Lične službenosti
Individual Usufruct
Author(s): Duško Medić
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Individual usufructs;Private property;Fruitfulness;Usage right;Occupancy right;
Summary/Abstract: Law on the Essential Property Relations of the former socialist Yugoslavia did not standardize personal usufructs, but the possibility of their existence was predicted. This was a consequence of the opinion that the individual usufruct does not represent a basic property-legal relation. Proprietary Law of the Republika Srpska regulates them in detail and in modern way, which is important, since the change of property relations and economical market conditions allow the application of those usufructs effectual in practice. That way their re(affirmation) in our legal system as individual usufructs and primarily their fruitfulness can have a multiple function and wide social importance. Private property has acquired a justified place in our society again, and for that reason we can see further enlargement of the aforementioned usufructs. Individual usufruct has a very wide range of appliance. Practical application of the aforesaid usufructs facilitates their implementation and accomplishment of the important goals in private law (especially in family and hereditary relations) and in certain cases in the pubic law.
Book: Зборник радова "Двадесет година Дејтонског мировног споразума"
- Page Range: 602-617
- Page Count: 16
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Serbian