Medical anthropological look at the people from Varna Chalcolithic Necropolis and Early Chalcolithic graves near Varna Cover Image

Медико-антропологичен поглед към хората от Варненския халколитен некропол и раннохалколитни гробове край Варна
Medical anthropological look at the people from Varna Chalcolithic Necropolis and Early Chalcolithic graves near Varna

Author(s): Georgi Rusev Marinov
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Ancient World
Published by: Балканска асоциация по история и философия на медицината (БАИФМ)

Summary/Abstract: The discovery of VChN (1972) proved that in the middle of fifth millennium B.C. the inhabitants of the North-Western Black Sea Coast created a highly developed culture. During archaeological researches (1972–1991) 315 graves ware observed. In 263 graves the remnants of human bones were found, while in 49 graves were absen. For 3 graves not results. In 256 graves bones from one human skeleton were found, and in 7 graves bones from two skeletons. From 270 skeletons studied 89 are male, 59 female, 122 without sex definition; 23 are children 0–10 years, 35 adolescents 10–18 years, 95 adults 18–55 years, 95 adults without year’s definition, 22 without age definition. The number of deaths is highest in 20–35 years old man – 75,93%, and in 18–30 years old women – 86.49%. The age limits for men is 35–40 years (4 skeletons) and 40–45 years (4 skeletons). For women it is 30–35 years (4 skeleton) and 50–55 years (1 skeleton). The society was divided between powerful individuals, and those who did not. The skull bones from grave 63 have a number of alterations as result from meningitis and/or encephalitis. The gold artifacts with „tack“ or „drawing-pin“ shape were observed in labial region of the masks in the graves 2, 3 and 15. The identical gold artifacts in 7 graves with bent human skeletons (2 children, 3 women 20 – 25 years and 2 adults the sex of which is not determined) were observed. Probably they were implanted „in vivo“.

  • Issue Year: XI/2016
  • Issue No: 01+02
  • Page Range: 211-216
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Bulgarian
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