The skull with trepanation from the early medieval nekropolis in neighborhood Trochevo” – unique exposure from the exposition of the Museum of history of medicine in the Varna city Cover Image

Трепаниран череп от ранносредновековния некропол в квартал Трошево, Варна (ІХ–Х век) – уникален експонат от експозицията на Музея за история на медицината в град Варна
The skull with trepanation from the early medieval nekropolis in neighborhood Trochevo” – unique exposure from the exposition of the Museum of history of medicine in the Varna city

Author(s): Georgi Rusev Marinov
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
Published by: Балканска асоциация по история и философия на медицината (БАИФМ)
Keywords: paleoanthropology; skull; trepanation; necropolis; “Troshevo”

Summary/Abstract: The first in Bulgaria Museum of History of Medicine in Varna combines a building with historical value and a rich exposition fund. His first section presents the exhibition "Anthropological type, physical development, demography, paleopathology and treatment of people from the region of the Black Sea and North-eastern Bulgaria in prehistory, antiquity, First and Second Bulgarian state". One of the most interesting exhibits is the skull of a 30-35-yearold man, in the front-medial part of the left parietal bone of which there is an ovoid opening with a round and smooth rim that is processed during life. There is a smaller opening in front of it, leading to a short channel in which a bone fragment is visible. The described finding shows that this person has undergone trepanation – the intervention on the skull, which is difficult to do even today.

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