Evaluarea performanţei termice a unei soluţii de reabilitare termică cu panouri vidate tip sandwich
Evaluation of the thermal performance of a thermal rehabilitation solution using "sandwich" vacuum insulation panels
Author(s): Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Claudiu Romila
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: vacuum insulation panels; performance evaluation; high performance thermal insulation
Summary/Abstract: An increasing interest for efficient measures in thermal insulation of construction is manifested in the world due to the common goal expressed by the population to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Vacuum insulation panels are part of high performance thermal insulation, developed and promoted in the last two decades, they are be trying to be insert and used in construction field. The interest for this type of material is due to their higher thermal resistance compared to traditional insulation materials. The study case presented in the paper analyzes the possibility of using vacuum insulation panels as a solution for the thermal rehabilitation of an apartment outer wall, located in Iasi. The rehabilitation solution consisted thermal insulation of the outer walls with vacuum insulation panels which are protected to the front and to the rear face with extruded polystyrene with 2 cm thickness. The evaluation of the thermal performance of the solution applied to the walls was done for the façade of an apartment located at a current level. It was determined the overall thermal resistance (R’) of the opaque facade, the effective thermal conductivity of vacuum insulation panels was considered 0.0085 W/(mK). Also in this study case was determined the overall thermal resistance for the same opaque facade in the version with expanded polystyrene thermal insulation layer, with 10 cm thickness, thus making a comparative study of this two solutions.
- Page Range: 39-46
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Romanian