Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. Conference proceedings Cover Image

Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. Conference proceedings
Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. Conference proceedings

Author(s): Julia Doitchinova, Zornitsa Stoyanova, Dimitrios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Apostolopoulos, Eleni Anastasopoulou, Zisis Mandanas, Bozhidar IVANOV, Hrabrin Bachev, Marina Angelova Nikolova, Szczepan Figiel, Veselin Krustev, Dorota Pasińska, Yanka Kazakova-Mateva, Dimitar Terziev, Mariya Peneva, Silvia Tomova-Zaharieva, Pavlin Bogomilov Pavlov, Agnieszka Wrzochalska, Hristina Harizanova-Bartos, Tsvetana Harizanova-Metodieva, Valeri Yordanov Velkovski, Anton Blagoev, Albena Miteva, Evgeni Genchev, Desislava Ivanova, Rumyana Angelova, Georgy Zhelyazkov, Dimitrina Stoyancheva, Ventsislav Perkov, Radka Nenova, Violetka Zheleva, Emil Mutafov, Petia Branzova, Vladimir Dimitrov, Vladimir Dimitrov, Daniela Dimitrova, Daniela Dimitrova, Sonya Todorova, Sonya Todorova, Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydjieva, Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydjieva, Monika Kabadzhova, Monika Kabadzhova, Iliyana Krishkova, Annie Dimitrova, Iliyana Krasteva, Angel Sarov, Ekatherina Tzvetanova, Galina Ivanova, Desislava Ivanova
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: environmental risk management; climate risk management; agrarian governance; digital agriculture; sustainable organic production model; farm sustainability; wheat production; apple production; agricultural model; circular economy model
Summary/Abstract: The collection includes reports from an international scientific conference „Innovative development of agricultural business and rural areas“, organized by the Department of Natural Resources Economics at the University of National and World Economy in September 2022. The papers are grouped into three sections. In the first section the emphasis was placed on environmental and climate risk management, agrarian governance, sustainable organic production model, wheat production and others.In the second section "Innovative business models for development of Agrarian Business and Rural Areas" are the reports on digital agriculture, farm sustainability, wheat production, apple production, agricultural model, the impact of subsidies in agricultural income, alternative tourism, personal agrarian exchange, the impact of covid-19 on agri-food enterprises and others. A special place is given to demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria, educational system and results in peripheral rural areas and potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity.The third section "Bioeconomy, Green Architecture and Business" includes reports on circular economy model, opportunities for sustainable food production, digital marketing in wine tourism, etc.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-682-1
  • Page Count: 286
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English
Environmental and climate risk management in agricultural holdings in Bulgaria

Environmental and climate risk management in agricultural holdings in Bulgaria
(Environmental and climate risk management in agricultural holdings in Bulgaria)

Wheat production in Greece (1980-2020)

Wheat production in Greece (1980-2020)
(Wheat production in Greece (1980-2020))

Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance

Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance
(Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance)

A sustainable organic production model - opportunity for innovative development of agricultural business in rural areas

A sustainable organic production model - opportunity for innovative development of agricultural business in rural areas
(A sustainable organic production model - opportunity for innovative development of agricultural business in rural areas)

Potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity

Potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity
(Potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity)

Impact of subsidies in agricultural income and crop production: the case of Greece

Impact of subsidies in agricultural income and crop production: the case of Greece
(Impact of subsidies in agricultural income and crop production: the case of Greece)

The impact of COVID-19 on agri-food enterprises in the Peloponnese region

The impact of COVID-19 on agri-food enterprises in the Peloponnese region
(The impact of COVID-19 on agri-food enterprises in the Peloponnese region)

Relative comparative assessment of EU-28 farm sustainability

Relative comparative assessment of EU-28 farm sustainability
(Relative comparative assessment of EU-28 farm sustainability)

The impact of avian influenza on the poultry market

The impact of avian influenza on the poultry market
(The impact of avian influenza on the poultry market)

Educational system and results in peripheral rural areas - status and perspectives

Educational system and results in peripheral rural areas - status and perspectives
(Educational system and results in peripheral rural areas - status and perspectives)

Personal agrarian exchange and uncertainty

Personal agrarian exchange and uncertainty
(Personal agrarian exchange and uncertainty)

Alternative tourism - an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories

Alternative tourism - an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories
(Alternative tourism - an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories)

Demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria

Demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria
(Demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria)

Relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria

Relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria
(Relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria)

Need for a new vision on demographic policy in the rural areas of the Republic of Bulgaria

Need for a new vision on demographic policy in the rural areas of the Republic of Bulgaria
(Need for a new vision on demographic policy in the rural areas of the Republic of Bulgaria)

Development of green architecture through the application of agro-environmental practices

Development of green architecture through the application of agro-environmental practices
(Development of green architecture through the application of agro-environmental practices)

The circular economy model - good practices for sustainable development of companies/businesses/ in Bulgaria

The circular economy model - good practices for sustainable development of companies/businesses/ in Bulgaria
(The circular economy model - good practices for sustainable development of companies/businesses/ in Bulgaria)

Profitability in farming-presumption for digitalization. Empirical evidence from bulgarian horticulture

Profitability in farming-presumption for digitalization. Empirical evidence from bulgarian horticulture
(Profitability in farming-presumption for digitalization. Empirical evidence from bulgarian horticulture)

Potential for digitalization of agriculture in Bulgaria

Potential for digitalization of agriculture in Bulgaria
(Potential for digitalization of agriculture in Bulgaria)

The price of agricultural land in Bulgaria - selected factors

The price of agricultural land in Bulgaria - selected factors
(The price of agricultural land in Bulgaria - selected factors)

Spatial distribution of irrigated areas by planning regions

Spatial distribution of irrigated areas by planning regions
(Spatial distribution of irrigated areas by planning regions)

Digitalization level of rural areas in Bulgaria

Digitalization level of rural areas in Bulgaria
(Digitalization level of rural areas in Bulgaria)

Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development

Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development
(Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development)

Digital marketing in wine tourism - innovative approach to development of the activity

Digital marketing in wine tourism - innovative approach to development of the activity
(Digital marketing in wine tourism - innovative approach to development of the activity)

Legal and regulatory aspects of ownership and use of agricultural lands

Legal and regulatory aspects of ownership and use of agricultural lands
(Legal and regulatory aspects of ownership and use of agricultural lands)

Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period

Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period
(Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period)

Sustainable development of vegetable production via innovation

Sustainable development of vegetable production via innovation
(Sustainable development of vegetable production via innovation)

Opportunities for sustainable food production

Opportunities for sustainable food production
(Opportunities for sustainable food production)

Economic efficiency evaluation theoretical framework to biostimulants application on spring rape and oat

Economic efficiency evaluation theoretical framework to biostimulants application on spring rape and oat
(Economic efficiency evaluation theoretical framework to biostimulants application on spring rape and oat)

Producer organisations opportunities and perspectives in Bulgaria

Producer organisations opportunities and perspectives in Bulgaria
(Producer organisations opportunities and perspectives in Bulgaria)

Crain market obstacles within the black sea region

Crain market obstacles within the black sea region
(Crain market obstacles within the black sea region)

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