR Jozefa Stanka

Vystúpenie ministra obrany SR Jozefa Stanka
(Presentation of the Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic Jozef Stank)

Vystúpenie Juraja Šveca, podpredsedu Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady SR

Vystúpenie Juraja Šveca, podpredsedu Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady SR
(Presentation of the Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Juraj Švec)

Vystúpenie Vladimíra Palka, predsedu Výboru pre obranu a bezpečnosť Národnej rady SR

Vystúpenie Vladimíra Palka, predsedu Výboru pre obranu a bezpečnosť Národnej rady SR
(Presentation of the Chairman of the Defence and Security Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Palko)

Vystúpenie poslanca Petra Súlovského, podpredsedu Slovenskej národnej strany

Vystúpenie poslanca Petra Súlovského, podpredsedu Slovenskej národnej strany
(Presentation of the Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Peter Súlovský, Vice-Chairman of the Slovak National Party)

Vystúpenie Vojtecha Tkáča, poslanca Národnej rady SR za Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko

Vystúpenie Vojtecha Tkáča, poslanca Národnej rady SR za Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko
(Presentation of the Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Vojtech Tkáč, Representative of the Movement for Democratic Slovakia)

Hlavné trendy vnútropolitického vývoja ako faktor zahraničnej politiky SR

Hlavné trendy vnútropolitického vývoja ako faktor zahraničnej politiky SR
(Main Trends of Home Political Developments as a Factor of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic)

Regionálna spolupráca v strednej Európe na začiatku 21. storočia - nové podoby a nové výzvy

Regionálna spolupráca v strednej Európe na začiatku 21. storočia - nové podoby a nové výzvy
(Regional Co-operation in Central Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century- New Forms and New Challenges)

Atlantická a európska integrácia, stredná Európa a Slovensko

Atlantická a európska integrácia, stredná Európa a Slovensko
(Atlantic and European Integration, Central Europe and Slovakia)

Úloha Fakulty medzinárodných vzťahov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave pri príprave ľudských zdrojov v integračnej perspektíve

Úloha Fakulty medzinárodných vzťahov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave pri príprave ľudských zdrojov v integračnej perspektíve
(Role of the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava at Human Resourses Preparation in the Integration Perspect)

Slovensko a Európska únia

Slovensko a Európska únia
(Slovakia and the European Union)

Bilaterálne vzťahy Slovenskej republiky v roku 2001

Bilaterálne vzťahy Slovenskej republiky v roku 2001
(Bilateral Relations of the Slovak Republic in 2001)

Bezpečnostná dimenzia v zahraničnej politike SR

Bezpečnostná dimenzia v zahraničnej politike SR
(Security Dimension in Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic)

2001 - rok konkrétnych výsledkov na ceste Slovenska do NATO

2001 - rok konkrétnych výsledkov na ceste Slovenska do NATO
(2001 - The Year of Actual Results on the Way of Slovakia to NATO)

Hlavné zahraničnopolitické aktivity Slovenskej republiky v roku 2001

Hlavné zahraničnopolitické aktivity Slovenskej republiky v roku 2001
(The Main Activities of the Slovak Republic in Foreign Policy)

Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2001

Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2001
(The List of Treaties and Agreements Concluded between the Slovak Republic 2001)

Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskej integrácie

Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskej integrácie
(Structure of the State Administration Authorities Acting in International Affairs and European Integration Field)

Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov krajín EÚ, NATO a niektorých ďalších krajín

Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov krajín EÚ, NATO a niektorých ďalších krajín
(List of the Embassies of the EU, NATO and some other Countries)

Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov Slovenskej republiky, stálych misií, generálnych konzulátov a slovenských inštitútov

Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov Slovenskej republiky, stálych misií, generálnych konzulátov a slovenských inštitútov
(List of the Embassies of the Slovak Republic, Permanent Missions, Consulates General, Slovak Institutes Abroad)

Edičná poznámka

Edičná poznámka
(Editorial Commentary)

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