Пазарна ориентация на индустриалните фирми в условия на криза
Market Orientation of the Industrial Companies in Times of Crisis
Author(s): Nikolai Shterev
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Market Orientation; Bulgarian Industry; Market Crisis
Summary/Abstract: Considering the variety of factors and events in each specific market is a challenge for any company especially under the conditions of declining market opportunities. Thus, the creation of market orientation can be considered a necessary condition for equal participation in the market scene. As a result, market orientation can be viewed as a conscious management tool to create a competitive advantage for each company and its products. The first paragraph of the report examines the general challenges of the market system which require establishment and support of the market orientation in the industrial sector. The second paragraph is focused on an analysis of the state of Bulgarian industry in the recent years during which the country is an EU member state. The third paragraph presents data and summaries of the market orientation of industrial companies in Bulgaria. The last, concluding paragraph sets out the main recommendations to companies with a view to a successful market battle for the European customers.
Book: Три години членство на България в ЕС: успехи и предизвикателства
- Page Range: 112-130
- Page Count: 19
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Bulgarian