Aspecte privind determinarea capacităţii de deformaţie post-elastică a unei structuri realizate din zidărie neconfinată
Aspects regarding post-elastic deformation capacity determination of a structure made of unconfined masonry

Author(s): Florina FILIP, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Monica Cherecheş,, Andrei DUTA, Andrei Gherghel, Marius MÂRŢ
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: post-elastic structural capacity; unreinforced masonry; nonlinear static analysis
Summary/Abstract: With the evolutionary innovation in construction sciences, both design and construction methods have become very sophisticated. The way in which seismic design of buildings has been carried out in the past, and the influence of historical earthquakes on design, has highlighted the complex nature of seismic movement and seismic response of structures in contrast to the approach of structure modeling and seismic calculation. There was a chance to develop and, especially, to apply new calculation methods, to verify the post-elastic structural capacities, much more accurate, meant to replace the traditional calculation methods, which have repeatedly proved deficient. A new line of research has been defined in the field of seismic engineering, trying to apply nonlinear structural analysis, to provide more accuracy and safety to new buildings, and which could predict the collapse mechanism of a structure, as well as the coherence between the methods of analysis and design.

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