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New Approach in the Organization of Marketing in the Sector of Services

Author(s): Nikolai Shterev, Dariel Ignatov
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Marketing / Advertising
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Marketing Organization; Marketing Process; Services Sector
Summary/Abstract: After years of market growth of various types of services for the general population and for business organizations and in view of the "new" priorities for industry renaissance as a factor for economic growth, the upper limits for development of the sector for services for the general population are becoming vividly visible. With the emerging trends and ever-increasing competition of companies offering a variety of business and individual services, the issues related to the marketing of the services are becoming increasingly relevant. The traditional understanding of marketing, its organization and application in the services sector refers mainly to medium and mostly large companies, but it is not applicable or respectively suitable for utilization by a number of micro and small enterprises. In accordance with the above, the report is a theoretical and methodological study of the possibilities for organizational restructuring of micro and small companies in the services sector in order to expand the marketing scope as part of their general activities. The report is structured as follows: the theoretical foundations of the marketing organization in the first paragraph, methodological guidelines for organizational restructuring of marketing in the second paragraph, and conclusions and summaries in the third, final, paragraph.

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