Концепт лидерства у јавној и локалној управи. CAF модел - заштита права грађана
Concept of Leadership in Public and Local Government. CAF Model - the Protection of Citizen's Rights

Author(s): Slavko Arsovski, Srđan Nikezić, Dragan Bataveljić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Governance, Public Administration, Public Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Leadership;Quality;Protection of citizen rights;Public sector;CAF model;
Summary/Abstract: The problem of quality in the state and local governments „has been opened“ by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler in the book Reinventing Government published in 1992. In those years, dissatisfaction with administration in state and local services levels culminated in the USA. That is why it is not surprising that in one issue of the Times magazine to the question „Is the state dead?“, most Americans answered „yes“. Why? Despite the large state funding, only 5% of Americans in 1980 were satisfied with the service and felt that it was the success to work in the civil service, while only 13% of civil servants would recommend this career to others. Debate started on whether there was too much or too little of the state apparatus. In the opinion of Osborne and Gaebler's (Hunt, 1994) „our fundamental problem is that we have bad kind of a state. We do not need more state or less state, we need a better state. To be more precise, we need better management. Management is the process by which we collectively solve our problems and meet the social needs. State is merely the instrument which is outdated and must begin the process of improving.“ It highlighted the importance of quality in public administration. This problem was later analyzed in other, particularly European countries, and later in the EU through the development of a common framework for evaluating the public sector (The Common Assessment Framework, 2002).In the first part of the paper the problem of the quality of public administration and public sector is analyzed and data structures of a common framework for the assessment (CAF) in the public sector are given. Second part of the paper offers an approach to improvement of leadership in the public sector.

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