Modificările acoperirii şi utilizării terenului legate de infrastructura verde, provocare pentru studiile teritoriale şi planificarea spaţială
Land cover and use changes related to the green infrastructure, challenge for planning and territorial research

Author(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Olga Harea, Angela Munteanu, Diana Andronovici, Ludmila Ivanov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Geography, Regional studies, Physical Geopgraphy, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation
Keywords: urban green infrastructure; ecosystem services; biodiversity; environmental planning; urban sustainability;
Summary/Abstract: Land cover and use changes are a constant challenge for planning and territorial research, due to their connection with sustainability. The natural environment is an infrastructure generating goods and services for citizens, and has not only an environmental value, but also an economic and societal one. However, the world in general and Romania in particular continue to witness changes affecting the green infrastructure negatively, even within the natural protected areas. One of the causes may be the low environmental awareness of planners, who continue to work according to outdated conceptual models, no longer connected to the progress of landscape and urban ecology.

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