Завръщащите се мигранти: европейски и български перспективи
Return Migration: European and Bulgarian Perspectives

Contributor(s): Andrey Nonchev (Editor), Vesselin Mintchev (Editor), Irena Zareva (Editor), Venelin Boshnakov (Editor), Maria Bakalova (Editor), Mihaela Misheva (Editor), Marieta Hristova (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Sociology, Higher Education , Migration Studies, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; European Union; Migration; Return Migration; High Skilled Migration; Migration Models; Reintegration
Summary/Abstract: In this collection are published papers presented at the scientific conference “Return Migration: European and Bulgarian perspectives”, held on 28 February 2020 at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) . The co-organizers of the scientific conference were the Department of Economic Sociology at the University of National and World Economy and the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Science. The scientific conference is organized under a project financed with funds for research of UNWE under contract № NP-15/2019. The goal of the conference was to gather contributions to the conference from researchers, analysts, political practitioners and PhD students in the following thematic areas: i) Return migration: state-of-the-art theories and research ii) Migration trajectories and return: factors and motivational structures iii) Segmentation and stratification of returnees iv) Returnees’ impact on Bulgarian economy and society v) Institutional context, legal frame and policies for return migration and reintegration of returnees.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-346-2
  • Page Count: 174
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: English, Bulgarian
Theorizing Transnational and Return Migration

Theorizing Transnational and Return Migration
(Theorizing Transnational and Return Migration)

Policies for Return Migration in Conditions of Intensive High Skilled Emigration

Policies for Return Migration in Conditions of Intensive High Skilled Emigration
(Policies for Return Migration in Conditions of Intensive High Skilled Emigration)

Professional Trajectories and Factors for Sustainable Return of Highly Qualified Bulgarians

Professional Trajectories and Factors for Sustainable Return of Highly Qualified Bulgarians
(Professional Trajectories and Factors for Sustainable Return of Highly Qualified Bulgarians)

Mobility Patterns of Eastern European Immigrants Resident in Spain

Mobility Patterns of Eastern European Immigrants Resident in Spain
(Mobility Patterns of Eastern European Immigrants Resident in Spain)

Understanding the Degree of Difference in Return Migration: Bulgaria’s Turkish Minority Returning as Pensioners to the Country

Understanding the Degree of Difference in Return Migration: Bulgaria’s Turkish Minority Returning as Pensioners to the Country
(Understanding the Degree of Difference in Return Migration: Bulgaria’s Turkish Minority Returning as Pensioners to the Country)

Current Migration of Bulgarians from Albania to Bulgaria: Towards a New Migration Model of the Historical Bulgarian Diaspora

Current Migration of Bulgarians from Albania to Bulgaria: Towards a New Migration Model of the Historical Bulgarian Diaspora
(Current Migration of Bulgarians from Albania to Bulgaria: Towards a New Migration Model of the Historical Bulgarian Diaspora)

Post-Brexit Plans of Bulgarian Citizens in the UK

Post-Brexit Plans of Bulgarian Citizens in the UK
(Post-Brexit Plans of Bulgarian Citizens in the UK)

Bulgarian Return Migrants: Segmentation by Accomplishment of Migration Aims

Bulgarian Return Migrants: Segmentation by Accomplishment of Migration Aims
(Bulgarian Return Migrants: Segmentation by Accomplishment of Migration Aims)

Stratification and Social Mobility of Bulgarian Returning Migrants

Stratification and Social Mobility of Bulgarian Returning Migrants
(Stratification and Social Mobility of Bulgarian Returning Migrants)

Effects of Workers’ Remittances on the Home Country: The Case of Bulgaria

Effects of Workers’ Remittances on the Home Country: The Case of Bulgaria
(Effects of Workers’ Remittances on the Home Country: The Case of Bulgaria)

Returnees’ Reintegration “Back at Home” and Sustainability of Return

Returnees’ Reintegration “Back at Home” and Sustainability of Return
(Returnees’ Reintegration “Back at Home” and Sustainability of Return)

Looking to the Future: The Bulgarian Higher Education System as a Deterrent to Brain Drain

Looking to the Future: The Bulgarian Higher Education System as a Deterrent to Brain Drain
(Looking to the Future: The Bulgarian Higher Education System as a Deterrent to Brain Drain)

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