Soluţii informatice de planificare a călătoriilor în scop turistic utilizând transportul combinat
IT solutions for planning leisure trips using the combined transport

Author(s): Antonio Valentin Tache, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Ovidiu-Eugen Ciogescu, Monica Tache
Subject(s): Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Maps / Cartography, Tourism, Transport / Logistics
Keywords: multimodal transport; tourism; computer systems; GIS; GTFS
Summary/Abstract: The fundamental goal in approaching multimodality in transport is to integrate all modes of transport in an optimal, sustainable and ethical system. The implementation of intermodal services in the field of tourism will contribute to the increase of travel options, as well as to the provision of comfortable services, while increasing the efficiency of the transport system as a whole. The objective of the research is to identify and evaluate efficient IT solutions for calculating travel times in the integrated combined transport system of national road and rail infrastructure and the forecast demand in the field of public transport of people to tourist destinations. The proposed methodologies for defining IT solutions are based on the use of Geographic Information Systems, both in vector format corroborated with data on general transit specifications (GTFS) and in raster format by creating a continuous cost surface model, using all transport nodes.

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