Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance
Review of assessment modes to bulgarian agrarian governance

Author(s): Bozhidar IVANOV, Hrabrin Bachev
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: agrarian governance; assessment modes; expert’s judgment; estimation methods; criteria; Bulgaria
Summary/Abstract: The idea to assess the governance is connected to measure how good is it. The goal of the study is to analyze by using ANOVA test and significance verification equation to what extent experts’ judgment and statistical estimation modes are reliable and convergent for implementing governance assessment. The results from governance principle and indicator assessments by those two modes show very similar and close variation in the scores, which is verified by the ANOVA test and significance coefficient estimation. It is assumed that application of same criteria, where the experts are asked to make their judgment on indicators having in mind the EU average is the cue to get such similar results.

  • Page Range: 32-39
  • Page Count: 8
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English
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