Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2000
Yearbook of Slovakia's Foreign Policy 2000
Contributor(s): Alena Kotvanová (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Public Administration, Sociology, Labor relations, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity
Published by: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA)
Keywords: Slovakia; 2000; EU; NATO; OECD; integrations; progress;Helsinki Summit; evaluation; human rights; identity; culture; economy; EU legislation; law; armed forces; security; defense; Poland; embassy; consulate;
Summary/Abstract: Basic idea of periodic publishing the Yearbook of Slovak Foreign Policy is rooting in the need to consolidate tradition of regular balancing the whole complex of Slovak foreign policy on all levels. Last volume as well as this one has approved the initiative of organising an evaluation conference and based on it to publish a Yearbook of Slovak Foreign Policy. This has been proved not only by interest from the side of expanding professional community and media, but above all from the key actors of foreign policy of the SR, state administration representatives, non-governmental institutions and academic and scientific circles. Specific role of the Yearbook is a presentation and statement of tasks of foreign policy of the SR from its primary actors view, analysis of key trends of specific period as well as providing current data of practical character. Our ambition is to make the Yearbook of Slovak Foreign Policy into a practical tool for everybody who is dealing with this area and to help to diversify and expand information sources focusing on this field. As for the content, this year the Yearbook is modifying and extending the structure proved last year. Except of presentations from the Conference Slovak Foreign Policy in 2000 - Progress in Integration and topical annexes it is opening the possibility to publish analyses of selected problems of foreign policy of the SR in the year 2000. The last year's conference was significant for the intentions defining 1999 as a break-through in Slovakia's integration effort. This year the conference characterised the level of using opened chances and evaluated Slovakia's progress and as many presenters stressed, progress in the newly started direction. Confirming political stability in the home country and position of a trustworthy partner towards foreign partners presents the basis of Slovakia's proceeding in integration ambitions to Trans-Atlantic and European structures. Harmony of home and foreign policy has been extremely important in this tendency, the harmony between declared objectives and the government's policy. This stipulated the already mentioned consolidation of newly gained Slovakia's trustworthiness in the eyes of the public abroad. Some of the presenters stressed, that integration is a challenge for the whole society. Public discussions focused on key topics of foreign policy play an important role in this process. In the elapsed time in Slovakia it was gradation in intensity of debate on national security. An important role is played by the Programme of the Government of the Slovak Republic focused on increase of information of the society on the reasons and consequences of integration of Slovakia into NATO in the framework of the PRENAME programme. Also in this nexus the Conference and the Yearbook provide the necessary space for presentation intentions of the SR and a public discussion on the intentions. It would not be possible to organise the Conference without a financial support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the assistance of the Slovak branch office director Frank Spengler, as well as enthusiasm and effort of everybody involved. I'd like to express my thanks first of all to PhDr. Alena Kotvanová from the Slovak Institute of International Studies, who prepared the Conference as a project author and who compiled the Yearbook and to JUDr. Štefan Šebesta from the Institute of State and Law in the Slovak Academy of Sciences for his valuable advisory and judgment of the analytical part of the publication. Invaluable work during editing the Yearbook was done by PhDr. Tatiana Lauková and Mrs. Katarína Žáková. The Conference would not be possible without assistance of associated professor L'udmila Lipková, Dean of the Faculty of International Affairs of University of Economics in Bratislava and the students studying in this faculty.
Series: Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky
- Print-ISBN-10: 80-968224-5-4
- Page Count: 203
- Publication Year: 2001
- Language: Slovak
Vystúpenie predsedu Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Jozefa Migaša
Vystúpenie predsedu Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky Jozefa Migaša
(Presentation of the Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Jozef Migaš)
- Author(s):Jozef Migaš
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:7-11
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Chairman of the National Council; Jozef Migaš; presentation; NATO; EU; integrations; OECD; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:I am glad to be here at our traditional meeting, which creates a platform for the Slovak politicians and experts for the regular evaluation of the Slovak foreign policy. The second year of the evaluation conference is truly a proper forum for such a purpose. Slovakia is a parliamentary republic, in which the parliament - the National Council of the Slovak Republic - actively takes part in foreign policy of the country, whether it happens through legislation or by building a new dimension of an active parliamentary diplomacy on a bilateral or a multilateral level. The evaluated year was a demanding and wearying period for the coalition, while it continued the fundamental economic and social transformation. Simultaneously, the coalition was under pressure of solving questions of unemployment, social problems of citizens, increase of prices; and what is more, it had to prove its capability to act effectively at the same time.
Vystúpenie predsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky Mikuláša Dzurindu
Vystúpenie predsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky Mikuláša Dzurindu
(Presentation of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Mikuláš Dzurinda)
- Author(s):Mikuláš Dzurinda
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:13-14
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; prime minister; Mikuláš Dzurinda; foreign policy; presentation; Visegrad; OECD; EU; integrations;
- Summary/Abstract:The beginning of the year is the period of setting future goals, the period of elaborating plans and strategies. On the other hand, it is also the time of looking back on the events of the past. On this occasion, let me reflect on the past year events of the Slovak foreign policy. The particularity of the period we live in is the fact that by entering the following year we are also entering a new millennium, by which new specific expectations arise. I am glad to say that on the edge of the new millennium the Slovak foreign policy does not have to look for new challenges and aims. Today, Slovakia has a clear vision of the future in terms of its foreign policy. It is the vision of heading towards the Euro Atlantic region representing stability, democracy and prosperity.
Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu Pavla Hamžíka
Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu Pavla Hamžíka
(Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for European Integration Pavol Hamžík)
- Author(s):Pavol Hamžík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:15-18
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Deputy Prime Minister; Pavol Hamžík; presentation; EU; integrations; government; economy;
- Summary/Abstract:Looking back at our results achieved in foreign policy and particularly concerning our integration during the last year it is a pleasure for me to say that I am satisfied with the achieved results. Last year we showed our ability to negotiate and we gained valuable experiences, mainly from the accession process to the EU. Behind the achieved results there is the unambiguous and resolute integration politics of the Slovak Republic - president of SR, National Council of the Slovak Republic, Government of the SR and the great attempt of those, who at the Ministries and other institutions are responsible for the performance of tasks concerning our accession to the EU. The support of the population also shows the propriety of our integration politics, understanding that integration of Slovakia to the EU is a unique chance to ensure development of democracy, freedom and safety, and increase of living standards and social security for all of us. Our duty in the next year is to multiply our efforts in all fields, as the year 2001 will be the crucial one concerning Slovakia's integration to the EU. It is possible that the accession date of the first group of candidates is going to be set at the end of this year. We have to do our best in order to get Slovakia into this first group. If Slovakia were admitted to the EU later than its neighbours, it would hinder further economic development and the development of our foreign and home politics.
Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre legislatívu Lubomíra Fogaša
Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre legislatívu Lubomíra Fogaša
(Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Legislation Lubomír Fogaš)
- Author(s):L'ubomír Fogaš
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Labor relations, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:19-22
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Deputy Prime Minister; EU; legislation; Lubomír Fogaš; presentation; economy; labour code; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:The government of the Slovak Republic in accordance with its programme considers Slovakia's future accession to the EU to be one of its primary aims. Therefore, in accordance with the Article 69 of the Association Agreement it has to ensure the gradual compatibility of Slovak legal norms with the norms of the European Union. We are aware of the fact that the convergence of the already existing and future legal norms is the main condition for Slovakia's full accession. To ensure the fulfilment of requirements concerning the approximation of law the Slovak Government has set up the Institute for Approximation of Law and the concept for the approximation of our law to the laws of the EU and to the agreements of the European Council has been worked out.
Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské a menšinové práva a regionálny rozvoj Pála Csákyho
Vystúpenie podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské a menšinové práva a regionálny rozvoj Pála Csákyho
(Presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the SR for Human Rights and Minorities and Regional Development Pál Csáky)
- Author(s):Pál Csáky
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Globalization
- Page Range:23-25
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Deputy Prime Minister; human rights; Pál Csáky; regional development; minorities; presentation; political system; decentralisation; globalisation;
- Summary/Abstract:Only a few days ago, we witnessed a most intriguing phenomenon in the National Council of the Slovak Republic. At final voting "two" anthems were heard - both were sung in the same language, the melodies and lyrics were identical, they were even performed in much the same fashion, although in the first case, the style was more pathetic as opposed to the second one, which was more solemn. On hearing the first version of the anthem, the majority of the MPs of the Slovak Parliament remained seated, despite the state flags that were pinned up by the MPs in the session hall. On hearing the second version, the first and less numerous group of the MPs of the Slovak Parliament was not present in the session hall. I believe that what happened, confirmed, once again, a very straightforward signal about what was happening and what we had all perceived before the signal was sent out. However, some of us were reluctant to perceive it and some even underestimated its implications. To be specific - Slovak politics, Slovak intelligentsia and to a considerable degree, even society per se, are much too fragmented, very different belief systems exist, and because of that, visions of the future of the Slovak Republic vary dramatically. Indeed, the competition of political entities in Slovakia is unlike conventional competition, which is common in well-established democracies. For instance, in the Benelux States, the so-called consensual politics enjoys a rich tradition. In the Scandinavian countries, it is not uncommon to have minority governments rule the country. In the USA, George W. Bush Jr. has approached the representatives of his political rival to join his Government. In Germany, the social-democratic Government has passed restrictive laws in the social area, backed by their conservative opponents.
Vystúpenie ministra zahraničných vecí Slovenskej republiky Eduarda Kukana
Vystúpenie ministra zahraničných vecí Slovenskej republiky Eduarda Kukana
(Presentation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Eduard Kukan)
- Author(s):Eduard Kukan
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:27-32
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Minister for Foreign Affairs; Eduard Kukan; presentation; EU; NATO; OECD; integration; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:I would like to start my presentation by summarizing the most important results of the Slovak foreign policy. I can state with pleasure that in 2000 the Slovak Republic continued in strengthening political stability and acted towards foreign partners as a legible and trustworthy partner. The government took measures for realization of strategic priorities of the foreign policy - achieving membership in the European Union, NATO and OECD soon. The political and economic steps of the Slovak government were received abroad as a persuasive activity proving the interest of the SR to integrate with the most developed states of the world. This brief, a little bit general evaluation can give us the basic picture of the Slovak foreign policy, which will be followed by a more detailed insight into its single achievements but also into its problems.
Vystúpenie poslanca Petra Weissa, predsedu Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky
Vystúpenie poslanca Petra Weissa, predsedu Zahraničného výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky
(Presentations the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Peter Weiss)
- Author(s):Peter Weiss
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Evaluation research
- Page Range:33-38
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Peter Weiss; presentation; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:I am glad that a tradition of regular meetings of constitutional representatives was established; representatives whose responsibility includes direct participation on creation and realization of foreign policy of the Slovak Republic. It is also an evidence that we manage to fulfill one of the important resolutions anchored in political programmes of the coalition parties and the Programme of the Government of the Slovak Republic, as well, - to improve coordination of foreign policy activities of the President of the SR, National Council of the SR, Government of the SR and other central bodies of the State Administration while respecting the principle of responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR of its direct administration. Equally pleasing is that our pledge to create effective mechanisms for inclusion non-governmental, scientific and academic institutions into a process of creation and also realization of foreign policy is getting fulfilled.
Vystúpenie poslanca Františka Šebeja, predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu
Vystúpenie poslanca Františka Šebeja, predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre európsku integráciu
(Presentation of the Chairman of the Committee for European Integration of the National Council of the Slovak Republic František Šebej)
- Author(s):František Šebej
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research
- Page Range:39-43
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Chairman of the Committee for European Integration; František Šebej; presentation; OECD; NATO; integrations;
- Summary/Abstract:Peter Weiss has already emphasized the main features in which this conference differed from the one in the previous year. While the last year conference meant a breakthrough in the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic, this conference tries to deal with the progress of our aims more soberly. Compared with the year 1999, I see the events in the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic in 2000 as dramatic.
Vystúpenie predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské práva a národnosti László A. Nagya
Vystúpenie predsedu Výboru Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky pre ľudské práva a národnosti László A. Nagya
(Presentation of the Chairman of the Committee for Human Rights and Nationalities of the National Council of the Slovak Republic László A. Nagy)
- Author(s):László A. Nagy
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:45-48
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Chairman of the Committee for Human Rights and Nationalities; László A. Nagy; presentation; nationality; human rights; legislation;
- Summary/Abstract:Human and minorities rights represent an important part in foreign policy of each state in the last decades. I can remember the period of Helsinki process in the seventies and the effort of former socialist countries representatives that the human rights issue does not occur under the microscope of the community. And on the contrary, representatives of dissidents of former socialist Czechoslovakia did everything so that human rights and minorities rights in Czechoslovakia and other socialist countries became internationalised, and that they became a foreign policy issue. In present Europe, also thanks to the Helsinki process, human rights and minorities rights are not considered to be an internal problem of a state. Basic documents of the Council of Europe, mechanism of accepting countries, as well as the consecutive monitoring and post monitoring processes and the whole process of countries joining the EU and NATO is opening the book of human rights policy and policy of nationalities of each candidate country.
Hlavné trendy vnútropolitického vývoja Slovenska v roku 2000 ako faktor zahraničnej politiky SR
Hlavné trendy vnútropolitického vývoja Slovenska v roku 2000 ako faktor zahraničnej politiky SR
(The Main Trends of the Internal Political Development of Slovakia in 2000 as one of the Factors of the Foreign Policy of Slovakia)
- Author(s):Grigorij Mesežnikov
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Evaluation research
- Page Range:49-56
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Internal Political Development; main trends; government; political parties; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:Beside the geographical location, economic and defence potential, position in the system of international relations and the quality of diplomatic service of a country, the character of its internal political development also belongs to those factors, which influence the foreign policy of a country. The relationship of a country with another ones, its co-operation with neighbouring countries, its participation in international organizations and groupings of countries depend on the type of its political regime, way of functioning of its institutions, level of political stability and the quality of its legislation and actual configuration of political forces. The importance of the interrelation of the internal and foreign policy of a country was proved during the short history of Slovakia in the nineties. The memberships in European and Trans Atlantic economic and defence groupings, including the OECD, were declared a priority in the field of foreign policy by all the Slovak governments until now. However, the progress of Slovakia in the integrational process has significantly slowed down mainly because of internal political reasons during 1994 - 1998. As a result of democratic deficits and sharp internal political confrontation, which led to institutional instability, Slovakia was not accepted into the NATO in the first round of its enlargement, and it does not get also into the first group of associate members with which the EU started discussion about membership issues. The negotiations with the OECD about the membership in this grouping of the economic most developed countries of the world finished without any positive result for the former government.
Efektivita procesu aproximácie práva Slovenskej republiky s právom ES/EÚ
Efektivita procesu aproximácie práva Slovenskej republiky s právom ES/EÚ
(Effectiveness of the Process of Approximation of the Law in the Slovak Republic to the Law in EC/EU)
- Author(s):Vlasta Kunová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:57-62
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Process of Approximation; effectiveness; law; EU; EU legislation; criminal law; civil law; constitution;
- Summary/Abstract:The transformation of the Slovak Code of Legislation means a complex of legal reforms, which are more or less successfully or less successfully carried out in all fields of law. In this connection we can talk about: - reform and modernization of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic; - harmonization of the Slovak law with the European Union law; - recodification of civil and criminal law; - reform of jurisdiction.
Plnenie medzinárodných záväzkov SR v oblasti ľudských a menšinových práv v roku 2000
Plnenie medzinárodných záväzkov SR v oblasti ľudských a menšinových práv v roku 2000
(Fulfilling International Commitments of the SR in the Sphere of Human and Minority Rights in the Year 2000)
- Author(s):Miroslav Kusý
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Ethnic Minorities Studies, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:63-72
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; international relations; commitments; human rights; minorities; evaluation; EU; legislation; UN; UNESCO;
- Summary/Abstract:In the year 2000 the half time of existence of the current governmental coalition as such and the Dzurinda's government in particular was balanced. Also those who have presented themselves until now as governmental permanent critics if they do not belong directly to radical political opposition they could not let a whole series of remarkable successes of this government unacknowledged, starting, of course, with foreign policy followed by economy (accepting Slovakia into the OECD) and stabilisation of rule of law by participation policy (presence of the Hungarian minority in the governmental coalition), by rehabilitation of political culture and even by fight against crime - as is for instance praised by Milan Zitny in the article Home in the half time (Domino Forum 44/2000, p. 2). Even some moderate representatives of political opposition admit some undeniable successes of this government. In both cases this positive statement was accompanied by ambiguous but. followed by a fusillade of objections and disappointments, even invectives and offences of honour.
Inštitucionálne zázemie zahraničnej politiky SR
Inštitucionálne zázemie zahraničnej politiky SR
(Institutional Background of Foreign Policy of the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Pavol Lukáč
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Administration, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:73-78
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; institutions; institutional background; Convent on European Future of Slovakia; EU; basic rights; government; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of my presentation is to reflect on the role of institutions in the process of forming the Slovak foreign policy and their transformation and effectiveness. Almost eight years have passed since the establishment of the sovereign state in 1993 and this is a relatively short term (under normal conditions two regular election periods), in our case a complicated one due to periods of government of V. Meciar directed towards an extraordinary polarization of society what has also effected forming of character of many political institutions. In several of my articles I tried to bring the attention to the influence of four basic actors in the sphere of foreign policy, namely: personalities, elite, institutions and conceptions. I would like to call attention to this model again so that we may understand our discourse on institutions in close connection with the other above-mentioned actors. It goes without saying that in this contribution, which is limited by time and space I cannot offer a deep analysis only a critical glossary. I will focus my attention on the following institutions: the President of the SR, Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, educational institutions and new informal institutional initiatives.
Európska integrácia a Slovensko
Európska integrácia a Slovensko
(European Integration and Slovakia)
- Author(s):Kamil Sládek
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:79-82
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; EU; integrations; NATO; armed forces;
- Summary/Abstract:The Centre for European Policy is engaged in informing and discussing with the public integration of Slovakia to the European Union and North Atlantic Alliance - thus the focus of our activity is a public education. In 2000 we organised 132 events: seminars, lectures, discussions and conferences for more than 6000 participants. Soldiers of the Army of the Slovak Republic, university students and secondary school students participated in majority of meetings. In the framework of a cross-border co-operation we co-operated with representatives of municipalities, state administration and non-governmental organisations from the Slovak-Hungarian and Slovak-Austrian border. We also addressed the general public during the whole year via regular dialogues with well-known personalities in the TV series "Slovakia and Europe" on channel STV 2.
Poľské impulzy pre slovenskú zahraničnú politiku
Poľské impulzy pre slovenskú zahraničnú politiku
(Polish Impulses For Slovak Foreign Policy)
- Author(s):Juraj Marušiak
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:83-92
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; Poland; NATO; OSCE; observers; EU; integration;
- Summary/Abstract:Priorities of both Poland and Slovakia are: integration to NATO, European Union and building good relationships with the neighbours. They are signified by long-term continuity in both countries, at least in the level of declarations. The most important difference between Slovak and Polish foreign policy is not in the distinction between the declared aims of foreign policy and its non-realization in practical politics from 1994 to 1998. In contrast to Slovakia, whose elite has not tried to search for a deeper argumentation of their foreign policy stock, and it seems that they originate in pragmatic calculations, Polish priorities were formed on the basis of historical experience and orientation of civilization of the country.
K niektorým aspektom rozširovania Európskej únie a postavenie SR
K niektorým aspektom rozširovania Európskej únie a postavenie SR
(Some Aspects of the Enlargement of the European Union and the Position of the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Ľudmila Lipková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Labor relations, Economic policy, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:93-96
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; EU; EU enlargement; economy; labour relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The incorporation of the economy of Slovakia into the economic integration within the European Union is the only possible way how to solve present economic problems. Even at the beginning of the 21st century it did not emancipate from the big recession, which had hit the Slovak economy after the transformation process in the states of Central and Eastern Europe. Nowadays individual candidate states for the membership in the European Union reach a different degree of deficiencies comparing to the European Union average. At the beginning of the 21st century Slovenia is the nearest to the average of the economic level of the European Union reaching 71.2 % of the average, it is followed by the Czech Republic (68.8 %), Hungary (68.4 %A), Estonia (65.2 %), Poland (61 %), Slovakia (58.8 %), Latvia (56.1 %), Bulgaria (54.6 %), Lithuania (52.2 %) and Romania (47.1 %).
Slovenská republika a Európska únia
Slovenská republika a Európska únia
(The Slovak Republic and the European Union)
- Author(s):Ján Figeľ
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:97-102
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; EU; integrations; progress; evaluation; France; Portugal; presidency;
- Summary/Abstract:The jubilee year 2000 brought a crucial qualitative improvement in the field of the European integration. Opening the official accession negotiations in February 2000 was a historical moment. Of great importance is also the fact that in 2000 the European Union initiated two negotiations with the Slovak Republic concerning 16 chapters, whereby 10 of them were preliminary closed. The Slovak Republic along with Malta reached a leading position in the group of countries that had opened the negotiations in 2000 and at the same time with its number of closed chapters got nearer to the countries that had opened the negotiations with the EU in 1998. The next important milestone in the process of the European integration was the December summit in Nice. Its conclusions not only confirmed a historical importance of the EU and a flexible attitude of the EU towards the issue of a faster proceeding of the best prepared candidates in the negotiation process but also an agreement was reached upon the institutional reform of the EU removing obstacles that might restrain the EU enlargement upon all contemporary candidates negotiating the accession.
Medzinárodné organizácie a Slovensko
Medzinárodné organizácie a Slovensko
(International Organizations and Slovakia)
- Author(s):Roman Bužek
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:103-107
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; international organisations; NATO; OECD;
- Summary/Abstract:The prior aim of Slovakia in the field of security policy in 2000 has remained: the aim to receive an invitation from the NATO to become a member at the next summit of the Alliance. However, the year 2000 was not a period of political discussion about the enlargement of the NATO, as the expectations showed. The member states of NATO concentrated their attention on the Membership Action Plan of (MAP) and preparation of candidate countries. Despite this, the first political exchange of opinions about the enlargement of the Alliance in this phase took place in Berlin at the plenary session of the North Atlantic Alliance in November. Furthermore, a concrete resolution, which called upon the member states of NATO to invite other countries to become a member, was brought.
Príprava SR na členstvo v NATO - postup na ceste integrácie
Príprava SR na členstvo v NATO - postup na ceste integrácie
(Preparation of the Slovak Republic for a Membership in NATO - Advancement on the Integration Way)
- Author(s):Pavol Zatlkaj
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:109-124
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; NATO; membership; integration;
- Summary/Abstract:Result of the Washington Summit in April 1999, which returned Slovakia to the general course of integration, became a challenge and a vast commitment for Slovakia to put through the real preparation for the membership in NATO in the maximum possible extent. Governmental coalition, which resulted from the election in 1998, was aware of the fact, that any vacillation or declarative fulfilment of criteria and requirements formulated in the Membership Action Plan - MAP would inevitably be reflected in our assessment by NATO and it would distinctly decrease our chances to acquire invitation to be a member of the Alliance in the imminent future. Therefore the Government of the Slovak Republic, except of establishing an effective managerial and coordination mechanism for preparation of the Slovak Republic for the membership in NATO, ordinance of The Committee of the Government for Preparation of Slovakia for NATO Membership on the level of Ministers and State Secretaries (GC PRENAME), as well as defining its distinct framework and formulating its objective content, it has supported its domestic preparation for membership by particular steps to support the policy of the Alliance. One could mention, for example, demonstration of courage and political foresight in the time of military operation of NATO in Kosovo, but also attendance of members of the Slovak Armed Forces in missions of SFOR, AFOR and KFOR. The pace and definiteness with which it was possible to excise former deficits in the internal politics were also important. On the basis of these steps Slovakia was not only positively extricated from the isolation of the previous period of time and was classified among real candidates for invitation into NATO, and more countries of the Alliance begun to consider Slovakia as one of possible leaders of the process of enlargement on the side of candidate countries.
Slovensko a Európska únia
Slovensko a Európska únia
(Slovakia and the European Union)
- Author(s):Peter Javorčík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:125-130
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; EU; integrations; negotiations; Helsinki Summit; Visegrad;
- Summary/Abstract:The year 2000 could be mostly characterised as the year when Slovakia opened its accession negotiations with the European Union. After the strategic decision of the Helsinki Summit about the opening of accession negotiations Slovakia concentrated on reaching a quick progress in the negotiation process. In this way Slovakia consistently pushed forward the realization of the key principles accepted by the Helsinki Summit: the principle of differentiation of candidates according to their preparedness, and the so called "catch-up" principle which allows us to catch up with the countries that already began the negotiations in 1998. Our preparedness to reach our aim, to enter the EU together with the other countries of the Visegrad Group, was proved by the careful preparation of position documents, while they were delivered in due time.
Bilaterálne vzťahy Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000
Bilaterálne vzťahy Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000
(Bilateral Relations of the Slovak Republic in the Year 2000)
- Author(s):Ján Šoth
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:131-144
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; bilateral relations; other countries; EU; NATO; integrations; Slovak institutes; Compatriot issue;
- Summary/Abstract:The last year meant for the Slovak Republic a further increase of activity and fulfillment of new tasks in co-operation with foreign partners. A reflection of dynamic presence of the Slovak Republic in the system of international relationships became mainly intensification of contacts and increased quality of the relationships with the developed countries of Europe and the world together with enforcing of the goals of the SR in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
Hlavné zahraničnopolitické aktivity Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000
Hlavné zahraničnopolitické aktivity Slovenskej republiky v roku 2000
(The Main Activities of the Slovak Republic in Foreign Policy)
- Author(s):David Oršula
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:145-167
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; main activities;
Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2000
Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2000
(The List of Treaties and Agreements Concluded between the Slovak Republic and Other Countries in 2000)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law, International relations/trade
- Page Range:169-184
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; treaties; agreements; other countries;
Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskej integrácie
Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskej integrácie
(Structure of State Administration Authorities Acting in International Affairs and European Integration Area)
- Author(s):Marek Kalma
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Public Administration, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:185-193
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; state administration; authorities; structure; International Affairs; European integration;
Zastupiteľské úrady Slovenskej republiky
Zastupiteľské úrady Slovenskej republiky
(Embassies of the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:194-196
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; embassy; list;
Slovenské inštitúty v zahraničí
Slovenské inštitúty v zahraničí
(Slovak Institutes abroad)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:197-197
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; Slovak Institutes; abroad; list;
Stále misie
Stále misie
(Permanent Missions)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:197-197
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; foreign policy; missions;
Zastupiteľské úrady v Slovenskej republike
Zastupiteľské úrady v Slovenskej republike
(Embassies in the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Martin Pangrác
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:198-202
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; embassy; list;
Generálne konzuláty
Generálne konzuláty
(Consulates General)
- Author(s):Martin Pangrác
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:202-202
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2000; consulate; list;
Edičná poznámka
Edičná poznámka
(Editorial commentary)
- Author(s):Alena Kotvanová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:203-203
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:editorial; commentary;