The Balkans and Europe between Integration and Particularism
The Balkans and Europe between Integration and Particularism
Author(s): Andrey Nonchev, Diana Yarosh, Hristo Draganov, Ivan-Petar Yovchev, Filip Petkov, Maria Bakalova, Anton Parvanov, Blaga Blagoeva, Daniela Pastarmadzhieva, Elisabeth Yoneva, Alexey Margoevski, Margarita Ivanova, Kalina Ishpekova-Bratanova, Plamen Ralchev, Gabriela Motoi, Ivo Barzov, Chaya Koleva, Albena Hinkova, Sonia Hinkova, Georgi Chankov, Ana Dimitrovska, Galya Mancheva, Elena Simeonova, Elena Zlateva, Lilia Markova, Denica Dimitrova, Mariana Stamova, Aleko Stoyanov, Dinko Dinkov, Monika Panayotova
Contributor(s): Maria Bakalova (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Political Sciences, Sociology, Comparative politics, Nationalism Studies, Migration Studies, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Balkans; Europe; integration; particularism
Summary/Abstract: This volume is a collection of papers presented at the International conference THE BALKANS AND EUROPE BETWEEN INTEGRATION AND PARTICULARISM: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS, organized by the Faculty of International Economics and Politics at UNWE and the Bulgarian Political Science Association and held in Sofia on October 25-26, 2018. The conference invited presentations on a number of issues such as: The integration potential of the EU (28-1) and the “enlargement fatigue”; Ethno-politics and integration: dimensions, patterns and results in the EU and Western Balkans; The Bulgaria’s Presidency and the EU prospects of the Western Balkans; “Fatigued from waiting”: the countries of the Western Balkans; Bilateral relations in the Balkans: between historical mythology and pragmatism; Connectivity and cooperation in the Balkans: projects and realities, etc.Around fifty scholars and researchers – both established and younger ones – participated in the scientific forum representing a number of universities and research institutions from several countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Russia). What is worth noting is the high rate of participation of doctoral students, as well as the contribution of undergraduate students from universities in Bulgaria and from MGIMO in Russia. Notably, some of the participants took part in the conference in absentia by poster presentations. The present volume contains the texts of those of the conference participants who sent their presentations in written form. The volume is structured in three parts except for the keynote speeches, which are presented separately as they were delivered during the Conference. The first part encompasses research papers dealing with issues pertinent to the whole European Union and various aspects of the integration processes. The focus in the second part is on the Balkans in the context of the EU integration. The papers in the third part deal with the Western Balkans in particular, featuring also case-studies on individual countries.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-258-8
- Page Count: 339
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English
Conference Program
Conference Program
(Conference Program)
- Contributor(s):Maria Bakalova (Composer)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Electoral systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:333-339
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Conference Program
- Summary/Abstract:Conference Program
“Capture” of the Post-Socialist State as a Challenge to the EU Integration
“Capture” of the Post-Socialist State as a Challenge to the EU Integration
(“Capture” of the Post-Socialist State as a Challenge to the EU Integration)
- Author(s):Andrey Nonchev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Political Theory, Political Sciences, Public Law, Economic policy, Developing nations, Political economy, Politics and law, Politics and society, Methodology and research technology, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:38-46
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:state capture; power networks; rational political economic strategies; rule of law; corruption; European integration
- Summary/Abstract:Different trajectories of post-socialist societal transformations and their alternativeconceptualizations are discussed. The paper addresses the specific mode of post-socialist societydesignated as "state capture" and its economic, political and social dimensions. The paper offers atheoretical model of the captured state, identifying its differentia specifica and its economic,political and social effects. The interaction between state institutions, political and economicpower networks and their rational strategies to capture the state is identified. The implementationof these strategies involves the formation and operation of politico-economic power networks thatseek to control key public legislative, executive and judiciary institutions and to extract economicand political benefits. The state capture has fundamental political, economic and social consequences that could become serious barriers to deepening European integration and even stimulate disintegration processes.
- Contributor(s):Maria Bakalova (Editor)
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Review, General Reference Works, Political Theory, Politics and society
- Page Range:5-5
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:IN MEMORIAM; Balkan history; International Relations; UNWE
- Summary/Abstract:An erudite academic lecturer and researcher in the field of Balkan history, a competent and committed leader and intellectual boheme who dedicated his entire professional lifeto History, to the department of International Relations at UNWE and to higher education in Bulgaria.
- Author(s):Maria Bakalova, Anton Parvanov, Elisabeth Yoneva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Theory, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Developing nations, Political economy, Politics and society, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:11-15
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:International Conference; Balkans; Europe; Particularism
- Summary/Abstract:This volume is a collection of papers presented at the International conference The Balkans and Europe between Integration and Particularism: Challenges and Prospects, organized by the Faculty of International Economy and Politics at UNWE andthe Bulgarian Political Science Association and held in Sofia on October 25-26, 2018.The topic might seem trivial, for recently the focus of political and diplomatic attention has yet again shifted back to the troublesome South-Eastern part of Europe.Hence, numerous political and academic events dedicated to the Balkans, and to theWestern Balkans in particular, in the light of the EU integration processes in the region have been organized.
The European Integration Crisis: Causes and Consequences
The European Integration Crisis: Causes and Consequences
(The European Integration Crisis: Causes and Consequences)
- Author(s):Diana Yarosh
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Theory, Politics and society, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:47-59
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:European Union; enlargement; financial crisis; democratic deficit; political parties; migration
- Summary/Abstract:Historically the European Union was relatively successful, especially for the original purpose of ensuring peace in Europe. Nowadays, however, many of the stakeholders, particularly from within, are becoming increasingly critical of the Union calling into question its future. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview and analyse factors commonly perceived as indicative of the decline of the European Union with an attempt at distinguishing between causes and consequences and singling out factors underlying current internal tensions. The findings suggest that the fundamental cause of struggle lies in the enlargements of 1985 and the ones that occurred after 2000. The acceptance of new members not sufficiently aligned regarding both the economy and political culture resulted in growing internal tensions, which escalated further in the face of additional pressures such as the financial and the refugee crises. Structural weakness and inability to organise democratic process at European level has made the accommodation of new members more problematic.
European Perspective and Connectivity of the Western Balkans as a Specific Priority of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018
European Perspective and Connectivity of the Western Balkans as a Specific Priority of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018
(European Perspective and Connectivity of the Western Balkans as a Specific Priority of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018)
- Author(s):Monika Panayotova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:17-29
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:key note speech; Bulgaria; University of National and World Economy; Western Balkans
- Summary/Abstract:Please let me extend my gratitude to the Faculty of International Economy and Politics of the University of National and World Economy and to the Bulgarian Association of Political Science for the invitation and the opportunity to exchange withyou on the important topic of the European perspective and connectivity of the Western Balkans as a specific priority of the first Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018.
The System of Own Resources within the EU Cohesion Process
The System of Own Resources within the EU Cohesion Process
(The System of Own Resources within the EU Cohesion Process)
- Author(s):Hristo Draganov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:60-68
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:EU budget; system of own resources; cohesion policy
- Summary/Abstract:The present research stems from the idea to study link between the system of ownresources and the cohesion process. Both topics enjoy high research interests but the links between the two of them have been rarely analyzed at European Union or national level. Hence, thepaper aims at revealing the contribution of the EU system of own resources to the practical implementation of cohesion process in the Union. To that end: first, the cohesion policy and the ensuing financing of the regulation framework is reviewed; and second, an explanation is providedfor the calculation of the European Union Budget total revenue. The research methodology buildsboth on analysis of the legal framework and research works on the EU budget system of own resources as well as on analysis of Eurostat statistical data for the period 2014 – 2017. The resultsimply conclusions and recommendations concerning the link between the Member States contributions to the EU budget and the EU cohesion policy effects.
Bilateral Issues in SEE under External Pressure: Risks for the European Prospects of the Western Balkans
Bilateral Issues in SEE under External Pressure: Risks for the European Prospects of the Western Balkans
(Bilateral Issues in SEE under External Pressure: Risks for the European Prospects of the Western Balkans)
- Author(s):Dinko Dinkov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, International relations/trade, Comparative politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:30-35
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:key note speech; Europe, Balkans
- Summary/Abstract:As in previous times, nowadays processes in Southeastern Europe (the Balkans)have been swirled into the maelstroms of world geopolitical clashes. Following theunprecedented "new world order", initiated by the superpower that has prevailed atthe end of Cold War era, the main features of the current international system havebeen molded within the clashes among new centers of power, declaring ambitions tobe paramount factors in a dynamically changing world.
European Energy Policy After Brexit: Possibilities and Challenges
European Energy Policy After Brexit: Possibilities and Challenges
(European Energy Policy After Brexit: Possibilities and Challenges)
- Author(s):Ivan-Petar Yovchev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:69-82
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Brexit; European Energy policy; European Union; United Kingdom
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to explore the different possibilities and challenges that willappear for the European Energy Policy after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union(Brexit). Although this can be done regarding the whole of EU policy-making, the paper will focusspecifically on the energy sector. The reasoning behind this choice is related to the importancegiven to the energy sector by the EU and the prominent role that the United Kingdom has playedin the development of this European policy field. The analysis will focus on establishing what willbe the new challenges and opportunities, as well as the key determinants, for the future of the policy in an EU-27 scenario.The paper explores the current status of the decision-making process in the energy sector byfocusing on the key legislative and policy documents, key energy statistics and key actors. Afterthat, three scenarios are formulated – best-case scenario, no-change scenario and worst-case scenario. The three scenarios allow for the identification of the major determinants and the possiblechallenges and opportunities for the future of the European Energy Policy. It is concluded that themajor determinants of the development of the EEP can be found in the outcome of the "Clean Energy Package for all Europeans"; the positions of the member-states from Eastern Europe in thearea of sustainable development; the development of R&D in sustainable technology and the influence of NGOs in the future policy-making process. Based on these core determinants, the challenges and opportunities for the policy are formulated.
Conceptualising the Fiscal Union: The EU Perspective
Conceptualising the Fiscal Union: The EU Perspective
(Conceptualising the Fiscal Union: The EU Perspective)
- Author(s):Filip Petkov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Governance, Economic policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:83-92
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Fiscal Union; EU; Stability and Growth Pact; Fiscal Pact; Excessive deficit procedure; Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure; European Fiscal Board
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to review the current aspects of the fiscal union concept, to explain its fundaments and its meaning for the successful governance of sustainable economic environment in EU. Methodologically the research largely employs content analysis to review over 20 primary and 15 secondary sources of information and most importantly the EU treaties and official communications of the European Commission. The research results imply computer-aided and manual content analysis exploring the legislative framework and authors contributions on the fiscal stability mechanism in the EU. The novelty of this research lies in its analytical approach, aimed at conceptualizing the EU fiscal union by means of content analysis of strategic documents, while it is otherwise approached in different context and conceptual setting (such as its contributions to the objectives of stable prices, sound public finance, monetary policy andsustainable balance of payments while ensuring open market with free competition).
Political Cooperation on the Balkans: Mission (Im)Possible?
Political Cooperation on the Balkans: Mission (Im)Possible?
(Political Cooperation on the Balkans: Mission (Im)Possible?)
- Author(s):Maria Bakalova, Anton Parvanov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Regional Geography, International relations/trade
- Page Range:93-106
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:regional political cooperation; the Balkans; regional actors; external (f)actors
- Summary/Abstract:It would not be an overstatement to claim that political cooperation on the Balkanshas been thwarting in the last three decades. Looking retrospectively, it becomes very conspicuoushow scarce, inconsequential or even dead-born have been the attempts at multilateral cooperationamong the Balkan states in that period. The present paper offers possible answers to the question"Why regional political cooperation on the Balkans has not marked sufficient success after the endof the Cold war?" Usually answers are sought in historical past and experience from previousinteractions and/or influence and intervention from extra-regional (f)actors. These (f)actors by nomeans should be neglected. Our claim, however, is that answers should be sought also on regionaland internal political level. In other words, in explaining the crippled efforts at all-Balkan political cooperation we look at internal political actors and the ways they might perceive externalstimuli and incentives. We argue that unlike previous historical periods when external environment and circumstances were rather unfavorable or even hostile to cooperation within the Balkans, since the beginning of the new century the external environment produces more positive incentives and stimulates political cooperation on the Balkans. Hence, the uncertain and stumblingpolitical cooperation on the Balkans is not due to external (f)actors. The emphasis on the internalpolitical actors reveals that political cooperation among Balkan states depends significantly onthe actors’ political will. Thus, the (im)possibility of Balkan political cooperation leans on theways political actors in the region perceive and interpret the signals from external environmentand communicate them back and forth to the national internal settings.
The Balkan Countries in the Eurointegration Processes: Democracy Index (EIU 2017)
The Balkan Countries in the Eurointegration Processes: Democracy Index (EIU 2017)
(The Balkan Countries in the Eurointegration Processes: Democracy Index (EIU 2017))
- Author(s):Blaga Blagoeva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Government/Political systems, Electoral systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:107-117
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Democracy Index; Economist Intelligence Unit; Bulgaria; Balkans; electoral process and pluralism; government functioning; political participation; political culture; civil liberties
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyses the results from the Economist Intelligence Unit’s research for Democracy Index 2017. It starts by offering a general presentation of the research and focusesspecifically on the results of Bulgaria and other Balkan countries on several major criteria: electoral process and pluralism; government functioning; political participation; political culture;Civil liberties. The paper seeks to answer the question why there are not "Full Democracies" on the Balkans?
Political Culture of the Balkans: Historical Background and Contemporary Characteristics
Political Culture of the Balkans: Historical Background and Contemporary Characteristics
(Political Culture of the Balkans: Historical Background and Contemporary Characteristics)
- Author(s):Daniela Pastarmadzhieva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, History and theory of political science, Comparative politics, Politics of History/Memory, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:118-131
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Balkans; transition; political culture; democracy
- Summary/Abstract:Today’s challenges of the Balkan countries are largely a result of the fact that the national model of statehood is very difficult to operate in a region where the Ottoman Empire existed for many years. This left a strong footprint on the culture and traditions of the population. All these formed the contemporary political culture of the Balkan countries. Thus, the present research focuses on the Balkan states’ political culture. It aims at making a general description ofthe political culture of the Balkans, identifying the common features of the countries, using historical approach and comparative analyses.. Also a comparison is made with the political culture of "full democracies". The analysis covers indicators and builds on data from the European ValuesStudy, 4th wave. The results show that the countries indeed have common characteristics but stillthere are variations. Although the Balkan countries are close to full democracies on some of theindicators, on others – significant differences are observed.
The Balkans in the New Energy Architecture: Political and Economic Dynamism
The Balkans in the New Energy Architecture: Political and Economic Dynamism
(The Balkans in the New Energy Architecture: Political and Economic Dynamism)
- Author(s):Elisabeth Yoneva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade
- Page Range:132-145
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Balkans; ЕU; energy; oil; natural gas
- Summary/Abstract:In the last decades, the subject of the development of the energy sector in the Balkancountries provokes special attention due to its relevance in the context of the changing geopolitical and geoeconomic landscape in Eurasia, as well as the transformations on a global level. The restructuring of the region represents an essential element in the shifting model of international relations, determining new roles and functions for the Southeast European states within the world system. They are facing the challenge to adapt to the new realities and the measures undertaken and planned to improve the national situation alter their diplomacy and especially their approaches towards different regions. In turn, this causes large spillover effects on international relations. In the light of these new developments, the paper explores the principal dimensions of the energy architecture in the Balkans and the resulting foreign policy implications, by comparing the strategies implied according to the correspondent national energy guidelines. The aim of the study is to contrast the various approaches, in order to assess their potential capacity, the crucial differences and the similarities between them, as well as their advantages and limitations. The analysis also showcases the main vectors of the interests of global players such as the EU, Russia, the US, China, and especially the resulting implications of their involvement in the region with emphasis on recent transformations. The author discusses different aspects of the significance of this zone as an energy junction and the ambitions of the Balkans to act as a bridge between East and West. Special attention is paid to the impact of the political approaches on the establishmentof regional patterns of energy cooperation or competition. Looking at the subject from the perspective of the evolutions in the last years, the paper investigates the endogenous and exogenous dynamics of the changing energy settings in Southeast Europe. The research work outlines the conceptual frame of the attempts of the Balkan countries at both bilateral and multilateral level to recalibrate their actions, in order to unlock the potential of the region as a stable partner, particularly with regard to energy supplies. Currently, the level of energy insecurity and vulnerability of the Balkan states remains high, albeit to varying degrees, and the successful elimination of the label "unstable energy architecture" for Europe’s East requires revised vision for the region that will envelop political and economic dimensions of development.
Common Projects in the Energy Sector: The Balkans and the European Energy Union
Common Projects in the Energy Sector: The Balkans and the European Energy Union
(Common Projects in the Energy Sector: The Balkans and the European Energy Union)
- Author(s):Alexey Margoevski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:146-158
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:energy security; energy supply; energy market; cross-border pipelines; liquefied natural gas
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the cooperation in energy issues among SEEcountries. The paper focus is on the current energy projects of common interest in the region andthe perspectives for their realization from Bulgarian point of view. The EU Energy Union Strategysets the goal of diversification of gas supplies to Europe. Currently there are more than 70 gasprojects listed as Projects of Common Interest (PCI). The European Energy Union should be established by 2020. The process, however, faces serious challenges when it comes to the Balkanswhere national particularistic approaches to energy security are still strong. This is the regionwith the lowest level of energy connectivity in Europe. Since the Balkan countries have modestenergy resources, the level of analysis cannot be national or only narrowly regional. One mustrefer to the wider regional level. Hence, the importance of the Balkans for the global energy corridors comes from their strategic position The region is important for the transport of oil and natural gas from the Middle East and Central Asia to western markets. The interconnectors that arebuilt or have to be built in the region are PCI for EU. The Union declares that an emergency planfor possible energy crises must be established, and common approach must prevail over self-helpin such circumstances. For that reason since 1993 there have been plans for eight energy corridors in the SEE: "South stream" pipeline, then its successor the "Turkish stream", "NABUCCO",the "Trans-Adriatic pipeline", "AGRI" and "East ring", as well as the oil pipelines "AMBO" and"CPOT". Consequently, the EU supports the PCI in the region with the intention to incorporatethem in the future European Energy Union.
Cooperation through Innovations: Opportunities for the Balkan Connectivity
Cooperation through Innovations: Opportunities for the Balkan Connectivity
(Cooperation through Innovations: Opportunities for the Balkan Connectivity)
- Author(s):Margarita Ivanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Geography, Regional studies, Regional Geography, Government/Political systems
- Page Range:159-166
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:innovation opportunities; cooperation; connectivity; Balkans
- Summary/Abstract:Innovations are making the world more and more interconnected, but some regionsand countries are performing better than others. The topic is particularly important due to thelatest developments in the Balkan region, which has important political, economic and culturalspecifics that distinguish it from other parts of the world. They are linked with the particularitiesof projects and realities of cooperation activities in a regional context. It is vital to give specificattention to the topic also because of the opportunities that can be developed to benefit all partners in the region. At the same time one should be aware about the challenges that have to betackled in the process of enhancing the cooperation and connectivity in the Balkans.The present paper explores the opportunities that innovation holds for enhanced cooperationand connectivity in the Balkan region. Best innovation practices will be discussed to increase theawareness about the complexities of the topic, which requires serious analysis that draws on theexpertise of professionals across borders.
The Balkans’ Image as Constructed in Donald Trump’s Public Statements (2017-2018)
The Balkans’ Image as Constructed in Donald Trump’s Public Statements (2017-2018)
(The Balkans’ Image as Constructed in Donald Trump’s Public Statements (2017-2018))
- Author(s):Kalina Ishpekova-Bratanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, International relations/trade, Methodology and research technology, Geopolitics
- Page Range:167-180
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:image; identity; Balkanism; critical discourse analysis; foreign policy
- Summary/Abstract:This study was prompted by the strong academic and research interest in President Donald Trump’s governance and rhetorical style, which is atypical of any senior government official holding a high post in the state administration. Another major motivation for selecting thisresearch object is the topicality of political discourse, and its linguistic and pragmatic aspects, inthe era of post-truth politics. Yet another reason was the typically negative image of the Balkans ina historical perspective. The findings in this study largely confirm those established in previousresearch with regard to Donald Trump’s foreign policy priorities. Even though Trump is differentin form – in language and rhetoric – in his foreign policy, he shows continuity with his post-ColdWar predecessors in substance, especially in the Balkans and South-eastern Europe.
Erdogan’s Reformed Turkey and the Future of Republic
Erdogan’s Reformed Turkey and the Future of Republic
(Erdogan’s Reformed Turkey and the Future of Republic)
- Author(s):Plamen Ralchev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Electoral systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:181-188
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Turkey; presidential republic; relations with the EU
- Summary/Abstract:The 2017 referendum that transformed Turkey's constitutional system and the June2018 elections represent the final stage of the transformation project for New Turkey and the beginning of a new era in the history of the modern Turkish Republic. Authoritarian trends in government and social life, the strong centralization of political decision-making, and the unconditional personification and praise of the ruling will continue to deepen the dividing lines between Turkey and its EU partners. Authoritarian trends in government and social life, the strong centralization of political decision-making, and the unconditional personification and praise of the ruling party leader will continue to deepen the dividing lines between Turkey and its EU partners. On theone hand, Turkey is moving away from the prospect of EU membership, and on the other, President Erdogan, as the sole center of power in Turkey, will maintain a firm and irreconcilable tone in relations with the EU, especially as regards the negotiations on financial compensation that Turkey expects to receive to restrict migration flow from the Middle East.
The European Social Model in the Eurointegration of Romania and Bulgaria: Quality of Life in Terms of Policies and Outcomes
The European Social Model in the Eurointegration of Romania and Bulgaria:
Quality of Life in Terms of Policies and Outcomes
(The European Social Model in the Eurointegration of Romania and Bulgaria:
Quality of Life in Terms of Policies and Outcomes)
- Author(s):Gabriela Motoi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Public Administration, Labor relations, Welfare systems
- Page Range:189-198
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:EU enlargement; welfare state; social policy; education; healthcare
- Summary/Abstract:According to Eurostat statistics, more than 10 years after joining the European Union, Bulgaria and Romania "dispute" the last places in the rankings, which reveal the evolution of the main indicators of the quality of life. In addition, it seems that 12 years of European funds absorption, a large part of them being for the development of human capital, were not enough for the Romanian and Bulgarian societies to make progress in improving the quality of life of their citizens. Based on these considerations, this study aims to analyse, in a comparative manner, how social policies on several topics, such as, population, education or health have or have not produced positive effects on quality of life. Moreover, our study is relying on the fact that, although there are national social policy regulations and action lines conforming to the European Social Model, in the two societies (Romanian and Bulgarian), statistics confirm us that the effects are not similar in each of the 28 EU countries.
Italy and Bulgaria: Aspects and Dimensions of Bilateral Relations
Italy and Bulgaria: Aspects and Dimensions of Bilateral Relations
(Italy and Bulgaria: Aspects and Dimensions of Bilateral Relations)
- Author(s):Ivo Barzov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Geopolitics
- Page Range:199-207
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:political relations; Bulgaria; Italy; geopolitics
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgaria and Italy share geopolitical characteristics and this is a precondition forestablishing common positions and grounds for broad bilateral cooperation. Both states managerespective sections of the external border of the European Union. Their membership in the European Union shapes their common policies. The current paper analyzes the development of Bulgarian-Italian relations and the conditions that influence them at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. A short historical overview of bilateral relations and policies of Bulgaria and Italy towards third countries illustrates the place and role that the two countries have or could have in regional politics and international relations.
Bulgaria’s Role as a Transit Point for Refugees
Bulgaria’s Role as a Transit Point for Refugees
(Bulgaria’s Role as a Transit Point for Refugees)
- Author(s):Chaya Koleva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:208-222
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:asylum seekers; integration of refugees; transit country; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:The paper seeks to analyze Bulgaria’s governmental policy strategies towards asylum seekers and refugees and their evolution in the 2013 (the beginning of the migration crisis) –end of 2018. This period seems to be the most problematic in terms of managing asylum seekers flows. The question of refugees’ integration in the Bulgarian society is pivotal for the research. The paper points out the state capacity of dealing with issues linked to asylum seekers and refugee flows in terms of financial, institutional and administrative resources as well as the human rights situation on the ground. Secondly, the lack of pro-migrant political attitudes is addressed with analysis of populist politicians who use the mechanism of securitization of the refugee as the essence of their political agenda. The paper studies the state mechanism of dealing with the issue of refugees’ integration and the role of non-governmental and international organization in facilitating this process. Finally, the research focuses on the question why Bulgaria is still considered as transit country for refugees on their route to Western Europe.
EU and US Leading Approaches to the Western Balkans: Compatibility and Differences
EU and US Leading Approaches to the Western Balkans: Compatibility and Differences
(EU and US Leading Approaches to the Western Balkans: Compatibility and Differences)
- Author(s):Sonia Hinkova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Governance, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:225-233
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:geopolitical interests; strategic approaches; Western Balkans; the EU; the USA
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the nature and dynamics of EU and US spatial interests andpolicies that outline their spheres of influence in the Western Balkans. It presents the tools andapproaches (strategic, economic and political) through which these two actors assert their geopolitical interests in the region and specifically in the six Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro). It is argued that the EU and US approaches in the Western Balkans are strategic in nature and sustainable. The paper aims at analyzing and comparing the two strategic approaches in terms of their compatibility and differences.
The Western Balkans: Arena of Rivalry among Global and Regional Actors
The Western Balkans: Arena of Rivalry among Global and Regional Actors
(The Western Balkans: Arena of Rivalry among Global and Regional Actors)
- Author(s):Georgi Chankov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:234-241
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:European Union; Western Balkans; global and regional powers; rivalry
- Summary/Abstract:The European Union is implementing the "transforming force" strategy towards the countries of Southeast Europe. The Union can expect no economic benefits from adopting theseunderdeveloped countries. Besides, the Western Balkan countries have unsolved problems thatcould be transferred to the EU itself in the process of inclusion. Nevertheless, the EU cannot afford to withdraw from the region because of the already invested financial and political capitalthere. Due to their geographic and geopolitical location, the Western Balkans are subject of rivalry among the USA, Russia, China and Turkey. This rivalry threatens the EU with loss of its farpartial control there. In this competition the EU faces great difficulty in defining its strategy towards the region.
Western Balkans as a Strategic Junction of International Terrorism: Regional Responces
Western Balkans as a Strategic Junction of International Terrorism: Regional Responces
(Western Balkans as a Strategic Junction of International Terrorism: Regional Responces)
- Author(s):Ana Dimitrovska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Geopolitics
- Page Range:242-255
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Western Balkans; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Albania; terrorism; extremism; counter-terrorism; socialization of radical elements; countering extremism
- Summary/Abstract:Currently, the Western Balkans are becoming an important strategic junction of international terrorism and, in recent years, the region has become a transit corridor for radicalIslamists and terrorists aiming to relocate from the Middle East countries to the region. Staringfrom the 90s, we are witnessing a gradual creation of the so called "Balkan Caliphate" – the creating of a radical Islamic political space uniting all territories where Muslim minorities lives inthe region (Albania, BiH, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro) througha Wahhabi religious colonization financed by a network of Islamic humanitarian NGOs funded bySaudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar, Libya, Turkey connecting them with the Middle East andTurkey. Starting from 2012, the Western Balkan countries have been undertaking serious efforts tocounter these threats and with the active participation of the international community they havestared adopting and implementing new national strategies giving priority to programs for rehabilitation, reintegration and de-radicalization of the returned foreign fighters and their families’members. The regional governments actively support the international counter-terrorism effortsand they are actively developing cooperation with international and regional police, intelligenceand judicial services. Regional intelligence services work closely with international organizations(United Nations, OSCE, Interpol, Europol, etc.), as well as with the security services of the UnitedStates, some EU countries and Turkey. However, very often their activities are giving diametrically opposite on-the-ground result to the goals they claim they are trying to achieve in the field, andthe serious flaws contained in their counter-terrorism efforts give the impression of a selfsabotage. Also, there is a lack of political will among the regional governments to establish closecooperation with the relevant structures of Russia and CIS engaged in countering terrorism andextremism in the post-Soviet space and having enormous experience in the field.
The Western Balkans in the EU Accession Process: PES(I) Assessment
The Western Balkans in the EU Accession Process: PES(I) Assessment
(The Western Balkans in the EU Accession Process: PES(I) Assessment)
- Author(s):Galya Mancheva, Elena Simeonova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Political Theory, Political Sciences, Political economy, Methodology and research technology, Financial Markets, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:256-275
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Western Balkans; political regime; democracy score; exchange rate regime; GDP; GDP per capita; population growth; age and educational structure; key interest rate; sovereign spreads; sovereign credit
- Summary/Abstract:Despite the internal destabilization and ongoing asymmetric crises, European Unionstill tends on extending its borders. The main target destinations are Western Balkans countries,which, undoubtedly, present a more complex case compared to previous rounds of the EU enlargement. In the same time, as a result of acceleration, EU has set standards higher than ever. Inthe strive to cover the EU-set acquisition standards, and to attract foreign investments, WesternBalkans countries produce different degrees of political risk which affects the business and investors. The article presents a part of the results of a complex authors’ research with а main focus of evaluating the Western Balkans countries political, economical, social, and risk environment inthe Eurointegration processes in the region. A specially designed modification of the well-knownPEST analysis (PES(I)) analysis is applied on 10-year period (2007-2017). It is concluded thatWestern Balkan accession to EU is more a political rather than an economical issue. Based on theanalysis, Republic of Albania is shown to be the best performing country among the region, doingthe biggest progress in economic and political aspects, generating the lowest political risk levels.Keywords: Western Balkans, political regime, democracy score, exchange rate regime, GDP,GDP per capita, population growth, age and educational structure, key interest rate, sovereignspreads, sovereign credit risk, credit rating, financial markets, political indicators, political risk.
Civic Participation and Elections in the Western Balkans
Civic Participation and Elections in the Western Balkans
(Civic Participation and Elections in the Western Balkans)
- Author(s):Elena Zlateva, Daniela Pastarmadzhieva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Civil Society, Electoral systems, Geopolitics
- Page Range:276-288
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Western Balkans; Montenegro; Serbia; civic participation; elections
- Summary/Abstract:Citizen participation in the Balkans is an extremely important and up-to-date topic.During the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, the integration of theWestern Balkans to the EU became a topical issue again. The aim of the current study is to find towhat extent the societies are ready to participate in the political life of their countries. The casesthat we focus on are Montenegro and Serbia. We use comparative approach and apply a quantitative method, namely secondary processing of already collected quantitative data. The source of the used data is the Comparative study of electoral systems, Module 4, Eurobarometer and Balkan Barometer. We compare the studied countries on various indicators, including participation in elections; evaluation of the personal role in the formation of the government; awareness of the political platforms, etc. We also compare the studied countries to the most democratic countries in the EU as identified on the basis of data from EIU Democracy Index.
Croatia between Eurointegration and Nationalism
Croatia between Eurointegration and Nationalism
(Croatia between Eurointegration and Nationalism)
- Author(s):Lilia Markova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:289-298
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Croatia; ethnic politics; EU; bilateral disputes; Western Balkans
- Summary/Abstract:The focus on the present article is on Croatia – the newest EU member-state. It isargued that ethnic politics in the country, although still somewhat connected to nationalism as apolitical principle, has overcome the pitfalls of the past through successful social and politicalconsolidation. The successive efforts since the end of Tudjman’s rule have led to the fulfillment ofthe conditions imposed by the EU. The reconsideration of the country’s foreign policy prioritiesafter 2000 shows that ethnic politics in the Balkans is not necessarily conflicting. The country canserve as an example and even "export" good practices. Nevertheless, ties with other countries inthe Western Balkans remain tight and controversial. Unresolved disputes and mutual accusationsbetween Croatia and its neighbors persist.
Judicial Reform and Process of Vetting in Albania: an Effective Project or an Unsuccessful Experiment
Judicial Reform and Process of Vetting in Albania: an Effective Project or an Unsuccessful Experiment
(Judicial Reform and Process of Vetting in Albania: an Effective Project or an Unsuccessful Experiment)
- Author(s):Denitsa Dimitrova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Law, Sociology of Law
- Page Range:299-308
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Albania; judicial reform; vetting; Independent Qualification Commission
- Summary/Abstract:Since Albania was granted candidate status in June 2014, the EU imposed a numberof conditions to the country that it must fulfill to open accession negotiations. Over the past fouryears the Albanian government has achieved some success, but the process of reforming the judicial system is still a major obstacle for the integration process. Under intense pressure from theUS and the EU, the opposition Democratic Party and the government led by the Socialist Partyare mutually agreeing (July 2016) on the approval of a package of changes in Judicial reform.Despite the fact that Albania’s parliament accepts these changes with consensus, the re-evaluationof judges and prosecutors, known as Vetting process is considered of crucial importance to thepolitical future of the country and has sparked heated debate and controversial views on the political arena in Albania. Government claims the verification process will pave the way for talks with the EU, while the opposition warns that the new rules will affect judiciary appointments and challenge the credibility of the new institutions. The present study aims at taking a deep look at theProcess of Vetting in Albania. It starts by giving a brief chronology, then outlines the new majorjudicial institutions and reviews the latest data (as of July 2018) from Independent QualificationCommission. Also some of the major problems in judicial reform are reviewed before drawingsome conclusions. The possibility of making political decisions, contrary to the Constitution andlaws of the country, most likely will mark negatively the whole judicial reform.
Republic of Macedonia: Ethno-Political Dilemmas and Challenges in the Eurointegration Processes
Republic of Macedonia: Ethno-Political Dilemmas and Challenges in the Eurointegration Processes
(Republic of Macedonia: Ethno-Political Dilemmas and Challenges in the Eurointegration Processes)
- Author(s):Mariana Stamova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Inter-Ethnic Relations, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:309-317
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Republic of Macedonia; EU; NATO; Ohrid Agreement; cross-national relations
- Summary/Abstract:Being the only country to achieve its independence peacefully in the process of disintegration of federal Yugoslavia, the Republic of Macedonia has been facing some serious issues.While in the last decade of the XX century the focus was primarily on the international recognitionof the country, the first decade of the XXI century Macedonia needs to tackle acute internal crossnational contradictions, as well as the challenges of Euro-Atlantic integration. In 2001 the political and ethno-national situation in Macedonia has entered a qualitatively new phase. The nearly 10 years-old "Macedonian model of ethnic coexistence" in which Macedonians and Albanians were trying to find a common language of communication and apply European standards in minority policy underwent through a sharp reversal. The threat of unleashing the 2001 conflict into a civil war was thwarted with the intervention of the international community. The Ohrid Agreement was followed constitutional amendments and adoption of laws regulating local government, education and use of language, the introduction of quota representation based on ethnic lines in various state structures, including the army and security forces. The Ohrid Agreement sanctioned the new constitutional concept of a multiethnic society and thus the position of the Albanians as key institutional factor within Macedonia. The internal ethno-national dynamics undeniably has left its mark on the Euro-Atlantic integration process of Macedonia.
Republic of (Northern) Macedonia: from Struggle for Identity to Battle of Identities
Republic of (Northern) Macedonia: from Struggle for Identity to Battle of Identities
(Republic of (Northern) Macedonia: from Struggle for Identity to Battle of Identities)
- Author(s):Ivan Stoychev Vinarov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:318-325
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:ancient Macedonians; identity; Republic of (Northern) Macedonia; social engineering
- Summary/Abstract:On September 30, 2018, a historic referendum took place in Macedonia, after whichthe country faces more questions than those of the time before. The great "battle of identities",launched with the proclamation of independence from the SFRY, is a unique phenomenon in worldpolitics. It leads not only to arbitrary interpretation (i.e. theft) of history as it was until a decadeago. A paradoxical process unfolds: creating a new story – reversing the past to restructure thefuture in a different way. Unique in this case is that the identity of a small Balkan people turns outto be dependent on election results, popular polls, coalitions, and the ability to meet the claims ofone or other neighboring country on their own state and public policy and legal order. Can theidentity of the Macedonians be determined unambiguously? And has Macedonia been tired of thewhole world, as interpretations appeared in some post-refereed analyzes? This report is an initialattempt to place these complex, fundamental questions on the academic agenda.
Enlargement in Times of Crises: the EU Prospects of the Western Balkans
Enlargement in Times of Crises: the EU Prospects of the Western Balkans
(Enlargement in Times of Crises: the EU Prospects of the Western Balkans)
- Author(s):Aleko Stoyanov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Geopolitics
- Page Range:326-332
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:enlargement; crises; Western Balkans; EU integration
- Summary/Abstract:It is often said that the EU has evoleved through crises and the overcoming of each crisis has made it stronger. Yet, the current situation is a bit more different as the EU is facing not one but several crises simultaneously – euro crisis, (dis)integration crisis, the Ukraine crisis, a migrant crisis and even a transatlantic crisis. Against this backdrop it is no wonder that it tookBrussels 15 years to reconfirm in another declaration its commitment to the European perspective of the Western Balkans. On the other hand, the Western Balkan countries could have done more to convince the EU in the firmness of their European aspirations. Yet, despite the mutual accusationsof lack of interest, the Western Balkans has moved closer to the EU. In 2013 Croatia became the 28 member state while Montenegro and Serbia are holding accession negotiations. The Bulgarian EU Presidency improved the EU prospects of Macedonia and Albania as both countries now hopeto start negotiations in 2019. At the same time, the upcoming European elections, the influence of third parties in the region as well as the internal divisions among the EU member states and within the aspiring EU candidates may pose a real challenge to the long-dreamed European unification.