Влияние на Европейския съюз върху развитието на туризма в България
Influence of the European Union on the Development of Tourism in Bulgaria

Author(s): Nikolay Tsonev, Stiliyana Basmadzieva
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Policy; Alternative Tourism; Trends; European Funding; Sustainable Development
Summary/Abstract: Nowadays the tourist industry is one of the major and large scale sectors in the World economy. Bulgaria's EU membership influences every aspect of the country's politics and economy including the tourism sector. The development of the tourist industry and the increase of the consumer demands leads to the need for developing alternative and innovative ways for entertainment and recreation, causing the increase in popularity of the alternative specialized forms of tourism like rural tourism. The current study's goal is to capture the European politics' influence on the country's tourism, focusing on its specialized forms, while also outlining the perspectives for future development.

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