Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. Conference proceedings
Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. Conference proceedings
Author(s): Julia Doitchinova, Zornitsa Stoyanova, Dimitrios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Apostolopoulos, Eleni Anastasopoulou, Zisis Mandanas, Bozhidar IVANOV, Hrabrin Bachev, Marina Angelova Nikolova, Szczepan Figiel, Veselin Krustev, Dorota Pasińska, Yanka Kazakova-Mateva, Dimitar Terziev, Mariya Peneva, Silvia Tomova-Zaharieva, Pavlin Bogomilov Pavlov, Agnieszka Wrzochalska, Hristina Harizanova-Bartos, Tsvetana Harizanova-Metodieva, Valeri Yordanov Velkovski, Anton Blagoev, Albena Miteva, Evgeni Genchev, Desislava Ivanova, Rumyana Angelova, Georgy Zhelyazkov, Dimitrina Stoyancheva, Ventsislav Perkov, Radka Nenova, Violetka Zheleva, Emil Mutafov, Petia Branzova, Vladimir Dimitrov, Vladimir Dimitrov, Daniela Dimitrova, Daniela Dimitrova, Sonya Todorova, Sonya Todorova, Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydjieva, Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydjieva, Monika Kabadzhova, Monika Kabadzhova, Iliyana Krishkova, Annie Dimitrova, Iliyana Krasteva, Angel Sarov, Ekatherina Tzvetanova, Galina Ivanova, Desislava Ivanova
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: environmental risk management; climate risk management; agrarian governance; digital agriculture; sustainable organic production model; farm sustainability; wheat production; apple production; agricultural model; circular economy model
Summary/Abstract: The collection includes reports from an international scientific conference „Innovative development of agricultural business and rural areas“, organized by the Department of Natural Resources Economics at the University of National and World Economy in September 2022. The papers are grouped into three sections. In the first section the emphasis was placed on environmental and climate risk management, agrarian governance, sustainable organic production model, wheat production and others.In the second section "Innovative business models for development of Agrarian Business and Rural Areas" are the reports on digital agriculture, farm sustainability, wheat production, apple production, agricultural model, the impact of subsidies in agricultural income, alternative tourism, personal agrarian exchange, the impact of covid-19 on agri-food enterprises and others. A special place is given to demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria, educational system and results in peripheral rural areas and potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity.The third section "Bioeconomy, Green Architecture and Business" includes reports on circular economy model, opportunities for sustainable food production, digital marketing in wine tourism, etc.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-682-1
- Page Count: 286
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English
Environmental and climate risk management in agricultural holdings in Bulgaria
Environmental and climate risk management in agricultural holdings in Bulgaria
(Environmental and climate risk management in agricultural holdings in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Zornitsa Stoyanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:12-22
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:climate risk; environment; agricultural holdings; measure
- Summary/Abstract:The development of agricultural holdings depends on many external and internal factors. The specifics of agricultural production and the high unpredictability of natural phenomena are the reason the factors related to nature and climate to be defined as the risks that have a serious impact on agricultural production. The aim of the paper is to study environmental and climate risks that influence on agricultural holdings in Bulgaria and, on this basis, to propose recommendations for overcoming them. The first part of the paper provides a theoretical overview of the possible climate risks for agricultural holdings. The analytical part of the paper is related to analysis of: 1 climate-related crisis events in Bulgaria for the period 2010 – 2020 and their impact on agricultural production; 2)financial support to compensate damages to agricultural crops caused by the adverse climate events that can be equated to natural disasters for the period 2016 – 2020. Based on the analysis are proposed recommendations for reducing or overcoming the environmental and climate risk.
Wheat production in Greece (1980-2020)
Wheat production in Greece (1980-2020)
(Wheat production in Greece (1980-2020))
- Author(s):Dimitrios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Apostolopoulos, Zisis Mandanas, Eleni Anastasopoulou
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:23-31
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:self-sufficiency; agricultural policy; ssubsidies; agricultural production
- Summary/Abstract:Wheat production is of strategic importance for every country. Until the 1970s, wheat self-sufficiency was one of the indicators of economic growth. Of course, no matter how much the characteristics of the society-economy change and no matter how much the consumer habits change, the need for consumption of wheat by the final consumer, as well as their use by the manufacturing industry, remains at high levels. This work presents the configuration of the following elements for soft and durum wheat: arable land, quantity produced, yield per acre, trade balance, consumption and degree of self-sufficiency. There are strongly different behaviors between the two products. Common wheat shows a decrease in production for the whole period considered, while durum wheat shows a continuous increase in production (quantities and areas) until 2005 and then a continuous decrease, where in 2022, it shows the magnitudes of 1980. The negative trade balance during the period considered – for common wheat – is deteriorating, while the positive trade balance for durum wheat is constantly declining. Finally, the degree of self-sufficiency from 146 for common wheat in 1981, was set at 26 in 2020and for durum wheat from 234 to 160 respectively. It is interesting and important to highlight the causes that shaped the above figures over time. The causes, as well as the prevailing market conditions, are even more important during the impending – as it seems – food crisis, as a result of the severe reduction of production – after the war in Ukraine, but also the increase of export restrictions from a number of countries.
Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance
Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance
(Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance)
- Author(s):Bozhidar IVANOV, Hrabrin Bachev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:32-39
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:agrarian governance; assessment modes; expert’s judgment; estimation methods; criteria; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:The idea to assess the governance is connected to measure how good is it. The goal of the study is to analyze by using ANOVA test and significance verification equation to what extent experts’ judgment and statistical estimation modes are reliable and convergent for implementing governance assessment. The results from governance principle and indicator assessments by those two modes show very similar and close variation in the scores, which is verified by the ANOVA test and significance coefficient estimation. It is assumed that application of same criteria, where the experts are asked to make their judgment on indicators having in mind the EU average is the cue to get such similar results.
A sustainable organic production model - opportunity for innovative development of agricultural business in rural areas
A sustainable organic production model - opportunity for innovative development of agricultural business in rural areas
(A sustainable organic production model - opportunity for innovative development of agricultural business in rural areas)
- Author(s):Marina Angelova Nikolova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:40-48
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:sustainable agriculture; sustainable model; organic production; diversification
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable agricultural models, as an innovative approach, are essential in the transition to a higher degree of sustainability of a healthy and environmentally friendly food system related to the production of high value-added products under the sustainable management of natural resources. The aim of the research is to identify the contribution of organic agriculture to the sustainable management and development of rural areas in the Republic of Bulgaria. The strategic framework for the future development of organic agriculture and the contribution of a sustainable organic production model as a tool for innovative development of the territory are outlined. It is defended the opinion that the innovative development of agribusiness in rural areas, through the application of a sustainable organic production model, is based on the collaboration among the authorities, local communities and business for diversification in the functional use of the territory and optimal utilization of the available resources.
Potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity
Potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity
(Potential impact of artificial intelligence applications on agricultural productivity)
- Author(s):Szczepan Figiel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:49-57
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Artificial Intelligence; Technological Change; Agricultural Productivity
- Summary/Abstract:Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods and their applications are becoming important drivers of innovations which significantly affect all areas of economic activities including agriculture. The aim of the paper is to examine how AI solutions applied in agriculture can influence not only production practices, but the sector Total Factor Productivity (TFP). First, types of AI system sand areas of their use in agriculture and related activities are presented. Second, an attempt is made to indicate effects of such technological changes for agricultural TFP worldwide.
Impact of subsidies in agricultural income and crop production: the case of Greece
Impact of subsidies in agricultural income and crop production: the case of Greece
(Impact of subsidies in agricultural income and crop production: the case of Greece)
- Author(s):Zisis Mandanas, Dimitrios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Apostolopoulos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:58-64
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Subsidies; agricultural income; agricultural production
- Summary/Abstract:Subsidies are an important element in supporting agricultural income and expanding production. This element is typical for the case of Greece in terms of crop production, which is fragmented, with the majority of farmers owning small rural areas. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between the amount of agricultural income and the value of agricultural production and the level of subsidies on products. The research data refer to the period 1993 to 2020 for Greece. All data were drawn from the Eurostat database and are annual. The results of the study showed a significant reduction in the level of subsidies, especially after 2004, which, however, is not associated with a corresponding reduction in agricultural output in the long run. On the contrary, the reduction of subsidies is related to a reduction of agricultural income.
The impact of COVID-19 on agri-food enterprises in the Peloponnese region
The impact of COVID-19 on agri-food enterprises in the Peloponnese region
(The impact of COVID-19 on agri-food enterprises in the Peloponnese region)
- Author(s):Eleni Anastasopoulou, Dimitrios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Apostolopoulos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:65-72
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:agri-food sector; food supply chain; COVID-19; enterprises; producer
- Summary/Abstract:When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, it affected the economic and social life of people worldwide. This paper aims to investigate the problems arising from the pandemic in the production process of 405 agri-food enterprises including producers (farmers, livestock farmers, fishermen), processors/micro, small, and medium agri-food enterprises located in a predominantly rural area of Greece, the Peloponnese region. The data were obtained by a detailed online questionnaire survey (quantitative analysis). According to the analysis of the results, it was found that the responses regarding the distribution of products were almost equally divided between low and high difficulty. Furthermore, despite the increased production costs by implementing sanitary protocols, the agri-food enterprises absorbed it internally and did not pass it through the price of the product. Both the quantity and the quality of produced foodstuffs were practically hardly affected. Also, agri-food enterprises have not been seriously affected by product loss and waste. Furthermore, lockdowns are contributing to labor shortages for agriculture enterprises, particularly those characterized by periods of peak seasonal labor demand. The usage of e-shops was limited, and almost half of the enterprises were not satisfied with State funding. The uncertain economic environment creates insecurity among producers and agri-food entrepreneurs for sustainability and future investments. Local and regional authorities together with the State must take relief measures to provide financial support to producers and agri-food entrepreneurs, so that the food supply chain functions properly and we do not face a food crisis.
Relative comparative assessment of EU-28 farm sustainability
Relative comparative assessment of EU-28 farm sustainability
(Relative comparative assessment of EU-28 farm sustainability)
- Author(s):Veselin Krustev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:73-81
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Agricultural Holdings; Sustainability; Economic Size; Relative Comparative Assessment; EU-28
- Summary/Abstract:The main sustainability aspects are defined in a broader definition regarding to which the agriculture should be economically efficient, environmentally compatible and socially responsible. The EU is transforming the holdings and this reflects on the farm economic size and furthermore its sustainability. This paper aims to find out the connection between the farm economic size and the sustainability. The relative comparative approach applies an assessment by normalizing the FADN data (representing an average statistical farm performance from each MS sample) and determines the scope of the Member States according to pre-defined criteria used as a sustainability score.
The impact of avian influenza on the poultry market
The impact of avian influenza on the poultry market
(The impact of avian influenza on the poultry market)
- Author(s):Dorota Pasińska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:82-91
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:bird flu; poultry; foreign trade
- Summary/Abstract:The main goal of the study is an attempt to indicate the effects of the occurrence of avian influenza on the poultry market (production, gate price, export to third countries) in Poland in three seasons of this disease (2016/2017, 2019/2020, 2020/2021). In Poland, in the last few years there has been a fairly frequent occurrence of avian influenza in poultry flocks. The eradication of this disease is associated with huge costs to the state budget. Compensation is payable for the birds killed if biosecurity requirements were respected on the farm. Farms, although probably not all, whose operations are in a protection or surveillance zone also suffer losses. These losses are related to many veterinary constraints on kept stocks. Poultry farms must bear the costs associated with undertaking and searching for innovative activities aimed at preventing the penetration of this disease into the herd. Another consequence of the occurrence of this disease in poultry is the introduction of restrictions on imports from Poland by some non-EU countries.
Educational system and results in peripheral rural areas - status and perspectives
Educational system and results in peripheral rural areas - status and perspectives
(Educational system and results in peripheral rural areas - status and perspectives)
- Author(s):Yanka Kazakova-Mateva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:92-99
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:school education; peripheral rural areas; depopulation; EU rural vision
- Summary/Abstract:The EU Rural Vision 2040 assumes that skilled, educated and motivated people will be in rural areas to make them stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous. The paper aims to look deeper in the status of the school educational system and its results in the peripheral rural areas in Bulgaria and into their perspectives to respond and benefit from the EU Rural Vision policy initiative. The results urge the educational, rural and regional development policy makers to undertake specific and targeted actions to address the school educational gap in the peripheral rural areas.
Personal agrarian exchange and uncertainty
Personal agrarian exchange and uncertainty
(Personal agrarian exchange and uncertainty)
- Author(s):Dimitar Terziev, Mariya Peneva, Silvia Tomova-Zaharieva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:100-106
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:alternative farmers; personal exchange; uncertainty; governance modes
- Summary/Abstract:The last two years (before the war started) was totally dominated by the pandemic. A new virus, no drugs, no treatment, no knowledge on proper administrative measures, various controversial opinions. The result – high level of uncertainty. It was a unique economic situation. Only one factor – uncertainty changed, other remained relatively stable. Something like Economics in a lab. At that time, we started our study on business reactions in high uncertainty. Here we present some results for farming sector. Especially in a case of farmers used mainly personal form of agrarian exchange.
Alternative tourism - an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories
Alternative tourism - an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories
(Alternative tourism - an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories)
- Author(s):Pavlin Bogomilov Pavlov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:107-114
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:alternative tourism; rural territories; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:Alternative forms of tourism, given Bulgaria's rich tourist resources, provide an opportunity for sustainable growth in rural territories. This is of particular importance for the economically less developed. It is with them that it is necessary to use and develop the available tourist resources, with a view to profiting not only from the activities typical of rural territories (agriculture and animal husbandry). In this context, the aim of this article is to present the economic role of tourism for the development of rural territories in Bulgaria.
Demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria
Demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria
(Demographic processes and problems in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Julia Doitchinova, Agnieszka Wrzochalska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:115-124
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:demographic processes; coefficients of demographic dependence; coefficient of demographic replacement
- Summary/Abstract:This report aims to analyses and assess the trends in the development of demographic processes in rural areas of Poland and Bulgaria and their consequences which affect the development of the rural areas. Trends in the demographic processes in rural areas in 2010 – 2021 were analyzed and assessed. Different coefficients of demographic replacement and trends in their changes were established. On this base, comparisons between were made and conclusions about the worsening of the demographic structures and the possibilities for the development of the local economies and communities in both countries were made.
Relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria
Relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria
(Relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Tsvetana Harizanova-Metodieva, Hristina Harizanova-Bartos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:125-133
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:salaries in agriculture; employed persons; investments in agriculture; correlations; regression model
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between salary and economic development in the agricultural sector in Bulgaria. The following statistics, concerning the agricultural sector, were used: average annual wages and salaries of the employees under labor contract; employed persons; Gross Value Added; expenditure on acquisition of tangible fixed assets and other subsidies on production. Correlation coefficients were calculated for the primary data and for the first, second and third differences. A regression model was developed and it showed that the average annual salaries in agriculture could be explained to some degree by its value in the previous period. The increases in the subsidies and in the investments significantly push salaries up, and vice versa.
Need for a new vision on demographic policy in the rural areas of the Republic of Bulgaria
Need for a new vision on demographic policy in the rural areas of the Republic of Bulgaria
(Need for a new vision on demographic policy in the rural areas of the Republic of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Valeri Yordanov Velkovski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:134-144
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:rural areas; rural population; demographic situation; policies; vision; innovative policies
- Summary/Abstract:According to a preliminary assessment of the National Statistical Institute for the number of the population of Bulgaria as of 09/07/2021. (, according to the last census of the population and housing stock from 09/07/2021. Until 10.10.2021, 1,677,139 people live in the villages. This represents 25.7% of the population of Bulgaria, which as of the indicated date is 6,520,314 people. There are several negative demographic trends, among which is the depopulation of rural areas. The stabilization of the demographic situation in these areas, as an important and necessary condition for the sustainable development of rural areas, necessitates the preparation and implementation of a new vision on the demographic situation in rural areas. This vision must include new innovative approaches and policies of a demographic nature. These approaches must be prepared and implemented as a component of the national policy for the sustainable development of rural areas and overcoming their depopulation in the context of the national demographic policy.
Development of green architecture through the application of agro-environmental practices
Development of green architecture through the application of agro-environmental practices
(Development of green architecture through the application of agro-environmental practices)
- Author(s):Anton Blagoev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:145-152
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:green architecture; agroecological practices; agricultural policy
- Summary/Abstract:Reform with the Common Agricultural Policy strengthens the need of the Council of Farmers to increase environmental practices. The introduction of green architecture determines the requirements, contact the application of more environmentally friendly practices of agricultural holdings. The whole part of the paper is about green architecture, through the application of various agri-environmental practices by farmers.
The circular economy model - good practices for sustainable development of companies/businesses/ in Bulgaria
The circular economy model - good practices for sustainable development of companies/businesses/ in Bulgaria
(The circular economy model - good practices for sustainable development of companies/businesses/ in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Albena Miteva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:153-162
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:circular economy; good practices; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:The increasing number of world's population, which mainly affects developing countries, the rising urbanization of such areas, accompanied by the increase in the standard of living of the growing middle class leads to an increase in consumption and generation of more waste. Businesses face risks related to shortage of raw materials, large fluctuations in resource prices, unpredictable market fluctuations, dependence on critical materials. The crisis of sustainable development has its roots in the applied inappropriate industrial model. A focus on efficiency alone – reducing the resources and fossil energy used per unit of production output – will not change the ultimate nature of their stocks but can only delay the inevitable. A change of the entire operating system is required. The circular economy represents an innovative development paradigm, offering cutting-edge models for production, distribution, consumption and recovery which enhance ecosystem preservation and increase human well-being. The purpose of this report is to outline the theoretical foundations of the circular economy and to reveal the possibilities for its development in our country by presenting specific good company practices in this area.
Profitability in farming-presumption for digitalization. Empirical evidence from bulgarian horticulture
Profitability in farming-presumption for digitalization. Empirical evidence from bulgarian horticulture
(Profitability in farming-presumption for digitalization. Empirical evidence from bulgarian horticulture)
- Author(s):Desislava Ivanova, Evgeni Genchev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:163-170
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:panel data regression; profitability; debt; diversified firms; agriculture
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, we investigate the impact of selected factor variables in two directions, on the one hand their impact on the financial performance of firms in the agrarian sector and on the other hand as a prerequisite or barrier to investments related to digitalization in the sector. We use an econometric model with fixed effects of panel data to estimate the dependence between the activity results and the selected variables, taking into account the influence of the individual characteristics of the enterprises. The study is based on 733 companies operating in the "Crop farming" sector (NACE.BG – 2008) and covers a period of 13 years (2007 – 2020). Our dependent variable is the return on assets (ROA), and our assessment aims to analyze the main determinants that form it, such as debt level, size and age, etc.
Potential for digitalization of agriculture in Bulgaria
Potential for digitalization of agriculture in Bulgaria
(Potential for digitalization of agriculture in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Rumyana Angelova, Georgy Zhelyazkov, Dimitrina Stoyancheva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:171-178
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:digitalization; digital technologies in livestock production
- Summary/Abstract:The level of digitalization in society, and particularly in agriculture, is a focus that attracts the attention of many researchers. The results of their research are transformed into programmers and strategic documents aimed at overcoming the digitization gap by creating conditions for the implementation of digital technologies in agriculture. This report presents some of the results obtained with respect to a survey carried out among companies in the agricultural sector, and mainly the livestock sub-sector. The data show a relatively low level of digitization and readiness for investments in this area. There is also a direct correlation between the size of enterprises in terms of staff number and the pursuit of digital transformation.
The price of agricultural land in Bulgaria - selected factors
The price of agricultural land in Bulgaria - selected factors
(The price of agricultural land in Bulgaria - selected factors)
- Author(s):Ventsislav Perkov, Radka Nenova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:179-189
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:agricultural land price; factors; stepwise regression; panel regression; fixed effect model
- Summary/Abstract:The main goal of the report is to build a model to highlight the significant factors affecting the price of agricultural land in Bulgaria. Panel data for 9 years and 25 districts were used. Fixed-effect panel regression and stepwise regression were applied. The empirical results prove that the price of agricultural land in Bulgaria, for the considered period, is influenced by the relative share of households with access to the Internet, the length of first-class roads and the average annual salary of employed persons. The existing differences in the variables by area also have a strong influence.
Spatial distribution of irrigated areas by planning regions
Spatial distribution of irrigated areas by planning regions
(Spatial distribution of irrigated areas by planning regions)
- Author(s):Radka Nenova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:190-199
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:irrigated area by category; planning regions; correspondence analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The main objective of the paper45 is to analyses the spatial structure of irrigated areas by planning regions and by categories of the utilized agricultural area in Bulgaria. Statistical data from the census of agricultural holdings were used for the empirical study, and from a methodological point of view, the correspondence analysis was applied. The results of the research can be used in the preparation of regional strategies covering the possibilities of mitigating the effects of climate change on Bulgarian agriculture through irrigated agriculture.
Digitalization level of rural areas in Bulgaria
Digitalization level of rural areas in Bulgaria
(Digitalization level of rural areas in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Violetka Zheleva, Emil Mutafov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:200-206
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:rural areas; digitization; migration
- Summary/Abstract:Rural development in Bulgaria is key to sustainable economic growth. Digital technologies implementation and digitization in the management of agricultural processes are important factors for successful development. An interesting aspect is to review the level of digitalization and the attractiveness of rural areas as a place to increase the flow of people and their opportunities for realization. The return of the population to these areas is a way to deal with one of the main problems of urbanization, namely the depopulation of large areas of the country. The main goal of this article is to define the level of digitalization, which includes access to the Internet and its usage in rural areas. Also, it will be beneficial to make a connection with migration processes and the rate of mechanical growth.
Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development
Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development
(Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development)
- Author(s):Petia Branzova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:207-214
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:agriculture; digital agriculture; environment; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, the results achieved both from an ecological and an economic point of view are extremely important for the agricultural sector. Higher environmental performance cannot be achieved if the competitiveness of agricultural sectors declines. To increase the sustainability of the sector, better economic results must be achieved, which will lead to an opportunity to increase investments to protect the environment. This is where the need comes from, in this new, developing era, to think about "new" agriculture responding to the new circumstances. Without turning our backs on the past, both with its mistakes and its achievements. Vast agronomic knowledge can be integrated into digital innovation and mobilized to workforce the r better economic and environmental performance of farms and for the benefit of citizens and consumers. The report summarizes the main technological innovations. The aim is to outline the parameters and possibilities of modern agriculture to respond to the developing digital world. Based on the definition of the review, summaries and conclusions are made about the development of digital agriculture in the world.
Digital marketing in wine tourism - innovative approach to development of the activity
Digital marketing in wine tourism - innovative approach to development of the activity
(Digital marketing in wine tourism - innovative approach to development of the activity)
- Author(s):Vladimir Dimitrov, Daniela Dimitrova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:216-224
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:wine; wine tourism; marketing; digitalization; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:Strong competition on the wine market provokes the search for new approaches in the marketing of the product, such as wine tourism. The difficult situation in the last two years, expressed in a series of lockdowns and restrictive measures in the conditions of the COVID-19, has necessitated the use of innovative solutions to ensure profitability in wineries. The aim of the present study was to establish the degree and forms of application of digital marketing in Bulgarian wine enterprises, practicing wine tourism. Data from the official websites of forty Bulgarian wineries were summarized and analyzed. The results showed that the majority of wineries use a complex of Internet-based resources to promote their activities, attract customers and make sales.
Legal and regulatory aspects of ownership and use of agricultural lands
Legal and regulatory aspects of ownership and use of agricultural lands
(Legal and regulatory aspects of ownership and use of agricultural lands)
- Author(s):Sonya Todorova, Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydjieva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:225-233
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:land relations; regulation; the right of use; regulations; law enforcement; аnalysis
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this project is to explore and to analyse the current legal framework regarding the right to property and the right to use agricultural land in Bulgaria, the economic and legal consequences of the practical application of the legal institutes governing the right to use agricultural land, to draw conclusions and recommendations for improvement. Methods: The main methods of application for research and analysis are: systematic analysis, logical approach, normative method, syn thesis, etc. Results: The research and analysis carried out on the legal framework regarding the use of agricultural land identifies significant contradictions and weaknesses which hinder the appropriate use of agricultural land and limit the possibility of concluding leases. Guidance is given for changes to help solve specific problems. Conclusion: The legal analysis of the regulations governing land relations reveals the need for a legislative initiative to address gaps and contradictions in legislation in this field in order to fully protect the rights and interests of individuals
Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period
Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period
(Evolution of apple production in the post-macrosocial transformation period)
- Author(s):Monika Kabadzhova, Iliyana Krishkova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:234-242
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Apple production; Export; Import; Correlation
- Summary/Abstract:The apple is the most widespread fruit species of the temperate climate and has great economic importance. It is characterized by high productivity, good transportability and storability of the fruits. The apples can be offered on the market all year round with a good organization of the assortment and ensure a refrigerated base. The apple production ensures much healthy benefits of people like food, vitamins, fiber, etc. Also, it could be seen as an activity that achieves good economic results. The greater return on resources invested in this production will facilitate an increase in the standard of living of employed in this activity. Also, many authors examine apple production, both on a global and national scale. Leading producers of apples in the world are China, USA, Poland and Turkey. In the EU – 27 are Poland, Italy and France in 2021. The aim of the study is to examine the evolution of apple production in Bulgaria for the period after the 1990s. We analyzed apple harvested areas, average yield and production through descriptive statistics methods. In addition, we did correlation analysis with the following indicators: export and import quantity and value, production, as well as prices and quantity of export. It was founded that the transition to a market economy in Bulgarian agriculture also had a negative impact on foreign trade in fresh fruit. As a result of all these Bulgaria had turned from an exporter into an importer of fruit.
Sustainable development of vegetable production via innovation
Sustainable development of vegetable production via innovation
(Sustainable development of vegetable production via innovation)
- Author(s):Annie Dimitrova, Petia Branzova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:243-250
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:agriculture; vegetable production; innovations; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgaria has a deep tradition in the production and export of vegetables, but in recent decades there has been a gradual but permanently contraction of the sector. Vegetable production occupies a smaller and smaller share of the country's agriculture, the problems in the sector are deepening and hindering its prosperity. The purpose of the report is to focus on innovations that would support the sustainable development of vegetable production in Bulgarian agriculture.
Opportunities for sustainable food production
Opportunities for sustainable food production
(Opportunities for sustainable food production)
- Author(s):Iliyana Krasteva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:251-257
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:sustainable production; food system; food chain; sustainable food
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly emphasized the significance of why there has to be a reliable and flexible food system which shall supply the population with sufficient amount of food products at reasonable prices. The economic crisis has made us all realize the relationships among human health, supply chains, the models of production and consumption. The developed Farm to Fork Strategy outlines the transition to a more just, healthy, and sustainable food system directed to the producers, consumers, climate, and the environment.
Economic efficiency evaluation theoretical framework to biostimulants application on spring rape and oat
Economic efficiency evaluation theoretical framework to biostimulants application on spring rape and oat
(Economic efficiency evaluation theoretical framework to biostimulants application on spring rape and oat)
- Author(s):Angel Sarov, Ekatherina Tzvetanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:258-266
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:agriculture; biostimulants; economic efficiency
- Summary/Abstract:The economic efficiency evaluation approaches of biostimulants’ (BS) application in agriculture are a significant challenge. The accepted working hypothesis in the study is that the BS application can significantly increase a specific crop’s yield and profit, but it couldn’t rise the farm’s total profit. It was made an evaluation of foliar application efficiency with biologically active substances with different concentrations. The study aims to build a theoretical framework for economic efficiency evaluation of biostimulants’ application to the spring rape and oat-based on linear programming.
Producer organisations opportunities and perspectives in Bulgaria
Producer organisations opportunities and perspectives in Bulgaria
(Producer organisations opportunities and perspectives in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Galina Ivanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:267-273
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organizations; producers; development; agribusiness
- Summary/Abstract:As a result of the economic crisis situation in the country, the need arises for the farmers to look for alternative methods to deal with challenges that they are face in the business environment. In Europe one of the main approach for overcoming crisis situations and increasing the efficiency and development of small and medium-sized farmers is unification in producer organizations. This report aims to reveal important characteristics of producer organizations and to justify their application as an opportunity to improve the agribusiness development in Bulgaria.
Crain market obstacles within the black sea region
Crain market obstacles within the black sea region
(Crain market obstacles within the black sea region)
- Author(s):Desislava Ivanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:274-283
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:grain; market; Black Sea region; Ukraine; influence
- Summary/Abstract:The Black Sea region is a major producer and exporter of wheat, in addition to being an extremely significant hub for international trade with agricultural goods. In this respect the region's influence on the global grain market is steadily increasing. Ukraine is one of the largest producers of grain commodities not only in the Black Sea region, but also in the world. Тhe physical supply of goods, the disrupted logistics structure, the food security of the population, the damaged port infra structure, as well as the long-term prospects are only few of the challenges, which are facing the grain market in the conditions of a military invasion. The impact of the conflict within the region is having a lasting influence on global grain trade due to the disrupted international food supply chain. The purpose of the publication is to present key aspects of the impact of the grain market in the Black Sea region on the world economy with an emphasis on the challenges arising from the inter action between the participating countries, including Russia and Ukraine. The subject of the research are the trends and challenges facing the grain market in the Black Sea region. The subject of the publication is the Black Sea region with a focus on Ukraine.