Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2000
Yearbook of Slovakia's Foreign Policy 2000

Contributor(s): Alena Kotvanová (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Public Administration, Sociology, Labor relations, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity
Published by: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA)
Keywords: Slovakia; 2000; EU; NATO; OECD; integrations; progress;Helsinki Summit; evaluation; human rights; identity; culture; economy; EU legislation; law; armed forces; security; defense; Poland; embassy; consulate;
Summary/Abstract: Basic idea of periodic publishing the Yearbook of Slovak Foreign Policy is rooting in the need to consolidate tradition of regular balancing the whole complex of Slovak foreign policy on all levels. Last volume as well as this one has approved the initiative of organising an evaluation conference and based on it to publish a Yearbook of Slovak Foreign Policy. This has been proved not only by interest from the side of expanding professional community and media, but above all from the key actors of foreign policy of the SR, state administration representatives, non-governmental institutions and academic and scientific circles. Specific role of the Yearbook is a presentation and statement of tasks of foreign policy of the SR from its primary actors view, analysis of key trends of specific period as well as providing current data of practical character. Our ambition is to make the Yearbook of Slovak Foreign Policy into a practical tool for everybody who is dealing with this area and to help to diversify and expand information sources focusing on this field. As for the content, this year the Yearbook is modifying and extending the structure proved last year. Except of presentations from the Conference Slovak Foreign Policy in 2000 - Progress in Integration and topical annexes it is opening the possibility to publish analyses of selected problems of foreign policy of the SR in the year 2000. The last year's conference was significant for the intentions defining 1999 as a break-through in Slovakia's integration effort. This year the conference characterised the level of using opened chances and evaluated Slovakia's progress and as many presenters stressed, progress in the newly started direction. Confirming political stability in the home country and position of a trustworthy partner towards foreign partners presents the basis of Slovakia's proceeding in integration ambitions to Trans-Atlantic and European structures. Harmony of home and foreign policy has been extremely important in this tendency, the harmony between declared objectives and the government's policy. This stipulated the already mentioned consolidation of newly gained Slovakia's trustworthiness in the eyes of the public abroad. Some of the presenters stressed, that integration is a challenge for the whole society. Public discussions focused on key topics of foreign policy play an important role in this process. In the elapsed time in Slovakia it was gradation in intensity of debate on national security. An important role is played by the Programme of the Government of the Slovak Republic focused on increase of information of the society on the reasons and consequences of integration of Slovakia into NATO in the framework of the PRENAME programme. Also in this nexus the Conference and the Yearbook provide the necessary space for presentation intentions of the SR and a public discussion on the intentions. It would not be possible to organise the Conference without a financial support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the assistance of the Slovak branch office director Frank Spengler, as well as enthusiasm and effort of everybody involved. I'd like to express my thanks first of all to PhDr. Alena Kotvanová from the Slovak Institute of International Studies, who prepared the Conference as a project author and who compiled the Yearbook and to JUDr. Štefan Šebesta from the Institute of State and Law in the Slovak Academy of Sciences for his valuable advisory and judgment of the analytical part of the publication. Invaluable work during editing the Yearbook was done by PhDr. Tatiana Lauková and Mrs. Katarína Žáková. The Conference would not be possible without assistance of associated professor L'udmila Lipková, Dean of the Faculty of International Affairs of University of Economics in Bratislava and the students studying in this faculty.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 80-968224-5-4
  • Page Count: 203
  • Publication Year: 2001
  • Language: Slovak


Vystúpenie predsedu Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Jozefa Migaša

Vystúpenie predsedu Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Jozefa Migaša
(Presentation of the Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Jozef Migaš)

Vystúpenie predsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky Mikuláša Dzurindu

Vystúpenie predsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky Mikuláša Dzurindu
(Presentation of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Mikuláš Dzurinda)

Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu Pavla Hamžíka

Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu Pavla Hamžíka
(Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for European Integration Pavol Hamžík)

Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre legislatívu Lubomíra Fogaša

Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre legislatívu Lubomíra Fogaša
(Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Legislation Lubomír Fogaš)

Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské a menšinové práva a regionálny rozvoj Pála Csákyho

Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské a menšinové práva a regionálny rozvoj Pála Csákyho
(Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the SR for Human Rights and Minorities and Regional Development Pál Csáky)

Vystúpenie ministra zahraničných vecí Slovenskej republiky Eduarda Kukana

Vystúpenie ministra zahraničných vecí Slovenskej republiky Eduarda Kukana
(Presentation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Eduard Kukan)

Vystúpenie poslanca Petra Weissa, predsedu Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky

Vystúpenie poslanca Petra Weissa, predsedu Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky
(Presentations the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Peter Weiss)

Vystúpenie poslanca Františka Šebeja, predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu

Vystúpenie poslanca Františka Šebeja, predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu
(Presentation of the Chairman of the Committee for European Integration of the National Council of the Slovak Republic František Šebej)

Vystúpenie predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské práva a národnosti László A. Nagya

Vystúpenie predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské práva a národnosti László A. Nagya
(Presentation of the Chairman of the Committee for Human Rights and Nationalities of the National Council of the Slovak Republic László A. Nagy)

Hlavné trendy vnútropolitického vývoja Slovenska v roku 2000 ako faktor zahraničnej politiky SR

Hlavné trendy vnútropolitického vývoja Slovenska v roku 2000 ako faktor zahraničnej politiky SR
(The Main Trends of the Internal Political Development of Slovakia in 2000 as one of the Factors of the Foreign Policy of Slovakia)

Efektivita procesu aproximácie práva Slovenskej republiky s právom ES/EÚ

Efektivita procesu aproximácie práva Slovenskej republiky s právom ES/EÚ
(Effectiveness of the Process of Approximation of the Law in the Slovak Republic to the Law in EC/EU)

Plnenie medzinárodných záväzkov SR v oblasti ľudských a menšinových práv v roku 2000

Plnenie medzinárodných záväzkov SR v oblasti ľudských a menšinových práv v roku 2000
(Fulfilling International Commitments of the SR in the Sphere of Human and Minority Rights in the Year 2000)

Inštitucionálne zázemie zahraničnej politiky SR

Inštitucionálne zázemie zahraničnej politiky SR
(Institutional Background of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic)

Európska integrácia a Slovensko

Európska integrácia a Slovensko
(European Integration and Slovakia)

Poľské impulzy pre slovenskú zahraničnú politiku

Poľské impulzy pre slovenskú zahraničnú politiku
(Polish Impulses For Slovak Foreign Policy)

K niektorým aspektom rozširovania Európskej únie a postavenie SR

K niektorým aspektom rozširovania Európskej únie a postavenie SR
(Some Aspects of the Enlargement of the European Union and the Position of the Slovak Republic)

Slovenská republika a Európska únia

Slovenská republika a Európska únia
(The Slovak Republic and the European Union)

Medzinárodné organizácie a Slovensko

Medzinárodné organizácie a Slovensko
(International Organizations and Slovakia)

Príprava SR na členstvo v NATO - postup na ceste integrácie

Príprava SR na členstvo v NATO - postup na ceste integrácie
(Preparation of the Slovak Republic for a Membership in NATO - Advancement on the Integration Way)

Slovensko a Európska únia

Slovensko a Európska únia
(Slovakia and the European Union)

Bilaterálne vzťahy Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000

Bilaterálne vzťahy Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000
(Bilateral Relations of the Slovak Republic in the Year 2000)

Hlavné zahraničnopolitické aktivity Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000

Hlavné zahraničnopolitické aktivity Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000
(The Main Activities of the Slovak Republic in Foreign Policy)

Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2000

Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2000
(The List of Treaties and Agreements Concluded between the Slovak Republic and Other Countries in 2000)

Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskej integrácie

Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskej integrácie
(Structure of State Administration Authorities Acting in International Affairs and European Integration Area)

Zastupiteľské úrady Slovenskej republiky

Zastupiteľské úrady Slovenskej republiky
(Embassies of the Slovak Republic)

Slovenské inštitúty v zahraničí

Slovenské inštitúty v zahraničí
(Slovak Institutes abroad)

Stále misie

Stále misie
(Permanent Missions)

Zastupiteľské úrady v Slovenskej republike

Zastupiteľské úrady v Slovenskej republike
(Embassies in the Slovak Republic)

Generálne konzuláty

Generálne konzuláty
(Consulates General)

Edičná poznámka

Edičná poznámka
(Editorial commentary)

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