Заштита и престанак права службености у праву Републике Српске
Protection and Cessation of the Property Utilization Rights in the Law of the Republic of Srpska
Author(s): Duško Medić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Protection of property utilization rights;Cessation of property utilization rights;Utilized property;Exploiative property;Altered circumstances;
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with protection and cessation of the property exploitation rights according to the Law on Proprietary Rights of the Republic of Srpska, especially focusing on the issue of cessation of the property utilization rights in case that they are no longer needed, at the request of the owner of the utilized property. In the contemporary court`s practice the majority of lawsuits are brought as a result of aforementioned ending which creates most of the dilemmas.. Undoubtedly, no matter how strongly the owner of the utilization right opposes its ending, those rights should be brought to an end when they become meaningless. In addition, the article also deals with issues of protection of the property utilization rights and other ways of their cessation
- Page Range: 253-277
- Page Count: 25
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Serbian