Възникване, развитие и финансиране на Eвропейския зелен пакт
Origin and Evolution of the European Green Deal

Author(s): Filip Petkov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Green Deal; European Commission; climate neutrality; decarbonization; decarbonized economy; public policy; environmental policy of the EU; carbon tax
Summary/Abstract: The objective of the research is to present the importance of the European Green Deal for the European economy. The paper reviews in a greater detail as a subject the structure of the Green deal proposal and its mechanisms. The utilized research methodology includes content analysis, analysis of statistical, historical data, graphics, conclusions and generalizations. The hypothesis is that the European Green Deal presents tremendous opportunity for the EU to lead the global course towards climate neutral economy and decarbonization. Significant changes to the existing socio-economic structures would follow. In preparation for that, the EU engages significant amount of public fiscal resource in the long transition to climate neutrality till 2050. The strategic fundamentals of the European Green Deal are highlighted by the European Commission, yet further legal acts and binding policies shall be implemented so that measures and commitments are enforced with efficacy. It concludes that combination between already existing and new policy instruments are introduced.

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