Contribuţii privind dezvoltarea analizelor de cost tip LCA în cadrul sectorului materialelor de construcţii
Contributions regarding the development of LCA type cost analysis in the construction materials sector

Author(s): Silviu LAMBRACHE
Subject(s): Micro-Economics, Socio-Economic Research
Keywords: life cycle cost; non-recurring costs; recurring costs; construction materials costs
Summary/Abstract: Regarding the resources used in construction and in particular the materials used, a new approach to assessing the cost of a construction material is currently being studied, namely by conducting an analysis of taking into account not only the initial costs of design / research, production (what lead to the formation of the acquisition cost) and implementation of the material. The new concept also analyzes the future costs that occur during its lifetime, respectively its operation and maintenance. The estimation of costs during the use of materials is based on the current discounting of future costs by using the discounting factor. Thus, results are obtained regarding the estimation of the present value of periodic (non-recurring) costs incurred at certain time intervals in the future and of the present value of annual (recurrent) costs incurred for a certain period of time. We can say that the analysis of the life cycle cost of construction materials aims to substantiate the investment decision by reducing the risk of investing less now and spending more in the future.

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