Има ли достатъчно Европа и съюз в Европейския съюз?
Is There Enough Europe and Union in the European Union?

Reports from the third International Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, May 2016

Contributor(s): Ingrid Shikova (Editor), Dimitar Denkov (Editor), Kaloyan Simeonov (Editor), Teodora Kaleynska (Editor), Gergana Radoykova (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Economy, Education, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Studies of Literature, Sociology, German Literature, Labor relations, International relations/trade, Higher Education , Migration Studies, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Integration; European Union; European Union Development; EU Economy; EU Politics; EU Integration
Summary/Abstract: This book presents reports from the Third International Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The conference was organized in May 2016 with the support by Hanns Seidel Foundation. The participants discussed in their reports contemporary issues of the EU related to the political course of the union, the socio-economic implications of the recent crisis, the recovery process, trade and economic cooperation with external partners as well as prospective for EU’s expansion.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-8702-39-3
  • Page Count: 306
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: English, Bulgarian
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Eдин все по-диференциран Европейски съюз
(An Increasingly Differentiated European Union)

Несигурната, но препотвърдена европейска интеграция

Несигурната, но препотвърдена европейска интеграция
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Предизвикателството Brexit пред ЕС и Великобритания: кой печели и кой губи?

Предизвикателството Brexit пред ЕС и Великобритания: кой печели и кой губи?
(Brexit Challenge For the EU and the UK: Who Wins and Who Loses?)

Съвременните акценти в макроикономическите политики на Европейския съюз

Съвременните акценти в макроикономическите политики на Европейския съюз
(Contemporary Features in the Macroeconomic Policies of the European Union)

Икономическият и паричен съюз – една година след доклада на петимата председатели

Икономическият и паричен съюз – една година след доклада на петимата председатели
(Economic and Monetary Union - One Year After the Five Presidents Report)

Португалия в Европейския паричен съюз – пътят от спасителна програма към икономически растеж в съвременния проблемен за съюза период

Португалия в Европейския паричен съюз – пътят от спасителна програма към икономически растеж в съвременния проблемен за съюза период
(Portugal in the European Monetary Union - Path from a Rescue Program to Economic Growth in the Current Problematic Period for the Union)

Планът „Юнкер“ – от грантове към финансови инструменти за подкрепа развитието на малките и средни предприятия

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(The Juncker Plan - From Grants to Financial Instruments to Support the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises)

Европейският енергиен съюз: предпоставка за запазването на съюза в Европейския съюз

Европейският енергиен съюз: предпоставка за запазването на съюза в Европейския съюз
(European Energy Union: Prerequisite for Maintaining the Union in the European Union)

Кризата на механизма за сътрудничество и проверка като пример за конструиране на провал в партньорството с ЕС

Кризата на механизма за сътрудничество и проверка като пример за конструиране на провал в партньорството с ЕС
(The Crisis of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism as an Example of Constructing a Failure in Partnership with the EU)

Equity and Inequities on the Labour Market in the European Union

Equity and Inequities on the Labour Market in the European Union
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European Foreign Affairs Between States’ Sovereignty and Union’s Common Policy

European Foreign Affairs Between States’ Sovereignty and Union’s Common Policy
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Европа накъде?

Европа накъде?
(Europe – where to?)

Trade and Economic Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries Under the Belt and Road Initiative

Trade and Economic Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries Under the Belt and Road Initiative
(Trade and Economic Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries Under the Belt and Road Initiative)

Културата, културите и европейската интеграция

Културата, културите и европейската интеграция
(Culture, cultures and European integration)

Европа между радикализацията и миграцията

Европа между радикализацията и миграцията
(Europe between the Radicalisation and the Migration)

The Paradox оf „White, Christian and Rational“

The Paradox оf „White, Christian and Rational“
(The Paradox оf „White, Christian and Rational“)

Work-Family Conflict in Light of the EU 2020

Work-Family Conflict in Light of the EU 2020
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The Greek Crisis, the Media and the Transformation of the European Public Sphere

The Greek Crisis, the Media and the Transformation of the European Public Sphere
(The Greek Crisis, the Media and the Transformation of the European Public Sphere)

European Citizenship as a Standard of European Integration? Theoretical and Empirical Elements

European Citizenship as a Standard of European Integration? Theoretical and Empirical Elements
(European Citizenship as a Standard of European Integration? Theoretical and Empirical Elements)

Политически аспекти на идентичността в романи от днешна Германия

Политически аспекти на идентичността в романи от днешна Германия
(Political Aspects of Identity in Novels From Today's Germany)

Do You Speak European? (Revisiting the Realm of Intercultural Communicative Competence from the Perspective оf EU Studies Education at University Level)

Do You Speak European? (Revisiting the Realm of Intercultural Communicative Competence from the Perspective оf EU Studies Education at University Level)
(Do You Speak European? (Revisiting the Realm of Intercultural Communicative Competence from the Perspective оf EU Studies Education at University Level))

Разширяване на Европейския съюз – мисия възможна?

Разширяване на Европейския съюз – мисия възможна?
(Enlargement оf the European Union – Mission Possible?)

Enlargement of the European Union and the Western Balkans

Enlargement of the European Union and the Western Balkans
(Enlargement of the European Union and the Western Balkans)

A Comparative Analysis on the Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments Before and After Romania’s Accession to the European Union

A Comparative Analysis on the Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments Before and After Romania’s Accession to the European Union
(A Comparative Analysis on the Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments Before and After Romania’s Accession to the European Union)

Разширяването на Европейския съюз към Западните Балкани през погледна на България

Разширяването на Европейския съюз към Западните Балкани през погледна на България
(EU Enlargement to the Western Balkans in the Bulgarian View)

Има ли достатъчно разширяване в политиката за разширяване на Европейския съюз?

Има ли достатъчно разширяване в политиката за разширяване на Европейския съюз?
(Is There Sufficient Enlargement in the European Union's Enlargement Policy?)

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