Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor), Vasile Meita (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: URBAN-INCERC; conferinţă; conference; urbanism; amenajarea teritoriului; spatial planning; construcţii; buildings; constructions;
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development.
- Page Count: 110
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Romanian, French
Romanian foresights in the new Europe
Romanian foresights in the new Europe
(Romanian foresights in the new Europe)
- Author(s):Denes Joo
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Historical Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Maps / Cartography
- Page Range:5-15
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Carpathian Chain; Rosia Poieni; pyramid; constellations; cosmic principles
- Summary/Abstract:Inside the New Europe, proposed to reorganize based on cosmic principles instead of some arbitrary decisions, it’s possible to create five administrative-territorial unities, with grouping of the existent national states, -enclaves and –exclaves, of which functioning follows a damped harmonic oscillator model, taking part in the forming Eurasian Continental Unity. The Carpathian Chain being the terrestrial projection of the Constellation Draco/Dragon, with the included Ecliptic Centre represented by the Rosia Poieni Peak in the West-Carpathians, results of course the forming around it the Central-East European Territory, bordered by the Baltic Sea to the North, the Mediterranean Sea to the South, the Black Sea and the rivers Nistru-Bug to the East, and by the limits of the Central-West European Territory (former German-Roman Empire) to the West, with which together are forming the New Central Europe, surrounded by the West-, North- and East-European Territories, each of them with Northern- and Southern parts. Thus, the Central-East European Territory, called DRAKYA according to the Constellation, is separated by the river Danube-Drava in North-Drakya=DAKYA and South-Drakya=TRAKYA. DAKYA is relatively simple to realize, extending the V4 Association of Czech-land, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary with ROMANIA and MOLDOVA, respectively including the intercalated small teritories, but TRAKYA is more difficult to border inside the Mediterranean Sea. The coordinating centre of DAKYA results of course by cosmic criteria, through realizing of the new spatial town ROSIA POIENI, with residential and agreement zones on the surface, and with production and communal services in the depth, including a transatomic work too. A similar coordinating centre is possible to realize in TRAKYA at the Olympos Mountain, which is the projection of the Thuban, first star of the Constellation. In this conception, the functioning of the whole system is proposed with a periodicity of 5 years, started in 2020 with DRAKYA and TRAKYA, and from 2030 following with our western neighbours, and in order the West-, North- and East-European territorial ones, so in the next 100 years will be functioning the complete system with its mechanism based on equality, equilibrium and harmony, making certain the long-term evolution, after 2120 in cicles of 30 years. This transition from the „bulk” or atomized Europe to the proposed new structure, coincides with a transition process to a higher level of our consciousness, through a cosmic thought in general, inclusive in our renewed architectural and urbanistic thinking. In Europe’s restructuring based on cosmic principles, after their outside positions, ROMANIA and MOLDOVA will have a central position and coordinating role, with the possibility to catch up – or exceed – the more advanced European countries, restructuring their slender infrastructure and settlement network, as a result of their better situation in the domain of resources. In the realizing process of this grandious programme, a prime role will have the institution INCD-URBAN-INCERC, with its complex profile, able to coordinate on long term
Utilisation de systèmes d'information géotechnique et géographique pour la classification des sites selon RPA 99- ver 2003, dans la région d'Alger
Utilisation de systèmes d'information géotechnique et géographique pour la classification des sites selon RPA 99- ver 2003, dans la région d'Alger
(Use of geotechnical and geographical information systems to classify Algiers sites according to the RPA 99- VER 2003 code)
- Author(s):Mohammed Amin Benbouras, Ratiba Mitiche Kettab, Hamma Zedira, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Mounaim Mchaala, Fatiha Debiche
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:17-24
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:geotechnical map; potential hazards; geotechnical information systems; geographical information systems; down-hole tests
- Summary/Abstract:Geotechnical data gained from site and lab tests are crucial for a safe and economical plan of building and foundation. Accordingly, geotechnical engineer assumes the responsibility of studying the site thoroughly in order to provide promptly and cost-effectively the necessary and sufficient information for predicting the various potential hazards. However, treating geotechnical information integrated by geographical information systems could offer a quick survey, cost-effective and better manipulation of the geotechnical parameter risks in several sites. The current study consists of presenting a geotechnical map consisting of classify Algiers sites according to Algerian seismic code RPA-1999 ver 2003. In order to conduct a reliable study, a wide range of geophysical data consisting of 144 boreholes of down-hole tests has been collected. The proposed map will be very important to engineers, researchers, and builders in the future studies to estimate geotechnical parameters according to site class; helping them to make better decisions, performing safer and more economical designs
Soluţii inovative de prefabricare a lucrărilor de construcţii, în concordanţă cu cerinţele de dezvoltare durabilă şi creare de produse şi tehnologii avansate - studii de caz privind comportarea la cutremur a structurilor prefabricate
Soluţii inovative de prefabricare a lucrărilor de construcţii, în concordanţă cu cerinţele de dezvoltare durabilă şi creare de produse şi tehnologii avansate - studii de caz privind comportarea la cutremur a structurilor prefabricate
(Innovative solutions for precasting construction works according to the sustainability demands and creating advanced products and technologies. Case study: seismic behavior of precast structures)
- Author(s):Cristian GRIGORASENCO, Silviu LAMBRACHE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:25-30
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:earthquakes; precast concrete; sustainability; cost; behavior; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:Cost evolution study in the construction sector is achieved by determining the average indices of cost update based on a collection of construction subgroups comprising buildings and special constructions, created under execution projects and technological solutions considered. Building subgroups correspondence is presented as a structure of the main costs of constructions works considered. Periodically, the constructions works weights on the structure has changed as a result of market price developments of materials, labor and various categories of services (rental equipment and transport).The analyzes performed to determine the cost indices related to expenditure chapters are compound by the resources used in the construction business (materials, labor, equipment, auto and railway transport), overheads and profit. Input price index quantifies the changes occurring on prices and tariffs paid by the contractor for input elements (materials, labor, equipment and transportation).On the basis of this index we can identify the elements of the construction activity that influencing the cost of the execution by price developments to suppliers and services rates. The study of price trends in construction sector for member states for the European Union is an old and constant concern in most of the reports presented by Eurostat, the UN Economic Commission for Europe and Euroconstruct. Through the study are obtained the information on: structure and dynamics of the market construction sector; developments by national structured in the construction sector into groups and subgroups of constructions (buildings and special constructions); analysis of the cost evolution of the resources used in the construction activity (materials, labor, equipment, transport); establishment of a database regarding the cost-value development of construction works; dynamic analysis of cost indices for certain periods of time; regular analyzes of the development of construction activity; analysis the impact of the resources cost price development for the overall construction costs analyzed; benchmarking against other countries on the construction market developments. The methodology used allows the estimation on the economic developments of the construction works cost with effects on investment decisions. The study also ensure the provision of information of the real costs for a building by determining the price of construction objects evolution through the construction price indices developed to a timemark.
Realităţi şi provocări la nivel internaţional privind utilizarea în construcţii a produselor peliculogene cu proprietăţi termoizolatoare
Realităţi şi provocări la nivel internaţional privind utilizarea în construcţii a produselor peliculogene cu proprietăţi termoizolatoare
(International realities and challenges about the use of thermal insulation coatings in construction)
- Author(s):Irina Popa, Alexandrina MURESANU
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:31-38
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:coating products; thermal insulation; energy efficiency
- Summary/Abstract:In order to be aligned to the current European requirements of building constructions, aiming to high standards of energy efficiency, it is necessary that for the construction of new buildings and reconstruction of the existing ones to be implemented measures to reduce energy consumption, considerations leading to the reality that currently, the application of thermal insulation materials is increasing. The paper presents current technical aspects characteristic for a relatively new category of products, increasingly used in international constructions, but new entered the Romanian market, namely coating products with thermal insulation properties. So, there are treated various aspects about: general composition, determinant compositional factors, chemical structure of various constituent materials, functions that products can meet, advantages and disadvantages of using them in construction, approaches and findings of recent theoretical and experimental international research, and also new types of such products proposed for use abroad
Aspecte privind cercetarea şi utilizarea în construcţii a produselor peliculogene cu caracteristici termoizolatoare, la nivel naţional
Aspecte privind cercetarea şi utilizarea în construcţii a produselor peliculogene cu caracteristici termoizolatoare, la nivel naţional
(National issues on research and use of thermal insulation coatings in construction)
- Author(s):Irina Popa, Cristian Petcu, Alexandrina MURESANU
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:39-44
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:nanotechnological coatings; thermal insulation; kaolin; perlite
- Summary/Abstract:Thermal insulation coating products are considered since the '90s as a new way to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency. In this context, nanotechnological coating products recently entered the Romanian market. Generally based on acrylic binder and microspheres of different materials - ceramic, glass, silicon, etc. - the products are of foreign origin, and more recently, indigenous. Regarding the Romanian research in thermal insulation coatings, the paper presents issues of the continuous concern of NIRD URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Branch Bucharest to study new ways to grow the thermal comfort in buildings and also directions that were recently approached in research on innovative new generation coating products having multiple functions, of protection against corrosion, thermal insulation and finishing
Cercetări experimentale privind posibilitatea dezvoltării compozitelor de tip geopolimer utilizând materiale locale din România
Cercetări experimentale privind posibilitatea dezvoltării compozitelor de tip geopolimer utilizând materiale locale din România
(Experimental research on the possibility of developing geopolymer composites using Romanian local materials)
- Author(s):Adrian Lăzărescu, Henriette Szilagyi, Cornelia Baera, Adrian Ioani, Anamaria Cătălina Mircea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:45-52
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:alkali-activation; fly ash; geopolymer
- Summary/Abstract:The demand for concrete and also for the current infrastructure facilities development are worldwide experiencing exponential growth. Environmental issues associated with the production of Portland cement are very well known and therefore they are carefully monitored, especially in terms of CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is essential to find alternatives, namely creating environmental-friendly materials. The particular procedure of alkali-activating the fly ash, combined with a specific alkaline activator, offers possibilities for the development of a material with cementitious-like properties. Large quantities of fly ash, resulting from electricity production in Romania, open new opportunities for studying and developing Geopolymer composites with local materials, this being the aim of the current research.
Facilităţi fiscale pentru activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare din România
Facilităţi fiscale pentru activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare din România
(Tax subsidies for the research – development activity in Romania)
- Author(s):Mircea-Iosif Rus, Mihaela Sandu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:53-60
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:research-development; tax subsidies; research – development institutes; Orizont2020; GDP
- Summary/Abstract:After 1989, methods and solutions were sought for to stimulate the research-development activity in Romania so that researchers, as many as they were in Romania, would not leave the country and, should that have been possible, those that were abroad may return home. But, this activity needs much more support because results are not always achieved immediately and the said results cannot always enter into a production process immediately in order to generate income and, implicitly, profit for the entities developing such activity. That is precisely why another approach is necessary in what concerns the financing of this activity because the state budget funding proves to be insufficient and the private sector made its presence felt in the financing of this activity only during the last years. The objective of this scientific approach is to introduce a synthesis of the facilities which are granted tax wise for the research-development activity, facilities which are more substantial only as of the year 2016. We have introduced the legislative framework used as a lever by the Romanian state to stimulate this activity. As a comparison, we have presented the tax subsidies granted by European states for economic activities, among which, that of research-development.
Direcţii de valorificare a adaosurilor minerale locale (subproduse sau deşeuri) în materiale cementoase cu caracter inovativ
Direcţii de valorificare a adaosurilor minerale locale (subproduse sau deşeuri) în materiale cementoase cu caracter inovativ
(Possible valuing of local minneral (sub-products or waste) addition to innovative cementitious materials)
- Author(s):Henriette Szilagyi, Cornelia Baera, Adrian Lăzărescu, Anamaria Cătălina Mircea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:61-68
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:sustainability; circular economy; mineral addition; waste re-conversion; innovative cementitious composites
- Summary/Abstract:Romania’s adherence to the European Union space involves continuous upgrading for all standards concerning major development directions like: economics, social and political environment, education, research and development, industry, etc., with respect to the UE specific performance criteria. As direct consequence, principles of Sustainability and Circular Economy (CE) should be gradually implemented in all medias, but especially in the industrial area and environment protection, for further waste management optimisation and preservation of natural resources. Developing a sustainable infrastructure by the means of innovative building materials, smart design and technologies represents a large area where these principles can be adapted, verified and potentially valorised. Developing new materials and further on, principles and methods of valorising several types of mineral additions into cementitious composites could represent consistent steps in embracing the above mentioned concepts and ways of integrating them into the nowadays Romanian reality.
Metode de analiză a materialelor utilizate la reabilitarea construcţiilor istorice
Metode de analiză a materialelor utilizate la reabilitarea construcţiilor istorice
(Analysis methods of used materials in the historical constructions rehabilitation)
- Author(s):Brăduţ Alexandru Ionescu, Andreea Hegyi, Carmen Dico
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:69-76
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:construction materials; analysis methods; rehabilitation; historical buildings
- Summary/Abstract:In the case of repairs and restoration of historical buildings, the difficulty lies in preserving their value. For this purpose, it is important that the used materials to be as similar as the original ones, both in terms of composition and of application mode. The purpose of this paper is to present a synthesis of current analysis of techniques and methods forthe used building materials in the historical buildings rehabilitatio. Therefore, a bibliographic study has been carried out regarding the causes and types of degradation, the evolution in time of construction and building materials and the current analysis methods on their characteristics and the compatibility with the original substrate, too. The results of the theoretical analysis have shown that the degradation of historical constructions can occur as a result of natural causes (chemical, physical, biological and mechanical) or traumatic (fires, earthquakes and wars), resulting in strength and stability reduction of the structure, the loss of historical value due to deterioration of the architectural details etc.
Stadiul actual al cercetărilor în domeniul materialelor cementoase self-cleaning
Stadiul actual al cercetărilor în domeniul materialelor cementoase self-cleaning
(Actual stage of research in the self-cleaning cementitious materials field)
- Author(s):Elvire Grebenişan, Andreea Hegyi, Henriette Szilagyi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:77-84
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:concrete; self-cleaning; TiO2 nanoparticles; photocatalysis
- Summary/Abstract:At present, the photocatalytic properties of TiO¬2 are known worldwide. Research on cement composites materials achievement with self-cleaning properties (using the photocatalytic character of TiO2) is a field of real interest. The purpose of this article was to present a synthesis of the research results reported in the specialty literature. The results of the theoretical analysis have shown that the properties of the concrete are positively influenced as long as the amount of nanoparticles is not in excess. In the case of an excess of TiO¬2 nanoparticles, or their insufficiency, the effect on the concrete property is inversely.
Optimizarea modului de estimare a eficienţei panourilor solare
Optimizarea modului de estimare a eficienţei panourilor solare
(Finding the optimal way to estimate the solar panels efficiency)
- Author(s):Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:85-90
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:solar panels; efficiency; optimisation
- Summary/Abstract:The use of solar thermal panels can make a significant contribution to meeting the demand for heat in residential buildings as a renewable energy source at affordable prices and is therefore an appropriate source of energy for low-energy houses and passive houses. The purpose of this study is to determine if there are defects and deficiencies in design, installation and to analyze the consequences for the energy performance of the solar panels. The experiences of this campaign will then form a basis to determine as accurately as possible the actual performance of the system using thermal solar panels. In 2015 a solar panel was installed in the Thermo-technology Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering of Installations in Bucharest, which provides thermal heating and domestic hot water. The experimental campaign that has been running since May 2016 shows a considerably lower performance of solar collector performance than intended. In addition, a gravity-driven circulation is suspected due to temperature differences in the collector circuit even if the pump does not work, which leads to energy loss. The project allows the production of domestic hot water and thermal space heating by means of a closed-loop solar system consisting of solar panels, storage tanks, solar pumping groups, anti-freeze heating elements, containing the following: flat plate solar panel with a gross surface area of 2.5 m, optical yield of 75%, coef. thermal transfer with the environment k = 4.15 W / m2K, the panel inclination is 30 °; slide holders for solar panels; 120 l storage tank and 24 kW thermal input; solar pump group (3 speed pump, one way valve, deaerator, flow and return thermometers, flowmeter, pressure gauge, safety valve, expansion vessel connection, manual pump filling system connection); expansion tank of 10 liters; drain valve; automatic air vents; impurities filter; the solar circuit is made of externally insulated copper pipes with a 4 cm insulation; the secondary discharge circuit consists of externally insulated copper pipes with a 4 cm insulation, a circulation pump and a convector valve; working fluid (glycol) to gel at temperatures below -25 ° C (outdoor coverage temperature). From the start of its operation in 2015, the preliminary measurements suggest that the solar panel has a slightly lower performance than that given by the manufacturer. The objective of this paper was to determine possible faults and weaknesses both in the design and operation of the system and in determining the closest possible reality to the solar collector. To this end, the functioning and performance of the investigated system was studied. this was made by collecting and processing the measured data available in connection with an ongoing study. Determinations have been made to obtain the efficiency of the solar collector in a linear form, and the precision of this method has been improved by the quadratic method. The results show that collector efficiency has diminished during operation, which was expected, the system operating at lower yields than in the design, the most important factor being the diminishing efficiency of the solar panel. It can be concluded that although the potential for increasing solar utilization is considerable, whatever changes the system brings, it has to be evaluated according to the additional costs. Furthermore, the results demonstrate the importance of researching the potential factors for performance reduction already during the design phase. Once the system is installed, it is just as important to ensure proper monitoring of system operation control. The square shape determined to appreciate the performance of the solar panel has a high degree of confidence and shows its operation very close to its reality. If all the factors of the system (including climatic ones) are taken into account, it is possible to determine the energy balance of the system that should correspond to the reality as much as possible. The assessment of the solar collector performance becomes more accurate as a result of the measurements in this paper.
Valorificarea deşeurilor vegetale în domeniul green-buildings
Valorificarea deşeurilor vegetale în domeniul green-buildings
(Utilization of vegetable waste in green buildings)
- Author(s):Vasilica VASILE, Mihaela ION, Alina DIMA, Mariana Cioncu-Puenea, Cora STAMATE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:91-100
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:vegetable waste; circular economy; green-building
- Summary/Abstract:The results of recent international researches show an increased interest in the development of heat-insulating materials based on vegetable waste due to the production of products with high thermal insulation properties, excellent in terms of sound insulation and low energy consumption in the process manufacturing by comparison with other building materials. The increased interest in the use of renewable resources and the orientation towards the circular economy leads to the use of vegetable waste through the development of innovative building materials. The utilization of the natural materials in the development of stat-of-the art products aims the achieving of the specified performance requirements in the construction field. Thus, the vegetable waste can be successfully valorization nationally through the development of applications, in the concept of green-is-smart, in the form of thermal insulation boards, in which the vegetable material is minimally processed to obtain a product with the homogeneous structure, stable and easy to use.
Rezistenţa la foc a materialelor cu modificare de fază (PCM)
Rezistenţa la foc a materialelor cu modificare de fază (PCM)
(Fire resistance of phase changing materials (PCM))
- Author(s):Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:101-106
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:phase changing materials; fire protection; fire resistance
- Summary/Abstract:Fire statistics show that in recent years in Romania, despite the efforts made by military firefighters, the number of fires with significant casualties and material damage to households has remained high. The emergence of new building materials increases the risk of fires if they are not adequately assessed from the point of view of fire resistance. Phase changing materials are increasingly used to reduce the energy consumption of modern buildings. These materials have the potential to change the dynamics of compartment fires by altering the energy balance of the compartment, and there is little research on how these materials behave in the event of a real fire. Changes in fire dynamics may be due to changing the heat load in a compartment or by reducing the fire propagation time. The objective of this research is to quantify how Phase Change Materials (PCM) work in realistic fire scenarios. Between 2000 and 2005, in Romania, about 50,000 fires occurred in homes and households, accounting for an average of about 69% of the total fires produced. Of the total fires in the households, there were: 58% in the rural area and 42% in the urban area. In building fires, the main causes are: open fire (16%), smoking (12%), children's play with fire (10%), deliberate actions (9%), smoke or uncleaned chimney (12%), improper or Improvised Electrical Installations (20%). Out of the total number of fires, about 38% of them occur in household annexes and about 18% in bridges and roofs, 22% in living quarters and food preparation. Building design is a complicated multidisciplinary process that requires the balance of many factors, including, but not limited to: aesthetics, cost, functionality, structural stability, fire, and durability. In recent years, sustainability has become an increasingly important factor, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and saving energy in the built environment. New building materials are rapidly developed to progressively achieve targets that want to increase the sustainability of the built environment before their fire performance can be properly assessed. Phase Change Materials (PCM) is a group of innovative building materials that are becoming more and more popular due to their potential to reduce the energy consumption of buildings. These materials are liquid during the day, absorbing energy from the environment and reducing the need for cooling and then solidifying during the night, releasing the stored energy and reducing the need for heating. Suitable materials must have a melting point around the intended interior temperature, be economically viable and have a high latent heat. The most commonly used material that fits these criteria is paraffin wax. This wax is often contained in polymeric microcapsules and added to the gypsum matrix to form a rigid wall or ceiling plate. In spite of their use as compartments, there should be no overall risk assessment of this material in the event of a real fire. Current studies deal with non-flammable compartment shells, given the importance of preventing the spread of fires between compartments. Thus, the flammable nature of PCMs contained in the wall layers of the compartments presents an unqualified fire risk at present. In view of existing knowledge, designers cannot quantify the effect these materials will have on the fire at the design stage and on the fuel load inside the compartment. Current fire test methods according to the standards in force are useful for comparison with similar materials but do not provide an adequate understanding of how the materials behave in the event of fire to allow for accurate assessment of measurable fire performance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop test methods tailored specifically to these new innovative materials. These methods have to quantify how the material behaves in realistic fire scenarios that can be extrapolated to typical conditions of modern architecture. Quantification of fire performance allows designers to safely integrate these materials into buildings by understanding the risk associated with fire and balancing with potential benefits. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) are becoming more and more likely to be present in the building, and a clear assessment of the fire resistance of the building elements they belong to is required. The SI Laboratory has experience in determining fire resistance and fire risk assessment for conventional materials constituting vertical and horizontal building elements, and aims to perform tests for specimens comprising phase shift materials. Following this paper, conclusions can be drawn on the fire safety assessment of these new materials, and testing recommendations could be made to update the legislation and legal requirements for conducting tests and classifying the results.The use of solar thermal panels can make a significant contribution to meeting the demand for heat in residential buildings as a renewable energy source at affordable prices and is therefore an appropriate source of energy for low-energy houses and passive houses. The purpose of this study is to determine if there are defects and deficiencies in design, installation and to analyze the consequences for the energy performance of the solar panels. The experiences of this campaign will then form a basis to determine as accurately as possible the actual performance of the system using thermal solar panels. The results show that collector efficiency has diminished during operation, which was expected, the system operating at lower yields than in the design, the most important factor being the diminishing efficiency of the solar panel.
Rentabilitatea izolării termice a clădirilor. materiale tradiţionale versus materiale inovative
Rentabilitatea izolării termice a clădirilor. materiale tradiţionale versus materiale inovative
(Rentability of thermal insulation of buildings. Traditional materials versus innovative materials)
- Author(s):Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Aurelia Bradu, Constantin MIRON, Alina Cobzaru, Monica Cherecheş,, Ionel PUSCASU
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:107-110
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:insulation; vacuum insulation panels; rentability; thermal resistance
- Summary/Abstract:The current context regarding the implementation of the European directives on energy efficiency of buildings in the context of sustainable development calls into question a frequently encountered situation in the current use of heat insulating materials, namely what kind of material is more cost-effective for thermal insulation of building envelopes: Classical materials or materials with high thermal performance? The paper presents a comparative study between two solutions of thermal rehabilitation of the facade of a building block. A first proposed and analyzed solution consisted in the thermal insulation of the facade with 10 cm extruded polystyrene and the second solution involved the use of a high-performance thermal insulation material, known in the literature as Vacuum Insulating Panels (VIP). In order to reduce the energy consumption required for the heating of a building and its associated costs, isolation of buildings is a necessary measure, with an efficient insulation saving even up to 50% of the heating costs. The paper presents, through the study case, that the main advantage of the thermal insulation solution with innovative materials, compared to thermal insulation classic materials, namely a high net thermal resistance, which can be countered by questioning the profitability of the solutions. The adoption of an efficient thermal insulation solution from hygrothermal and also from economic point of view, it should be considered case to case, taking into account the required insulation level, the amount allocated and the amortization value of the investment.