Европейският енергиен съюз: предпоставка за запазването на съюза в Европейския съюз
European Energy Union: Prerequisite for Maintaining the Union in the European Union
Author(s): Svetla Boneva
Subject(s): Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Energy Union; EU Energy Union; Energy Union; Bulgaria; Energy Isolation; Energy Independence
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the necessity to eliminate the phenomenon of "energy isolation" which could be achieved by improving energy relations between member states and with other countries outside the EU. In order to achieve the formulated goal, the author conducted the following research tasks: 1) analysis of the current state of research available on the topic "European Energy Union"; 2) clarification of the contradictions and different points of view on the establishment of the European Energy Union; 3) comparison between the "visionaries" and the "pragmatists" for the future of the energy union; 4) outlining the importance of the Energy Union for Bulgaria.
Book: Има ли достатъчно Европа и съюз в Европейския съюз?
- Page Range: 90-109
- Page Count: 20
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Bulgarian