Здравното дело в град Балчик от Освобождението на България до влизане в сила на санитарния закон (28.I.1889 г.)
The health care organisation in Balchik city within the period from bulgarian Liberation to the enforcement of the sanitary law (28 of Jan. 1889)
Author(s): Georgi Rusev MarinovSubject(s): History, Social Sciences, History of ideas, Modern Age
Published by: Балканска асоциация по история и философия на медицината (БАИФМ)
Keywords: Oks; history of medicine; immunizations; medical literature; medical associations
Summary/Abstract: With the „Provisional Rules for the Organization of the Medical Part in Bulgaria“ from 1879 in the town Balchik, which has with severe health and sanitary problems, a position „okrazhen“ doctor is created. This job was occupied as follows by: Dr. G. Popescu, Dr. N. Vasiliev and Dr. N. Foinitsky, who also headed the III-class hospital with 10 beds. At the end of 1882 the hospital was temporarily closed. In 1883 Dr. M. Vartan was appointed „okrazhen“ doctor. From January 1, 1884, the office of „okrazhen“ doctor in Balchik was closed, and a „district“ health service was established with a „district“ physician who brought both the hospital and two paramedics. In 1884 Dr. M. Ignatiev was appointed as Balchik „district“ physician. He published the first analyzes of the health and demographic problems of Balchik, paying attention to the healthful location of the town and the opportunities for its development. Upon his arrival in Balchik, the importance of the hospital was assessed and by a decree of June 1884, BGN 5,000 were granted for the construction of a new third-class hospital and the municipality was ordered to provide the remaining funds. During the Serbian-Bulgarian War (1885), the hospital stopped accepting the sick and the staff was sent near the war еvents. Since January 1886, the hospital has been closed for a „no need“ reason and has long time been inactive. In the period 1886– 1888 for a Balchik „district“ physicians were appointed Dr. B. Oks, Dr. Popescu and Dr. G. Dechev. In 1887, he returned to Russia where he established a specialized private institute for the treatment of smallpox. Besides he was involved in research and publishing activity. The work of dr. Oks is alive in Bulgaria. The city of Razgrad is the center of the pharmaceutical industry, and the street in the city of Varna is named Boris Ok
Journal: Асклепий. Международно списание по история и философия на медицината
- Issue Year: XIII/2017
- Issue No: 01
- Page Range: 62-69
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Bulgarian