Soluţii inovative de prefabricare a lucrărilor de construcţii, în concordanţă cu cerinţele de dezvoltare durabilă şi creare de produse şi tehnologii avansate - studii de caz privind comportarea la cutremur a structurilor prefabricate
Innovative solutions for precasting construction works according to the sustainability demands and creating advanced products and technologies. Case study: seismic behavior of precast structures

Author(s): Cristian GRIGORASENCO, Silviu LAMBRACHE
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: earthquakes; precast concrete; sustainability; cost; behavior; innovation
Summary/Abstract: Cost evolution study in the construction sector is achieved by determining the average indices of cost update based on a collection of construction subgroups comprising buildings and special constructions, created under execution projects and technological solutions considered. Building subgroups correspondence is presented as a structure of the main costs of constructions works considered. Periodically, the constructions works weights on the structure has changed as a result of market price developments of materials, labor and various categories of services (rental equipment and transport).The analyzes performed to determine the cost indices related to expenditure chapters are compound by the resources used in the construction business (materials, labor, equipment, auto and railway transport), overheads and profit. Input price index quantifies the changes occurring on prices and tariffs paid by the contractor for input elements (materials, labor, equipment and transportation).On the basis of this index we can identify the elements of the construction activity that influencing the cost of the execution by price developments to suppliers and services rates. The study of price trends in construction sector for member states for the European Union is an old and constant concern in most of the reports presented by Eurostat, the UN Economic Commission for Europe and Euroconstruct. Through the study are obtained the information on: structure and dynamics of the market construction sector; developments by national structured in the construction sector into groups and subgroups of constructions (buildings and special constructions); analysis of the cost evolution of the resources used in the construction activity (materials, labor, equipment, transport); establishment of a database regarding the cost-value development of construction works; dynamic analysis of cost indices for certain periods of time; regular analyzes of the development of construction activity; analysis the impact of the resources cost price development for the overall construction costs analyzed; benchmarking against other countries on the construction market developments. The methodology used allows the estimation on the economic developments of the construction works cost with effects on investment decisions. The study also ensure the provision of information of the real costs for a building by determining the price of construction objects evolution through the construction price indices developed to a timemark.

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