A valóság és a propaganda között. Lengyelország képe Ruffy Péternek a „Varsói hajnal” című útleírásában
Between Reality and Propaganda. Poland in the Eyes of Hungarian Writers and Journalists (1945–1960)

Author(s): Marcin Grad
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: Poland; travel literature; restoration of Poland; communism; propaganda; Péter Ruffy; György Somlyó; Tibor Pethő;
Summary/Abstract: The basis of my article is made up of three travel memoirs on Poland written by Hungarian authors: Visztula sellője [The Mermaid of the Vistula] (György Somlyó, 1954), A Kárpátoktól a Balti-tengerig [From the Carpathians to the Baltic Sea] (Tibor Pethő, 1956), and Varsói hajnal. Lengyelországi útiélmények [Dawn in Warsaw. Travel Experiences in Poland] (Péter Ruffy, 1961). The aim of my article is to show how these three Hungarian authors saw Poland, the domestic situation in our country, its restoration after the Second World War, its history and culture. I would also like to answer the question as to how strong the communism, the communist propaganda affected the structure and language of these books.

  • Page Range: 239-255
  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Hungarian
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