Vystúpenie Vladimíra Palka, predsedu Výboru pre obranu a bezpečnosť Národnej rady SR
Presentation of the Chairman of the Defence and Security Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Palko
Author(s): Vladimír Palko
Subject(s): Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Culture and social structure , EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Politics and Identity
Published by: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA)
Keywords: Slovakia; 2001; foreign policy; Chairman of the Defence and Security Committee; Vladimír Palko; presentation; culture; ethnicity; EU; NATO; integrations;
Summary/Abstract: Allow me to express my thanks to the organizers of today's meeting for the opportunity to present my speech. Most of the previous presentations were held in the lines of listing the successes of the Government and the National Council in the field of integration in NATO and the EU. I don't want to carry on in this direction; it wouldn't make much sense. Slovakia is now standing at the threshold of these two configurations. I would like to express my congratulations to all those, who contributed to this development, and concentrate on another point of view.I allowed myself a high level of freedom and didn't let my parliament function determine the topic of my presentation. I chose the State and National Interest and Integration. The integration itself is, of course, our state and national interest, but we cannot reduce this interest only to the accession to these configurations. Unfortunately, this reduction is quite common. Integration brings with itself many new situations, in which it will be necessary to decide what exactly our interest is. Let me remind you of the so-called Garrett's Report, which suggested us not to invest in our air units in the coming decade. We had to decide whether to except it or not. A few months ago we had to decide about the requirement of the EU to put the nuclear power station Jaslovske Bohunice out of operation.
Book: Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2001
- Page Range: 33-35
- Page Count: 3
- Publication Year: 2002
- Language: Slovak