Европейският съюз след 2020 г. – нова Европа в нов свят
EU Post 2020 – New Europe in a New World

Reports from the Sixth International Scientific Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Contributor(s): Ingrid Shikova (Editor), Kaloyan Simeonov (Editor), Mirela Veleva (Editor), Jovan Andonovski (Editor), Gergana Radoykova (Editor), Miruna Andreea Balosin (Editor), Penka Hristova (Translator), Hristina Yotova (Translator)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Theory, International relations/trade, Politics and society, Culture and social structure , Higher Education , EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Integration; European Union; European Union Development; EU Economy; EU Politics; EU Integration
Summary/Abstract: This book presents reports from „EU Post 2020 – New Europe in a New World“, Sixth International Scientific Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The conference was held in May 2019 with the support of Hanns Seidel Foundation and Erasmus+ programme.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-07-4751-4
  • Page Count: 432
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: English, Bulgarian
After the Election – Before the New Start. The European Union in Transition

After the Election – Before the New Start. The European Union in Transition
(After the Election – Before the New Start. The European Union in Transition)

Между „мъдреца на сцената“ и „режисьора в залата“ – съчетанието на традиционните и иновативните методи в преподаването на европейски изследвания

Между „мъдреца на сцената“ и „режисьора в залата“ – съчетанието на традиционните и иновативните методи в преподаването на европейски изследвания
(Between the ‘Wise Men on the Stage’ and the ‘Director in the Hall’ - Combination of Traditional and Innovative Methods in Teaching European Studies)

Участие на гражданските организации в процеса на преподаване на Европа

Участие на гражданските организации в процеса на преподаване на Европа
(Civil Society Organizations Participation in the Teaching Process of Europe)

The New European Dimension of Teaching. The Role of European Studies

The New European Dimension of Teaching. The Role of European Studies
(The New European Dimension of Teaching. The Role of European Studies)

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Legal Challenge for the European Union

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Legal Challenge for the European Union
(Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Legal Challenge for the European Union)

EU Against Fake News – The Need for Policy Action Countering Online Disinformation

EU Against Fake News – The Need for Policy Action Countering Online Disinformation
(EU Against Fake News – The Need for Policy Action Countering Online Disinformation)

Regulating Hate Speech in Europe: Promoting Tolerance in Diverse Societies

Regulating Hate Speech in Europe: Promoting Tolerance in Diverse Societies
(Regulating Hate Speech in Europe: Promoting Tolerance in Diverse Societies)

Идва ли краят на популистката вълна в ЕС?

Идва ли краят на популистката вълна в ЕС?
(Is the end of the populist wave in the EU coming?)

Демократични инструменти на ЕС след 2020: възможно ли е преодоляване на дефицита на легитимност?

Демократични инструменти на ЕС след 2020: възможно ли е преодоляване на дефицита на легитимност?
(EU Democratic Instruments After 2020: Is It Possible to Overcome the Legitimacy Deficit?)

Диалогът с гражданите за бъдещето на Европейския съюз – резултати и въпросителни

Диалогът с гражданите за бъдещето на Европейския съюз – резултати и въпросителни
(Dialogue with Citizens on the Future of the European Union - Results and Questions)

The EU’s Enlargement Fifteen Years Ago and Now: Declining Credibility and Positive Dynamics?

The EU’s Enlargement Fifteen Years Ago and Now: Declining Credibility and Positive Dynamics?
(The EU’s Enlargement Fifteen Years Ago and Now: Declining Credibility and Positive Dynamics?)

Разширяването на Европейския съюз в геополитически контекст

Разширяването на Европейския съюз в геополитически контекст
(The European Union Enlargement in a Geopolitical Context)

Perspectives of the European Enlargement Process – Between Reform and Crisis

Perspectives of the European Enlargement Process – Between Reform and Crisis
(Perspectives of the European Enlargement Process – Between Reform and Crisis)

Евразийският икономически съюз – конкуренция на Европейския съюз в района на Източното партньорство

Евразийският икономически съюз – конкуренция на Европейския съюз в района на Източното партньорство
(Eurasian Economic Union - Competition for the European Union in the Eastern Partnership Region)

Brexit Metaphors: Understanding Britain’s Relationship with Europe Through Mental Shortcuts

Brexit Metaphors: Understanding Britain’s Relationship with Europe Through Mental Shortcuts
(Brexit Metaphors: Understanding Britain’s Relationship with Europe Through Mental Shortcuts)

Съвременни предизвикателства пред европейския социален модел

Съвременни предизвикателства пред европейския социален модел
(Contemporary Challenges to the European Social Model)

Economic Performance of North Macedonian Economy and the EU Integration Challenges

Economic Performance of North Macedonian Economy and the EU Integration Challenges
(Economic Performance of North Macedonian Economy and the EU Integration Challenges)

Overcoming Bilateral Disputes as Part of the EU Accession Process

Overcoming Bilateral Disputes as Part of the EU Accession Process
(Overcoming Bilateral Disputes as Part of the EU Accession Process)

The Challenges of Secularism and European Integration (The North Macedonian Case)

The Challenges of Secularism and European Integration (The North Macedonian Case)
(The Challenges of Secularism and European Integration (The North Macedonian Case))

Еврото в Европа и по света – 20 години по-късно

Еврото в Европа и по света – 20 години по-късно
(Euro in Europe and around the world - 20 years later)

The Multiannual Financial Framework and the Future of the European Union

The Multiannual Financial Framework and the Future of the European Union
(The Multiannual Financial Framework and the Future of the European Union)

Засилването на протекционистичните тенденции: потенциалните ефекти върху държавите членки на Европейския съюз

Засилването на протекционистичните тенденции: потенциалните ефекти върху държавите членки на Европейския съюз
(Strengthening of Protectionist Tendencies: Potential Effects on Member States of the European Union)

Challenges to the Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Protection and Fight Against Fraud with the EU Funds – Bulgaria’s Experience Since 2007

Challenges to the Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Protection and Fight Against Fraud with the EU Funds – Bulgaria’s Experience Since 2007
(Challenges to the Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Protection and Fight Against Fraud with the EU Funds – Bulgaria’s Experience Since 2007)

Казусът Брекзит: възможни сценарии

Казусът Брекзит: възможни сценарии
(The Brexit Case: Possible Scenarios)

Правни аспекти на закрилата на морските интереси на Европейския съюз

Правни аспекти на закрилата на морските интереси на Европейския съюз
(Legal Aspects of the Maritime Interests Protection of the European Union)

Общо културно наследство – повече приобщаваща Европа

Общо културно наследство – повече приобщаваща Европа
(Common Cultural Heritage - More Inclusive Europe)

Culture and EU’s Sustainability

Culture and EU’s Sustainability
(Culture and EU’s Sustainability)

To Have or to be Tracing European Heritage – The Permeation of Cultures

To Have or to be Tracing European Heritage – The Permeation of Cultures
(To Have or to be Tracing European Heritage – The Permeation of Cultures)

The Future of European Languages in Australia

The Future of European Languages in Australia
(The Future of European Languages in Australia)

Европа между визионерските проекти и съвременната политическа реалност

Европа между визионерските проекти и съвременната политическа реалност
(Europe Between Visionary Projects and Contemporary Political Reality)

Europe of Nations vs Europe of the Europeans

Europe of Nations vs Europe of the Europeans
(Europe of Nations vs Europe of the Europeans)

Европейска идентичност и европейско общество: липсващата социална основа на европейския интеграционен проект

Европейска идентичност и европейско общество: липсващата социална основа на европейския интеграционен проект
(European Identity and European Society: Missing Social Fundament of the European Integration Project)

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