Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development
Digital agriculture - basics and prerequisites for development
Author(s): Petia Branzova
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: agriculture; digital agriculture; environment; innovation
Summary/Abstract: Nowadays, the results achieved both from an ecological and an economic point of view are extremely important for the agricultural sector. Higher environmental performance cannot be achieved if the competitiveness of agricultural sectors declines. To increase the sustainability of the sector, better economic results must be achieved, which will lead to an opportunity to increase investments to protect the environment. This is where the need comes from, in this new, developing era, to think about "new" agriculture responding to the new circumstances. Without turning our backs on the past, both with its mistakes and its achievements. Vast agronomic knowledge can be integrated into digital innovation and mobilized to workforce the r better economic and environmental performance of farms and for the benefit of citizens and consumers. The report summarizes the main technological innovations. The aim is to outline the parameters and possibilities of modern agriculture to respond to the developing digital world. Based on the definition of the review, summaries and conclusions are made about the development of digital agriculture in the world.
Book: Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. Conference proceedings
- Page Range: 207-214
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English