Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development

Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Energy and Environmental Studies, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Governance, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Economic development, Environmental interactions, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: URBAN-INCERC; conferinţă; conference; urbanism; amenajarea teritoriului; spatial planning; construcţii; buildings; constructions;
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development.

  • Page Count: 46
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: English, Romanian, French
Urban identity and the impact of COVID-19

Urban identity and the impact of COVID-19
(Urban identity and the impact of COVID-19)

La capacite des infrastructures vertes pour la gestion des eaux de ruissellement et la lutte contre les inondations a Biskra, Algerie

La capacite des infrastructures vertes pour la gestion des eaux de ruissellement et la lutte contre les inondations a Biskra, Algerie
(The capacity of green infrastructure for stormwater management and flood control in Biskra, Algeria)

Karst aquifers and thermal baths prone to hazards – case studies

Karst aquifers and thermal baths prone to hazards – case studies
(Karst aquifers and thermal baths prone to hazards – case studies)

Navigând prin pandemie, război şi criză economică spre o arhitectură durabilă

Navigând prin pandemie, război şi criză economică spre o arhitectură durabilă
(Navigating through the pandemic, war and economic crisis towards a sustainable architecture)

Modificările acoperirii şi utilizării terenului legate de infrastructura verde, provocare pentru studiile teritoriale şi planificarea spaţială

Modificările acoperirii şi utilizării terenului legate de infrastructura verde, provocare pentru studiile teritoriale şi planificarea spaţială
(Land cover and use changes related to the green infrastructure, challenge for planning and territorial research)

Infrastructura verde: evoluţia conceptului, componente şi clasificare

Infrastructura verde: evoluţia conceptului, componente şi clasificare
(Green infrastructure: evolution of concept, components and classification)

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