Future Perspectives of the EU Enlargement Towards the Western Balkans
Future Perspectives of the EU Enlargement Towards the Western Balkans

Author(s): Vasko Naumovski, Jovan Andonovski
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: EU Accession; Western Balkans; EU Enlargement; EU Integration
Summary/Abstract: Europe has always been a land of visions and opportunities, a true cradle of knowledge and prosperity which allows everyone equality and wellbeing. That is how it is functioning immaculately and with no impediment. All of us, as a part of this continent, are continuously striving to make it even better than it was. We continuously pave the path for the future generations to make it even more successful and prosperous. This is where the European integration comes into play, because it shows to be the most efficient way to unite all the countries into one. Truly, ‘United in diversity’, just as the motto says.

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