Заштита равноправности полова у Републици Србији и Европској унији. Упоредноправна анализа
Protection of Gender Equality in the Republic of Serbia and the European Union. Comparative Legal Analysis
Author(s): Blagoje Pušonja, Dragan Bataveljić
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Gender equality; Discrimination; Republic of Serbia; European Union law; European Court of Human Rights; Harmonization of law;
Summary/Abstract: The authors in the work first give a constitutional and international legal framework for the protection of gender equality in the Republic of Serbia,so that at the beginning they give an analysis of the provisions of the current Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in 2006, and after that they point to the most important ratified international documents. In this text, the authors pay special attention to gender equality legislation in the Republic of Serbia and institutional framework for the protection of this equality, while in the final analysis of domestic legislation, which regulates this matter, the chapter relating to the protection of gender equality in practice occupies very important place. The authors here specifically deal with advantages and disadvantages of this protection and participation of women in the complete social engagement in the Republic of Serbia. Also, in this work,great attention is paid to contemporary international legal framework of this protection, first of all the European charters, conventions and documents, as well as the European Court of Human Rights based in Strasbourg.
- Page Range: 559-583
- Page Count: 25
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Serbian