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Tourism is a powerful tool to bring different countries together.By better knowing one another,people of different cultures and backgrounds will find it much harder to generate feelings of hatred and animosity against each other. Thus, the consolidation of interaction in the area of tourism between Serbia and Albania is very important for the further stabilization of the relations between the countries, since it will not only trigger better economic prospects but it will also positively change the perception that both nations have towards each other.Both Albania and Serbia have concentrated in the last decade to promote a better image of their respective countries by branding themselves as attractive tourist destinations of the Southeastern Europe region.
Artykuł prezentuje badania pasażerów jako klientów portu lotniczego. Polskie dane uwidaczniane są na tle europejskim. Następnie autorka zajmuje się zagadnieniami zastosowania wyników badań w kształtowaniu oferty usług w porcie lotniczym, w planowaniu infrastruktury transportowej służącej dotarciu pasażerów do portu lotniczego, w określeniu obszaru oddziaływania portu lotniczego i zmian jego zakresu, w ocenie lojalności pasażerów wobec portu lotniczego, w kształtowaniu optymalnej struktury powierzchni handlowej w porcie i maksymalizacji przychodów pozalotniczych, a także w kształtowaniu siatki połączeń lotniczych.
Autor przedstawia zarys metodyki formułowania strategii przedsiębiorstwa, charakteryzuje strategie portów lotniczych (misja, strategiczne portfele działalności), by naświetlić strategiczne przesłanki konkurencyjności portów lotniczych.
The 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019) took place on May 30 – 31, 2019 at the University of Economics, Prague. The conference was organised by the Department of Entrepreneurship of the University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic in cooperation with other partners.Sound keynote speakers – Martina Musteen (San Diego State University, USA), Ilan Alon (University of Agder, Norway), Andrew Burke (Trinity Business School, Ireland), Arnim Wiek (Arizona State University, USA), Søren Salomo (Technical University Berlin, Germany) and Roy Thurik (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) discussed the trends in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability. The conference aimed to achieve academic excellence in a regional context and to establish a platform for mutual collaboration, exchange and dissemination of ideas among researchers and professionals.These conference proceedings contain contributions of the conference participants presented during both days of the conference. Authors of papers come from 22 countries all over the world, namely from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and Vietnam. All these contributions have successfully passed the doubleblind peer-review process.
Procesy konkurencji w układach regionalnych i lokalnych zmuszają do poszukiwania rozwiązań wynikających z przyjęcia zasad i reguł zapewniających większe powodzenie w osiąganiu celów rozwojowych jednostek przestrzennych. Jednym z najważniejszych celów w takim ujęciu jest dobrobyt społeczności zamieszkującej miasto. Kategorią uwzględniającą stopień satysfakcji pewnej grupy obywateli (np. mieszkańców gminy, miasta czy regionu) z całokształtu egzystencji jest jakość życia. Jej poziom zależy m.in. od działalności gospodarczej miasta i związanych z nią efektów ekonomicznych. Jedną z funkcji gospodarczych miasta może być turystyka. Jednak zależności pomiędzy procesem podnoszenia jakości życia a rozwojem turystyki mają charakter bardziej złożony. Przyczynia się do tego złożoność produktu turystycznego danego obszaru oraz rola mieszkańców w jego kształtowaniu.
The fundamental goal in approaching multimodality in transport is to integrate all modes of transport in an optimal, sustainable and ethical system. The implementation of intermodal services in the field of tourism will contribute to the increase of travel options, as well as to the provision of comfortable services, while increasing the efficiency of the transport system as a whole. The objective of the research is to identify and evaluate efficient IT solutions for calculating travel times in the integrated combined transport system of national road and rail infrastructure and the forecast demand in the field of public transport of people to tourist destinations. The proposed methodologies for defining IT solutions are based on the use of Geographic Information Systems, both in vector format corroborated with data on general transit specifications (GTFS) and in raster format by creating a continuous cost surface model, using all transport nodes.
This book collects scientific papers and reports presented on the conference ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Nine Years Later’ organized by the International Economic Relations and Business Department at University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference, held on 7 October 2016, was dedicated to the upcoming Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The contributors to the present edition of the book explore topics such as European integration and Cohesion, the role of the financial centres in the EU, development in the banking sector, Banking union, Eurozone and inflation, financial risk mitigation. Researchers discuss some EU strategic goals such as the energy union and environmental policies, energy economics, electricity generation, energy markets and liberalization as well as research activities and initiatives such as the program Horizon 2020. Authors review aspects related to the organizational issues, change management, communication in organizations, business culture, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, irregularities and financial corrections. The book contains in-depth research related to the innovations and outsourcing, digital marketing, regional financial sustainability in Bulgaria and analysis on the local tourism. ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Nine Years Later’ is an annually organized academic event with the vision to foster open dialogue, offer contemporary research and exchange of ideas between fellow academics, policy makers, businesses, stakeholders and the public.
This book collects scientific papers and reports presented on the conference ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Seven Years Later’ organized by the International Economic Relations and Business Department at University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference, held on 3 October 2014, traditionally provided a stage for prominent academics, dedicated PhD students and professionals to discuss contemporary topics related to multiple aspects of the European integration, its effects on the Bulgarian economy, socio-economic environment, international business and relations, finance and politics. The authors in this edition of the book thoroughly reviewed the economy of the Euro area and the EU as it progresses after the latest recession. A Group of authors focuses attention on the banking sector, monetary aspects and inflation, the development in the Economic and monetary union within EU, the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the overall competitiveness and recovery of the European markets. Cross-border partnership with EU neighbours and related instruments, cohesion among the EU member states, experience with the European funds and corresponding public procurement process are another thematic cluster discussed in the book. The researchers increasingly examine subjects related to the energy policy and security, the EU energy policy development and actions in particular. The contributors review matters related to the renewable energy sources, the establishment of the European Energy Union and other institutional and policy developments on supranational level. Another thematic cycle in the book is related to matters concerning the corporate management, business strategy and marketing, new markets expansion and interculturalism. This is intertwined with papers dedicated to the education, human resource involvement and adaptation to the working environment, research and innovation. ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Seven Years Later’ is an annually organized academic event with the vision to foster open dialogue, offer contemporary research and exchange of ideas between fellow academics, policy makers, businesses, stakeholders and the public.
This book collects scientific papers and reports presented on the conference ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Six Years Later’ organized by the International Economic Relations and Business Department at University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference, held on 11 October 2013, traditionally provided a stage for prominent academics, dedicated PhD students and professionals to discuss contemporary topics related to multiple aspects of the European integration, its effects on the Bulgarian economy, socio-economic environment, international business and relations, finance and politics. The contributors to this edition discuss the economic and monetary union (EMU) development, the effects on it as a result of the crisis in Cyprus and the progress of the economy in the Southern Europe, the multiannual financial framework of the EU for 2014-2020, Cohesion and industrial policy. Another group of articles are dedicated to the competitiveness of the national economy and companies, the regional economic development and measures to enhance it, an analysis on specific market segments is conducted by several authors – related to the aviation, tourism, food and beverage industry, agriculture as well as behavioural aspects of the households’ purchasing decisions.Among the research topics are analysis on the banking union of the EU, emerging matters such as green economy and the EU emission trading system, ongoing trends in the global trade and international relations. ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Six Years Later’ is an annually organized academic event with the vision to foster open dialogue, offer contemporary research and exchange of ideas between fellow academics, policy makers, businesses, stakeholders and the public.
The Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the "Economic Science, Education and the Real Economy: Development and Interactions in the Digital Age", held on 11 – 12 May 2020, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary оf the University of Economics-Varna. Against the background of the cultural and economic rise from the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century, on May 14, 1920 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Varna decides to open a Higher School of Commerce in the city. This marks the beginning of higher economics education in the country. For the period of its existence the university has trained over 155,000 specialists with successful self-realization in the country and abroad. Today, more than 8,000 Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates from 52 countries study in 27 Bachelor's, 29 Master's and 16 Doctor‟s programs. One hundred years for a Bulgarian university is a remarkable anniversary. Some European universities have a much longer history, but when we give assessments, we must always consider the historical context. From this point of view and within the post-liberation period, 100 years of existence, for a Bulgarian university, is a remarkable achievement. The University of Economics – Varna is one of the oldest universities in Bulgaria and the university is rightly proud of its history. The Jubilee International Scientific Conference is focused on digitalization and all those profound transformations it causes in the economy and society. The theme of the conference has been chosen in the period preceding the outbreak of the global coronary virus pandemic. This is important to note because the current economic situation has changed dramatically. As a result of the state of emergency and the imposed social isolation, the economies all over the world have entered a recession. The business, our social and cultural lives have come to a standstill. The economic crisis that has begun is unprecedented both in its cause and most likely in its scale and scope, and it is currently confronting us with specific economic problems. But we believe in science and medicine, in the human mind and intelligence, and we have no doubt that the epidemic will be brought under control and sooner or later the world will return to normal. Then the fundamental determinants of economic activity shall start to operate, one of which is the ongoing process of digitalization. The present economic situation has confronted us with specific economic problems, but it has also shown in a clear and unequivocal way how important new technologies are in modern life, in particular in the conditions of emergency and social distance. It is in these conditions that all our communication, the opportunity for public institutions to continue with their work, online university and school education, etc. rest on digital technologies today. This conference has also been made possible by modern technology. The crisis, from a certain point of view, has given a new impetus to the digitalization of society. In the context of current events and the explanations given above, the topic of the conference is focused on the long-term development of the economy and society as a whole. The scientific event aroused considerable interest. The conference was attended by 340 scientists, researchers, lecturers, PhD students and students from 23 Bulgarian and 15 foreign universities and research organizations from Germany, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia and Ukraine, as well as representatives of business and various institutions. Plenary reports of the conference have been presented by: Prof. Evgeni Stanimirov PhD - Rector of the University of Economics – Varna, "Quo vadis, education?", Prof. Daniela Bobeva PhD, Institute for Economic Research at BAS, "Costs and Benfits of Euro Adoption in Bulgaria: lessons Learned from the Long Path of Bulgaria to the Euro' Mr. Plamen Rusev PhD, one of the successful alumni of the University of Economics-Varna, Executive Chairman of the Webit Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors of Endeavor Bulgaria, addressed the plenary session with a speech on "Bulgaria – a platform for creating global initiatives." The proceedings covers 263 reports, in 4 volumes. The range of problems in the reports is wide, in line with the idea of the scientific forum: to analyze the manifestation of digitalization not only in business and economy, but its social, institutional and legal aspects, as well. A very important part of the conference is the reports that examine the impact of digitalization on education and science.
Along with the economic benefi ts of urban tourism development, such as creating new business opportunities, providing employment to the local residents, and generating revenue, there are a number of unfavorable consequences of overtourism to some destinations at the same time. In particular, this involves the destruction of cultural heritage, environmental pollution, deterioration the quality of life and, in general, a lower quality supply of tourist services, which have a signifi cant impact on tourists‘ experiences. The decision of these questions is on the one hand within the scope of local tourism management and concerns the behavior of tourists, on the other hand.
With the development of global hotel services markets as well as the general trends of the transnationalization of the economy lead to the expansion of international hotel chains. Hotel chains contribute to raising the level of organization of production and tourism services, creating a certain image of hotel services.Their impact on the market is strong and competitive. They are entering new tourist destinations and their network is constantly growing. This trend will continue in the future as well as strong competition between them for markets and offering innovative services.
This article analyze basic characteristics, peculiarities and tendencies in the development of e-business. In the article are systematized stages and principles in the development of e-business. Based on the study of the dynamics of e-commerce in tourism, are presented specifi c recommendations for its management in tourism companies. It is argued that with the development of e-business and e-commerce, tourism companies could successfully develop a personalized e-business strategy, could select and manage customer relationship and analyze quickly business situations and forecast their development.
Toward the „new normal” after Covid-19 – a post-transition economy perspective contains a collection of 21 papers addressing the societal, political, economic, and managerial challenges of the post-pandemic world. The book is divided into three parts. Part one touches on the supranational and national level aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Part two focuses on business sectors and industries, whereas part three provides the perspective of companies.Authors – researchers from the PUEB’s Institute of International Business and Economics – share their research results, voice concerns, and offer recommendations on creating today’s world more immune to shocks and ready for unknowns. The pandemic of Covid-19 revealed many weaknesses of the global economy, national economies and states, business sectors, and individual companies. It’s undoubtedly the turning point, but simultaneously it’s an opportunity and a spur to change toward the new and sustainable normal.
The aim of this book is to present the most important issues related to sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are discussed from a macro and micro perspective, both in the form of theoretical foundations of these concepts and practical examples of companies operating in Central and Eastern European countries that have implemented these ideas in their daily operations and translated them into corporate and functional strategies. The book consists of four parts. The first one is theoretical in its assumptions and is devoted to explaining the key concepts of sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The authors describe the determinants of sustainable development in the contemporary world, including the most important ones, such as globalization, climate change, poverty, unlimited consumption, as well as limited access to natural resources - all in relation to the goals of sustainable development. The chapter also discusses the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which is now recognized as the process by which business contributes to the implementation of sustainable development. How sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are incorporated into the organization's strategies and influence the corporate strategy on the corporate and functional areas of the organization is presented in the last chapter of the first part of the e-book. The next part of the e-book helps readers understand the concepts of SD and CSR in the field of organizational strategy - in strategic management, and at the level of functional strategies—marketing, human resources, marketing research, accounting and operational management. The authors explain the reasons why companies need to consider the local and global perspective when setting SDGs, and the existence of potential conflicts within them. Taking into account the area of marketing, the authors point to the increase in environmental and social awareness of all stakeholders, which translates into changes in the criteria for decision-making by managers and risk assessment. The issue of sustainability is also the subject of market research. Companies producing products and services, institutions dealing with environmental or consumer protection, scientists and students conduct many research projects related to, inter alia, much more. How to use secondary data for analysis and how to prepare, conduct, analyze and interpret the results of primary research in that area are discussed in detail in the next chapter of this section. The concept of SD also refers to the basic functions of human resource management (HRM)—recruitment, motivation, evaluation and control. They should take into account SD not only for the efficiency of the organization and long-term economic benefits, but also for ethical reasons. Thanks to the SHRM, the awareness and behavior of the entire organization can strongly express sustainable goals in the planning and implementation of the overall corporate strategy. The growing importance of the idea of SD and the concept of CSR also resulted in the need for accounting and finance to develop solutions enabling the provision of information on the methods and results of implementing these concepts in entities operating on the market. This part of the book also examines manufacturing activities in the context of sustainability. As a result, many problems arise: waste of resources, mismanagement, excessive energy consumption, environmental pollution, use of human potential, etc. The chapter presents such concepts as: zero-waste, lean-manufacturing, six-sigma, circular production, design and recycling products in the life cycle as well as ecological and environmentally friendly production. The next two parts of the e-book contain examples of companies from Central and Eastern Europe that used SD goals in their strategies, questions and tasks for readers.
35 praktičnih naputaka za spas turizma u uvjetima zdravstvene krize. 1. Ako vas muče visoka temperatura, bol u mišićima, kašalj i grlobolja, to nije razlog da Dragom Gostu ne servirate doručak. 2. Ako Dragoga Gosta muče visoka temperatura i bol u mišićima, a uz to i napadno kašlje, to nije razlog da prema njemu budete rezervirani: svaka nacija ima pravo na svoju kulturu i običaje, a susret s istima može vas samo obogatiti.
Cula is a semi-fortified construction, characteristic of the 18th-19th century. Such construction can also be found in other countries, such as Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and Northern Macedonia. In Romania, there are several dozen calls, with different levels of conservation. Until now, these constructions have not been exploited for tourism, most being left to decay. Establishing cultural routes that include them could represent a solution to save these constructions.