The Balkans and Europe between Integration and Particularism
The Balkans and Europe between Integration and Particularism

Author(s): Andrey Nonchev, Diana Yarosh, Hristo Draganov, Ivan-Petar Yovchev, Filip Petkov, Maria Bakalova, Anton Parvanov, Blaga Blagoeva, Daniela Pastarmadzhieva, Elisabeth Yoneva, Alexey Margoevski, Margarita Ivanova, Kalina Ishpekova-Bratanova, Plamen Ralchev, Gabriela Motoi, Ivo Barzov, Chaya Koleva, Albena Hinkova, Sonia Hinkova, Georgi Chankov, Ana Dimitrovska, Galya Mancheva, Elena Simeonova, Elena Zlateva, Lilia Markova, Denica Dimitrova, Mariana Stamova, Aleko Stoyanov, Dinko Dinkov, Monika Panayotova
Contributor(s): Maria Bakalova (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Political Sciences, Sociology, Comparative politics, Nationalism Studies, Migration Studies, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Balkans; Europe; integration; particularism
Summary/Abstract: This volume is a collection of papers presented at the International conference THE BALKANS AND EUROPE BETWEEN INTEGRATION AND PARTICULARISM: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS, organized by the Faculty of International Economics and Politics at UNWE and the Bulgarian Political Science Association and held in Sofia on October 25-26, 2018. The conference invited presentations on a number of issues such as: The integration potential of the EU (28-1) and the “enlargement fatigue”; Ethno-politics and integration: dimensions, patterns and results in the EU and Western Balkans; The Bulgaria’s Presidency and the EU prospects of the Western Balkans; “Fatigued from waiting”: the countries of the Western Balkans; Bilateral relations in the Balkans: between historical mythology and pragmatism; Connectivity and cooperation in the Balkans: projects and realities, etc.Around fifty scholars and researchers – both established and younger ones – participated in the scientific forum representing a number of universities and research institutions from several countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Russia). What is worth noting is the high rate of participation of doctoral students, as well as the contribution of undergraduate students from universities in Bulgaria and from MGIMO in Russia. Notably, some of the participants took part in the conference in absentia by poster presentations. The present volume contains the texts of those of the conference participants who sent their presentations in written form. The volume is structured in three parts except for the keynote speeches, which are presented separately as they were delivered during the Conference. The first part encompasses research papers dealing with issues pertinent to the whole European Union and various aspects of the integration processes. The focus in the second part is on the Balkans in the context of the EU integration. The papers in the third part deal with the Western Balkans in particular, featuring also case-studies on individual countries.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-258-8
  • Page Count: 339
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: English
Conference Program

Conference Program
(Conference Program)

“Capture” of the Post-Socialist State as a Challenge to the EU Integration

“Capture” of the Post-Socialist State as a Challenge to the EU Integration
(“Capture” of the Post-Socialist State as a Challenge to the EU Integration)





The European Integration Crisis: Causes and Consequences

The European Integration Crisis: Causes and Consequences
(The European Integration Crisis: Causes and Consequences)

European Perspective and Connectivity of the Western Balkans as a Specific Priority of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018

European Perspective and Connectivity of the Western Balkans as a Specific Priority of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018
(European Perspective and Connectivity of the Western Balkans as a Specific Priority of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council 2018)

The System of Own Resources within the EU Cohesion Process

The System of Own Resources within the EU Cohesion Process
(The System of Own Resources within the EU Cohesion Process)

Bilateral Issues in SEE under External Pressure: Risks for the European Prospects of the Western Balkans

Bilateral Issues in SEE under External Pressure: Risks for the European Prospects of the Western Balkans
(Bilateral Issues in SEE under External Pressure: Risks for the European Prospects of the Western Balkans)

European Energy Policy After Brexit: Possibilities and Challenges

European Energy Policy After Brexit: Possibilities and Challenges
(European Energy Policy After Brexit: Possibilities and Challenges)

Conceptualising the Fiscal Union: The EU Perspective

Conceptualising the Fiscal Union: The EU Perspective
(Conceptualising the Fiscal Union: The EU Perspective)

Political Cooperation on the Balkans: Mission (Im)Possible?

Political Cooperation on the Balkans: Mission (Im)Possible?
(Political Cooperation on the Balkans: Mission (Im)Possible?)

The Balkan Countries in the Eurointegration Processes: Democracy Index (EIU 2017)

The Balkan Countries in the Eurointegration Processes: Democracy Index (EIU 2017)
(The Balkan Countries in the Eurointegration Processes: Democracy Index (EIU 2017))

Political Culture of the Balkans: Historical Background and Contemporary Characteristics

Political Culture of the Balkans: Historical Background and Contemporary Characteristics
(Political Culture of the Balkans: Historical Background and Contemporary Characteristics)

The Balkans in the New Energy Architecture: Political and Economic Dynamism

The Balkans in the New Energy Architecture: Political and Economic Dynamism
(The Balkans in the New Energy Architecture: Political and Economic Dynamism)

Common Projects in the Energy Sector: The Balkans and the European Energy Union

Common Projects in the Energy Sector: The Balkans and the European Energy Union
(Common Projects in the Energy Sector: The Balkans and the European Energy Union)

Cooperation through Innovations: Opportunities for the Balkan Connectivity

Cooperation through Innovations: Opportunities for the Balkan Connectivity
(Cooperation through Innovations: Opportunities for the Balkan Connectivity)

The Balkans’ Image as Constructed in Donald Trump’s Public Statements (2017-2018)

The Balkans’ Image as Constructed in Donald Trump’s Public Statements (2017-2018)
(The Balkans’ Image as Constructed in Donald Trump’s Public Statements (2017-2018))

Erdogan’s Reformed Turkey and the Future of Republic

Erdogan’s Reformed Turkey and the Future of Republic
(Erdogan’s Reformed Turkey and the Future of Republic)

The European Social Model in the Eurointegration of Romania and Bulgaria: Quality of Life in Terms of Policies and Outcomes

The European Social Model in the Eurointegration of Romania and Bulgaria: Quality of Life in Terms of Policies and Outcomes
(The European Social Model in the Eurointegration of Romania and Bulgaria: Quality of Life in Terms of Policies and Outcomes)

Italy and Bulgaria: Aspects and Dimensions of Bilateral Relations

Italy and Bulgaria: Aspects and Dimensions of Bilateral Relations
(Italy and Bulgaria: Aspects and Dimensions of Bilateral Relations)

Bulgaria’s Role as a Transit Point for Refugees

Bulgaria’s Role as a Transit Point for Refugees
(Bulgaria’s Role as a Transit Point for Refugees)

EU and US Leading Approaches to the Western Balkans: Compatibility and Differences

EU and US Leading Approaches to the Western Balkans: Compatibility and Differences
(EU and US Leading Approaches to the Western Balkans: Compatibility and Differences)

The Western Balkans: Arena of Rivalry among Global and Regional Actors

The Western Balkans: Arena of Rivalry among Global and Regional Actors
(The Western Balkans: Arena of Rivalry among Global and Regional Actors)

Western Balkans as a Strategic Junction of International Terrorism: Regional Responces

Western Balkans as a Strategic Junction of International Terrorism: Regional Responces
(Western Balkans as a Strategic Junction of International Terrorism: Regional Responces)

The Western Balkans in the EU Accession Process: PES(I) Assessment

The Western Balkans in the EU Accession Process: PES(I) Assessment
(The Western Balkans in the EU Accession Process: PES(I) Assessment)

Civic Participation and Elections in the Western Balkans

Civic Participation and Elections in the Western Balkans
(Civic Participation and Elections in the Western Balkans)

Croatia between Eurointegration and Nationalism

Croatia between Eurointegration and Nationalism
(Croatia between Eurointegration and Nationalism)

Judicial Reform and Process of Vetting in Albania: an Effective Project or an Unsuccessful Experiment

Judicial Reform and Process of Vetting in Albania: an Effective Project or an Unsuccessful Experiment
(Judicial Reform and Process of Vetting in Albania: an Effective Project or an Unsuccessful Experiment)

Republic of Macedonia: Ethno-Political Dilemmas and Challenges in the Eurointegration Processes

Republic of Macedonia: Ethno-Political Dilemmas and Challenges in the Eurointegration Processes
(Republic of Macedonia: Ethno-Political Dilemmas and Challenges in the Eurointegration Processes)

Republic of (Northern) Macedonia: from Struggle for Identity to Battle of Identities

Republic of (Northern) Macedonia: from Struggle for Identity to Battle of Identities
(Republic of (Northern) Macedonia: from Struggle for Identity to Battle of Identities)

Enlargement in Times of Crises: the EU Prospects of the Western Balkans

Enlargement in Times of Crises: the EU Prospects of the Western Balkans
(Enlargement in Times of Crises: the EU Prospects of the Western Balkans)

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