Effects of Workers’ Remittances on the Home Country: The Case of Bulgaria
Effects of Workers’ Remittances on the Home Country: The Case of Bulgaria

Author(s): Vesselin Mintchev
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Migration Studies, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Return Migration; Compensation of Employees; Worker Remittances
Summary/Abstract: The present report reviews issues, related to the compensation of employees and the workers’ remittances of emigrants. Data based on information from international institutions and from the Bulgarian National Bank, regarding the relative shares of the said pair of items in GDP, is provided. On the basis of information from an empirical sociological study, carried out in 2017 within the framework of the project entitled: “Returning Migrants: Segmentation and Stratification of Economic Mobility” (financed by the Scientific Research Fund of Bulgaria under contract No. DN 05/6 dated 14/12/2016) the profile of individuals supporting their relatives, who remained in home country, is outlined. An answer is sought to the question of what drives the active remittance behaviour of the returning migrants during their stay abroad. Indication is provided of the purposes, for which the remittances are used and the types of businesses they generate.

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