Navigând prin pandemie, război şi criză economică spre o arhitectură durabilă
Navigating through the pandemic, war and economic crisis towards a sustainable architecture

Author(s): Miruna Cristina Boca
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Historical Geography, Applied Geography, Governance, Politics and society, Applied Sociology, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research
Keywords: global climate; technology; construction; war; pandemic;
Summary/Abstract: The Russia-Ukraine conflict has considerably slowed the construction sector's recovery from the global COVID-19 lockdown. Because of rising debt levels, the short-term picture is uncertain. Both public and private sector initiatives will face challenges, with government funds devoted to efforts to address acute socioeconomic crises, and high building material prices rendering private sector projects unviable. Global climate change and global warming are problems that affect everyone, every country, and everything alive. It is a challenge felt in every sector, from agriculture to water supply and sustainable land management, from unemployment to economic stability, from democracy to security, and especially in the health sectorThe current decade has been defined by the fight against inequality, epidemics, and climate change. Technological advancements, such as digitalization and automation, will continue to have an impact on all parts of our life.

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