Köztes terek (2019. április 26–27., Csíkszereda)
Spaces in Between (Conference 26–27 April, Miercurea Ciuc)
Contributor(s): Katalin Lajos (Editor), Zsuzsa Tapodi (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: spaces in between; literature; migration;hybridization;
Series: Műhely
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-975-029-2
- Page Count: 478
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Hungarian
Megtartó és nyomasztó örökségek térközében
Megtartó és nyomasztó örökségek térközében
(In the Intermediary Spaces of Preserving and Oppressing Heritages)
- Author(s):Beáta Thomka
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:15-25
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Nobel Prize; in-between-ness; space of world literature; the duality of the home and the outside world;
- Summary/Abstract:To interpret one of the conference’s discussion points, I based my paper on the essays of internationally renowned writers of the 20th-21st centuries. One of the theoretical basis is given by Pascale Casanova’s study entitled Literature as a World. The writers often make references to the differences and disadvantages of civilization that influence the development of national literature. The gap between the Western cultures of a rich literary tradition and the literature of colonized regions is always noticed by writers. In the evaluation of the ars poetica poems and the writing careers, the different nuances of the intermediary appear as a basic form of culture. Its variants may include dualities defined by the family’s linguistic, religious, and cultural aspects. Inherited and acquired languages also influence the coagulation of identity. Historical and political phenomena play an equally important role in the fate of individuals, generations, and communities. The situations caused by these factors, the crisis, and the ordeals will influence the self-perceptions and the artistic orientations either directly or indirectly. Adherence to the various national or spiritual communities, groups, and artistic trends takes place through the acquisition of identity models. Casanova’s conception of space of universal literature comes to reform the 19th-century idea of universal literature based on translations: “The mechanisms through which this literary universe functions are the exact opposite of what is ordinarily understood by ‘literary globalization’.” The authors of intercultural openness are searching for answers to the universal questions of human existence in their languages, based on their own artistic and historical experiences.
A kivándorlóhajó mint a köztes lét szimbóluma
A kivándorlóhajó mint a köztes lét szimbóluma
(The Immigrant Ship as the Symbol of Intermediate Existence)
- Author(s):Magda Ajtay-Horváth
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:27-44
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:immigration; assimilation; identity loss; language shift;
- Summary/Abstract:The causes and consequences of the Hungarian emigration to the United States at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries offer a rich field of investigation for various disciplines. The integration of the sociological, statistical, political, and literary aspects provides a productive approach to study the complex phenomenon of immigration. The immigrant ship both in concrete and in metaphorical sense can be regarded as a dynamic intermediate space linking the old country and the desired new one representing the cross-section of the emigrant society with its typical and atypical characters. The work of Sándor Tonelli, a journalist, provides an authentic picture of the twenty-three-day voyage of an immigrant ship from Fiume to New York. During the transatlantic voyage, the passengers not only get further and further away from their native country in space, but the voyage is also the starting-point of a painful process that finally concludes in identity loss and language shift. The parallel study of the different issues linked to the transatlantic migration proves that the themes and motifs occurring in Kaliforniai fürj [Californian Quail], a contemporary Hungarian novel, a family saga written by Imre Oravecz, coincide with the problems studied by sociologists, linguists, and psychologists, and thus the form of the novel is suitable to present to a larger reading public the theme of immigration and the different stages of assimilation as an inevitable consequence.
A lélek a testtől
A lélek a testtől
(The Whole World Is (Not) Ours)
- Author(s):Emese Egyed, Orsolya Láng
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:45-58
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:space odyssey; utopia; crossing; future; dream; history;
- Summary/Abstract:In the history of literature and visual arts, planets have been perceived as reflections of human (or human-like) and virtual life, and as such they have often become scenes for utopian or satirical stories. When the search for perspective is seen as a shift in dimensions, it is associated with a strong visual content. The evolution of (cinematographic) techniques has opened up new horizons for the genre of science fiction, allowing it to fulfil its biggest challenge: to show a picture of something hidden from the human eye. The two authors of the paper focus on the dynamics of the Earth and its “star”, aiming to present a comparative analysis of the creative procedures of critical thinking.
Kosztolányi Dezső irodalompolitikája a revíziós törekvések időszakában
Kosztolányi Dezső irodalompolitikája a revíziós törekvések időszakában
(Dezső Kosztolányi’s Politics of Literature in the Period of Revisionism)
- Author(s):Zsuzsanna Arany
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:59-68
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Anti-Semitism; cultural diplomacy; Dezső Kosztolányi; revisionism; Treaty of Trianon;
- Summary/Abstract:While Dezső Kosztolányi declared himself as an apolitical writer, we cannot deny his role in cultural diplomacy. Shortly after the 1st World War, during the peace talks in Paris, he became an irredentist, but later, in the period of the political consolidation – when István Bethlen was the prime minister –, his point of view changed. In the 1920s, Kosztolányi began to embrace a revisionist cultural politics and cultivated numerous connections with writers from the countries of Little Entente. His plan was to connect the Hungarians living in minority on the territories of the former Hungarian Kingdom with the parent state’s cultural life. In the framework of that project, Kosztolányi translated the works of several authors from the Little Entente such as Karel Capek’s R. U. R. He visited Serbia and Transylvania and planned to go to Czechoslovakia as well for a reader’s tour. The last one was miscarried since the writer was attacked in the press because of his former irredentist articles. But Kosztolányi also got in touch with a number of artists from Hungarian minorities in the diaspora, and besides that he published his own writings in papers outside the country. One of Kosztolányi’s main theses in that period was that our national community was the community of Hungarian language. According to his belief, not only Hungarians living beyond the borders can became an organic part of the national culture but Jews as well. Therefore, Kosztolányi confronted his former radical (and mostly anti-Semite) forum called Hungarian Writers’ Association led by Dezső Szabó.
Kosztolányi és Heidegger „dialógusa” a költői valamint a filozófiai létértelmezés játékterében
Kosztolányi és Heidegger „dialógusa” a költői valamint a filozófiai létértelmezés játékterében
(Kosztolányi and Heidegger’s “Dialogue” around the Poetic and Philosophical Ontology)
- Author(s):Erika Sipos
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:69-77
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:ontology; hermeneutics; poetic word; dialogue;
- Summary/Abstract:My research sets out from the hypothesis that the “poetic word” can help us understand Heidegger’s conception of death if, in addition to rational knowledge, we also gain a tune that can modify the interpretation into self-interpretation. The poetic word, says Gadamer, tears us from our familiar world in a way that it shows us the world in which we are thrown into. Similarly to Gadamer, Kosztolányi also emphasizes the unique role of the poetic word. He writes, “the poetic word, like a tuning fork, hits a sound, we vibrate with it and then the secret and unconscious phenomena that are linked to the concept begin to sound at once” (cf. Thoughts on Language, Kriterion. 1977, p. 83). This is the reason why I chose the cycle The Complaints of the Poor Little Child, which Kosztolányi himself describes as his most important volume, and which is at the same time perfectly suited to creating the tuning needed to understand Heidegger’s fundamental ontology. However, the dialogue between the two thinkers cannot be one-way, and thus we can expect that Kosztolányi’s poems will be better understood if read with Heidegger’s fundamental ontology in mind. This interference is based on Gadamer’s hermeneutics, which is rooted in the Socratic method, also known as maieutic. This method promises a better understanding if we are able to create a space with a dialogue that does not manifest as the opposition of the self and the other but rather through the recognition of the other in oneself and vice versa, the self in the other.
Narratív struktúra és identitás Illyés Gyula Puszták népe (1936) című művében
Narratív struktúra és identitás Illyés Gyula Puszták népe (1936) című művében
(Identity Crisis and Narrative Forms in Interwar Hungarian Literature. Narrative Structure and Identity in Gyula Illyés’s Puszták népe)
- Author(s):Csilla Tóth
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:79-91
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:identity crisis; interwar Hungarian literature; narrative forms; narratorial functions;
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines the relationship between the implied author and the narrator in Gyula Illyés’s work titled Puszták népe [People of the Plains], using the approach of rhetoric narratology. Together with the first volume of Márai’s Egy polgár vallomásai [Confessions of a Bourgeois], the prose work of Illyés is an outstanding piece of interwar Hungarian literature; both can be regarded as the modern manifestation of representational literature. Whereas Márai’s work tried to repair the broken model of the bourgeois identity, Illyés gave voice to a silent identity which had not even existed in a socio-cultural sense.Rhetorical narratology considers literary works as intentional communication taking place in multiple interacting channels. Phelan (2011, 2018) redefined the narrative communication model (Chatman 1978) in which the narrator loses its privileged role. In his model, communication takes place between the implied author/the author, the authorial audience, and the actual reader. In his conception, the narrator is only one of the many ways of creating impact; the implied author can be regarded as a streamlined version of the author characterized by a certain way of writing. The implied author makes every decision, even on how to use the figure of the narrator. Being a mixed genre work, Puszták népe is particularly suitable for demonstrating the role of the implied author as the source of poetic effects and narrative communication. The main poetic and ethical principle is a confrontation involving all components of narrative communication. The narrator’s autobiographical narrative is mixed with the non-literary texts inserted by the implied author. The dynamics comes from the interaction between the texts taken from two different sources, in the course of which various communication channels come into play and start to interact with each other. The texts are inserted into the autobiographical narrative by the narrator, but the real intent is that of the implied author who tries to achieve confrontation through the inserted texts. The juxtaposed texts are contrasted with each other by the authorial audience to achieve the implied author’s goal: the presentation of an isolated subculture.
Köztes (kultúr)terek Márai Sándor Egy polgár vallomásai című önéletrajzi regényében
Köztes (kultúr)terek Márai Sándor Egy polgár vallomásai című önéletrajzi regényében
(Cultural Spaces in between in Sándor Márai’s Confessions of a Bourgeois)
- Author(s):László V. Szabó
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:93-104
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:cultural space; memorial space; spaces in between or hybrid spaces; cultural kinship; cultural and linguistic hybridization;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper applies the terms “cultural space”, “memorial space”, and “hybrid space” for analysing the autobiographical novel Confessions of a Bourgeois published by Hungarian author Sándor Márai in 1934. Cultural space will be thereby regarded as spaces where several cultures are simultaneously present such as in Kassa/Kosice, where the author was born and grew up, or in Germany, where he studied and practised journalism. Also questions like 1) in which way can cultural spaces become spaces in between? or 2) under what conditions can they correspond to Homi Bhabha’s concept of “third space”? will be examined.
Az emlékezéstől az elbeszélésig. Nádas Péter Világló részletek című művének köztes terei
Az emlékezéstől az elbeszélésig. Nádas Péter Világló részletek című művének köztes terei
(From Memory to Narration. Intermediate Spaces in the Memoirs of Péter Nádas)
- Author(s):Irén Bandi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:105-114
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:cognitive self; personal and collective memory; intersubjective space; family history; memorials;
- Summary/Abstract:My questions connected to Peter Nádas’s literary work are, on the one hand, how the narrator steps over the border of the consciousness that directly experiences the present, how he finds the memories of the past, and how he can follow his own internal journey as an objective spectator. On the other hand, there is an additional fundamental question that arises – namely, how the narrator steps over his own subjective experiences and how he reaches such world experiences that are not part of his direct cognition. I would like to examine how the narrator reaches the common stories, deliberately ignoring the instruments of fiction and imagination, how he steps over the space in-between, which the mind surely perceives between I and you, between my world and the other’s world.
Faludy és a szirének: egy visszautasítás története
Faludy és a szirének: egy visszautasítás története
(György Faludy and the Sirens – The Story of a Rebuff0)
- Author(s):Gábor Csiszár
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:115-122
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Faludy; Béládi; Western Hungarian literature; reception;
- Summary/Abstract:In the beginning of the eighties, George Faludy, the “Ulysses of the 20th century”, heard the siren songs of Hungarian literature policy, but he refused those two tempting requests. Both endeavours related to Miklós Béládi. In 1981, he edited an anthology of emigrant literature (Vándorének). Faludy declined the offer even though from 1964 onwards he had repeatedly attempted to get published in Hungary and had even been censored. He had three arguments. The fee would be paid only during a stay in Hungary, yet it had not been a problem for him before. The selection was politically unilateral since the volume would have included poems only against the American existence despite the absence of his many anti-communist pieces. Later he added the most interesting controversy: the quarantine space in between that he would not have liked to appear only among emigrant poets, under the label “Western Literature”. Regarding Faludy, an undivided Hungarian literature exists by itself, and only transborder writers should use the label transborder and emigrant literature, not Budapest.In 1982, Béládi and his colleagues wrote a manual on transborder Hungarian literature (A magyar irodalom története 1945–1975. IV. A határon túli magyar irodalom). As I will demonstrate, not only did Faludy write an article indulging in personal criticism of the book, but he also mentioned some mistakes up to his last days – even though sometimes Faludy confused Béládi with another scholar, Miklós Szabolcsi.For the paper, I have collected the private letters from the Hungarian National Library and the archive of the Faludy family in Portsmouth; further, I have used his noted library and have cited from the published Faludy oeuvre.
Emlékezettérkép, irodalmi haza
Emlékezettérkép, irodalmi haza
(Remembrance Map, a Literary Homeland)
- Author(s):Krisztina Nemes
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:123-134
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:contemporary history; unconventional history; historical memory; national and ideological memory group; Catalans of Aragon; poetics of space; regional identity in the novel;
- Summary/Abstract:The Franco era’s forced industrialization policy wiped off the map the Aragonese mining town, the old Mequinensa. The inhabitants fought for fifteen years to survive and managed to preserve the community in a newly built town. Jesús Moncada immortalized the communicative memory of the city, in a novel form, thus conveying a unique literary witness to the destruction and history of his birthplace as a chronicler of Mequinensa from its storytellers’ tradition. His main work is a novel: the towpath that draws a map of the town’s memory from individual memory threads, showing a pre-modern, small-town community in Aragon, its economic, social and political life, and the ideologically split “two Spains”. The literary form allows understanding through identification, and the reader gains an inside view of the history. This strange viewpoint allows Moncada to remain loyal to the community while unveiling the small-town mechanisms of legend making. Since narrative forms do not inherently contain referentiality, we cannot claim that Moncada is historically authentic only by examining the novel, but the examination of the reception of his works and treatises of history confirm that the history of small places is many ways connected to the central history, and a great creator is able to incorporate a previously unknown universe into a literary public awareness of a national community.
Kettős állampolgárság – hibrid identitás Nina Yargekov Double nationalité című regényében
Kettős állampolgárság – hibrid identitás Nina Yargekov Double nationalité című regényében
(Double Nationality – Hybrid Identity in Nina Yargekov’s Novel Double Nationalité)
- Author(s):Krisztina Horváth
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:135-144
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:bilingualism; hybridization; translingualism; heterotopia
- Summary/Abstract:Although not yet available in Hungarian translation, Hungarian criticism has already discovered Nina Yargekov’s Prix de Flore award-winning novel: Double Nationalité. Nina Yargekov is not really a translingual author: she was born in France as the daughter of Hungarian “dissidents”, as according to contemporary terminology (or “political refugees”, as according to the host country), university teachers who came to France in the 1970s with a tourist visa. Just like her heroine and quasi alter ego, Yargekov is a “double A” category interpreter and translator. Written in a special language, this novel – that according to a critic has a “French structure” – merges fictive elements with a number of historical and cultural references to hold up a mirror to the perceived anomalies during the identification process. The book was a success in Hungary already before its publication among readers of French literature; some excerpts are already available in translation, and Nina Yargekov was a guest of honour at last year’s Margó Festival. When making her diagnosis about the precarity of the intelligentsia of the two Europes, the vulnerability of certain social groups – freelancers or single women –, the trampling of patients’ rights in the labyrinth of the crumbling social security systems, the unresolved historical past, and other topics, Nina Yargekov’s sharpest weapon is her humour and linguistic ingenuity. Bilingualism is a source of numerous misunderstandings and even more revelations, and double identity provides opportunities for presenting multiple viewpoints.
A folyóirat tere: az átjárás, az összenyitás és a folytonosság textuális és vizuális alakzatai az Új Symposion folyóiratban
A folyóirat tere: az átjárás, az összenyitás és a folytonosság textuális és vizuális alakzatai az Új Symposion folyóiratban
(The Space of the Periodical: Textual and Visual Formations of Transition, Connection, and Continuity in the Periodical Új Symposion)
- Author(s):István Ladányi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:145-160
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Új Symposion; minority literatures; periodical studies; typography; design;
- Summary/Abstract:The periodical as a communication space inherently comprises the collective presence of its own tradition and necessary revival as well as of the well-defined existing and the non-defined emergent, which means that, due to its periodic nature, it is characterized by the fact that it publishes new content under the same label in every issue. The periodical Új Symposion from Novi Sad indicates continuity in its name: maintaining dialogue. The neo-avant-garde textuality, the process of aesthetic, mental, and social risk-taking, the practice of constant transition across national cultural boundaries, and the need for participating in cultural practices going beyond minority culture manifest themselves also in the visual and textual dimensions of editing periodicals as well: in periodical-editing procedures which create a space defined by the signs of connection, passage, transition, and continuity within each issue and also in subsequent issues. Page-setting characteristics, the cooperation between the products of the fine arts and texts, the dominance of dialogic genres (essay, critique, periodical review, discussion article, commentary), the multitude of serial novels, the participation-inducing practice of cross-cultural journeys beyond literary translations, reviews, critiques and studies, the representation and provocative presence of the periodical’s spirituality in other spaces of publicity (journal shows, debates, performances, meetings, etc.) have all made the periodical a complex formation which goes beyond texts, individual issues, and the printed product.
Az akác motívuma Fehér Ferenc költészetében
Az akác motívuma Fehér Ferenc költészetében
(The Acacia Motif in Ferenc Fehér’s Poetry)
- Author(s):Julianna Ispánovics Csapó
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:161-170
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:acacia; motif; Ferenc Fehér; Kornél Szenteleky; modern; Vojvodina;
- Summary/Abstract:The acacia planted in Europe and brought from North America appears in Hungary at the beginning of the 18th century. The new plant soon becomes very common; its strategic and economic relevance increases in no time at all. The persistent, rapidly adapting plant of great use becomes part of the Hungarian culture as well. Through its artistic, literary, cultural occurrences, it becomes a local species as an identity-forming and -keeping element. Its persistence in the Hungarian culture and literature in Vojvodina is due to Kornél Szeneteleky’s culture-building activity. This cultural heritage is rewritten; some other meanings are also unfolded in Ferenc Fehér’s poetry. The aim of the study is the examination of the acacia motif of the Fehér’s lyric poetry, not least tracking its intertextual occurrences in the context of the Szenteleky-texts and the modern Hungarian literature in Vojvodina.
A Monarchia árnyékában. A történelmi emlékezet köztes terei a kortárs vajdasági magyar novellákban
A Monarchia árnyékában. A történelmi emlékezet köztes terei a kortárs vajdasági magyar novellákban
(In the Shadow of the Monarchy. Spaces between of Historical Memory in Contemporary Hungarian Short Story from Vojvodina)
- Author(s):Gabriella Lódi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:171-178
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:historical memoryv Monarchy-literature; Hungarian short story from Vojvodina;
- Summary/Abstract:Is the Dual Monarchy a literary scenery or a tradition, inheritance? More properly speaking: what kind of scenery is it, and in what sense is it an inheritance? The Monarchy can be defined both as a geographical and historical, intellectual-spiritual scenery. The first and most palpable level of its literary appearance is the common visual experience. After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, these memories became symbols that go far beyond themselves and remind us of a richer or at least more liveable life. Besides the reality of the citizens of Vojvodina, who are at the same time Europeans – in the context of the Central European Region –, the analysed short stories (texts by Ottó Tolnai, István Szathmári, and Ildikó Lovas) reflect the tradition of the Monarchy-literature.
A kulturális emlékezet és szakrális jelenlét köztes terei Lászlóffy Aladár költészetében
A kulturális emlékezet és szakrális jelenlét köztes terei Lászlóffy Aladár költészetében
(Intermediate Spaces of Cultural Memory and Sacrality in Aladár Lászlóffy’s Poetry)
- Author(s):László Szilárd Szilveszter
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:179-194
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Transylvanian poetry; sacrality; historical space; cultural memory; communist dictatorship;
- Summary/Abstract:The past more than a half century Transylvanian poetry contains many motifs concerning travel in space and time; these are mostly related to humanity’s past, different historical periods, and important stages of life from birth to death. Lyric tradition and events of distant past also create a fertile breeding-ground for imaginary time journeys and virtual dialogues with various personalities, in the course of which not only the persons addressed but the speakers in the poems take on peculiar masks and identities. Aladár Lászlóffy’s 20th- and 21st-century poetic works excellently illustrate this complex system of relations and meanings, which appears in an allegorical/mythical or tragic/ironic context showing different forms of search for identity. In my presentation, I examine how the intermediate spaces of cultural memory function in Lászlóffy’s poetry, and how different spatial and temporal coordinates connect to great periods of sacrality, literary and artistic tradition, and national history as well as to their social, ideological, and aesthetic/poetic reality.
Népmeseszövegek spontán és irányított változ(tat)ása – mediális határátlépések és köztességek
Népmeseszövegek spontán és irányított változ(tat)ása – mediális határátlépések és köztességek
(Spontaneous and Directed Changes in Folktales – Medial Border Crossings and Intermediate States)
- Author(s):Erika Tekei
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:195-212
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:folktale collections; professional reception; local reception; oral storytelling; transmedial border crossings;
- Summary/Abstract:In my paper, I examine the spontaneous and directed changes in folktales over the last seventy years. My questions are: how are the concept of tradition, the attitude about tradition, the relation between users, owners, researchers, and vendors of tradition modified and organized by communication technologies and mediums piled into the same period. I follow the folktales, their way from the traditional tellers and their audience to functional tellers today, the transition from orality to literacy, multimedia and some kind of “e-tradition”, and finally the return to the traditional folktale telling. After the Second World War, there came the years of socialism and communism, the period of people’s democracy, and in the given historical-political context everything was controlled by the Communist Party: the organization of compulsory education, the emergence of new communication technologies, the rapid spread of newspapers, magazines, books and later the radio and television, the rapid dissemination of news and information. As a result, the traditional, oral folk culture, the structure of the texts underwent spontaneous and directed changes. The registration and preservation of folklore genres which played an important role in the construction of national and local identity became significant. Turning organic tradition into cultural heritage could and can be done only with the authority of socially well-positioned individuals, but the production and distribution of representations carries the risk of the scientific and representative folklorism.
A kölcsönösség terei
A kölcsönösség terei
(The Spaces of Reciprocity)
- Author(s):Béla Bíró
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:213-222
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:cultural space; universality; cultural relativism; reciprocity;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is based on the problematic features of the expression “in-between spaces”. The argumentation approaches the theme from the aspect of cultural relativism. The starting-point is a certain principle which states that neutral cultural spaces do not exist. There is an important conclusion that can be drawn from this statement: what we generally call universalism is not truly universalism but rather another particular culture. In its strict sense, the term “cultural universalism” is nothing more than the sophisticated form of cultural dominance. This does not mean that cultures are incompatible: they are only autonomous. Furthermore, the human mind is capable of being familiar with more cultures and linguistic forms at the same time. The paradox of “in-between spaces” – the aim of the present paper is to prove it – is hidden behind the fact that these do not appear as a certain transition between two different cultures; it is less a mixture of these two, yet they do appear in the minds of the “citizens” from diverse cultural universes. The mentioned phenomenon, however, presupposes reciprocity. If reciprocity cannot exist because controlling ideologies based on false universality make it impossible, the theory of “in-between spaces” may become the cover ideology of cultural space expansion (also called assimilation). The study tries to show the antonym of this false strategy, taking into consideration Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s poem cycle, West-Eastern Divan. Goethe, in fact, is not eager to translate Muslim culture and the poetry of the notable Hafez, but he rather tries to focus on the renewal of specific values of Muslim culture within the specific context of German culture. This renewal is only possible if aspects of power are eliminated from cultural relations, if the principle of dominance can be replaced by the principle of factual reciprocity.
Otthon az idegenben – köztes terek az utazási irodalomban
Otthon az idegenben – köztes terek az utazási irodalomban
(Home Abroad – Spaces in between in Travel Writing)
- Author(s):Katalin Lajos
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:223-237
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:genre; travel writing; imagology; identity;
- Summary/Abstract:The group of texts named travel writing exists from the beginning of written culture, and nowadays, with the growing tourism industry, its popularity is higher than ever. The English terms (travel writing, travelogue, travel literature) show the difficulties of definition in the case of these texts due to the fact that they combine the characteristics of more genres. The distinction between the subtypes of these texts can be done by their dominant features. In my paper, I will discuss the aspects of “in-between-ness” from the point of view of genre, imagology, and identity in William Blacker’s novel published in 2009, entitled Along the Enchanted Way.
A valóság és a propaganda között. Lengyelország képe Ruffy Péternek a „Varsói hajnal” című útleírásában
A valóság és a propaganda között. Lengyelország képe Ruffy Péternek a „Varsói hajnal” című útleírásában
(Between Reality and Propaganda. Poland in the Eyes of Hungarian Writers and Journalists (1945–1960))
- Author(s):Marcin Grad
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:239-255
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Poland; travel literature; restoration of Poland; communism; propaganda; Péter Ruffy; György Somlyó; Tibor Pethő;
- Summary/Abstract:The basis of my article is made up of three travel memoirs on Poland written by Hungarian authors: Visztula sellője [The Mermaid of the Vistula] (György Somlyó, 1954), A Kárpátoktól a Balti-tengerig [From the Carpathians to the Baltic Sea] (Tibor Pethő, 1956), and Varsói hajnal. Lengyelországi útiélmények [Dawn in Warsaw. Travel Experiences in Poland] (Péter Ruffy, 1961). The aim of my article is to show how these three Hungarian authors saw Poland, the domestic situation in our country, its restoration after the Second World War, its history and culture. I would also like to answer the question as to how strong the communism, the communist propaganda affected the structure and language of these books.
Etűd az irodalom oktatásához. Dialogikus olvasás a „beszélgető kultúra” folytonosságáért
Etűd az irodalom oktatásához. Dialogikus olvasás a „beszélgető kultúra” folytonosságáért
(An Etude on Teaching Literature. Dialogical Reading for the Continuity of “Conversational Culture”)
- Author(s):Gyöngyi Orbán
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:259-267
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:event-like understanding; dialogic mediality; truth event; form event; dialogical readiness; interpretive community;
- Summary/Abstract:In order to determine the purpose of teaching literature, one should be aware of the major transformation of the culture of knowledge in the digital society as well as of the contradiction between the developmental level of our communication technologies and the basic problems of understanding in all areas of life. The function of literature in interpreting can be ensured if the literary work is not treated as a mere object to be analysed, but the dialogical relationship between the literary work and the recipient as the condition of experiential reading is allowed and helped along to come about. The dialogical encounter with the literary work as an eminent text also eminently imposes the practice of the competences that are essential to any kind of dialogue and understanding such as turning towards the other, thorough consideration, lingering, questioning, fresh vision, and self-understanding as well as an essential linguistic competence: the ability to participate in the meanings created through the dialogical relationship.
A magyar és román irodalmi örökségek találkozási pontjai – egy olvasásszociológiai és befogadáselméleti kutatás vázlata
A magyar és román irodalmi örökségek találkozási pontjai – egy olvasásszociológiai és befogadáselméleti kutatás vázlata
(Meeting Points of Hungarian and Romanian Literary Heritage Outlines of a Sociology-of-Reading and Reader-Response-Theory Research Project)
- Author(s):Erzsébet Dani
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:269-283
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:reading research; reader-response theory; interculturality; identity formation;
- Summary/Abstract:McLuhan advises humankind to learn to forget so that the world can become a global village whose inhabitants understand each other’s culture. However, the precondition of the peaceful coexistence of Transylvania’s majority and minority cultures is not forgetting but becoming acquainted with and understanding the other besides the own. Reading each other’s literature is one means – an intermediary cultural space – of such a mutuality. It is also a linguistic and historical border transgression. It means to be confronted with literary material controlled by the language of the other and embedded in the history of the other; furthermore, the mere gesture of reading the other is border crossing in itself; and, thirdly, as for the reception side, the two former cultural transgressions can have an impact on the receiver’s value system. In the foregoing spirit, this paper undertakes to move in the direction of the concrete: it will present the outlines of an impending research, employing the methodology of the sociology of reading and reader-response theory. Using the examples of Ion and Ábel, the proposed research will survey the intercultural reading habits of Székely secondary school students, with special attention to the role that Hungarian and Romanian required readings play in their identity formation. As for the methodology and the theoretical foundation of this empirical research, we will rely on István Kamarás’s sociology of reading. In compiling the questionnaire of what is meant to be a representative survey, we can count on his personal professional assistance.
A kiváltságos hozzáférés tulajdonításának fejlődése kétnyelvű óvodásoknál
A kiváltságos hozzáférés tulajdonításának fejlődése kétnyelvű óvodásoknál
(The Development of Privileged Access Attribution in Bilingual Preschoolers)
- Author(s):Krisztina Bartha
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:285-297
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:bilingualism; privileged access attribution; development;
- Summary/Abstract:Privileged access to mental states is the cognitive process that allows a person to access his/her own mental structures. The attribution of privileged access implies that, in interaction with others, we assume that the other person can access and express their own mental states (see Kiss–Jakab 2014). My research questions are: when does the ability to attribute privileged access appear in bilingual preschool children and how does it develop? Do bilingual children benefit from their bilingualism in this cognitive ability compared to their monolingual peers? According to my hypothesis, early, simultaneous bilingual children develop this ability sooner than monolingual and early but successive bilinguals. 50 preschool children between the age of 4 and 6 participated in this experiment. The children were divided into two groups according to whether they were successive or simultaneous bilinguals. Using the method developed by Bartsch and Wellman (1989), I investigated the children’s ability to attribute privileged access by listening to three short, everyday stories and then responding to the questions asked by the experimenter regarding the mental states of the characters in the story. The results support my hypothesis that the attribution of privileged access to cognitive abilities also develops faster in bilingual children.
Kárpátaljai gasztrofesztiválok nyelvi tájképe
Kárpátaljai gasztrofesztiválok nyelvi tájképe
(Landscape of the Transcarpathian Gastrofestivals)
- Author(s):Zoltán Karmacsi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:299-316
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:linguistic landscape; festival; tourism; Transcarpathia;
- Summary/Abstract:Transcarpathia is a real tourist attraction with its cultural, natural, and architectural diversity. In addition to domestic tourists, the region is also favoured by foreign tourists. In my study, I would like to present the linguistic landscape of festivals organized in areas inhabited by Hungarians. I would like to highlight the impact of increased tourism demand on the linguistic landscape of festivals in the area, how domestic tourism influences (if it does at all) the linguistic aspect of the signage, the changes in language use, the linguistic characteristics of marketing activities, etc. I would also like to describe the quality of the translation in those cases where the signs appear in more than one language.
A magyar mondattan néhány tanítási nehézsége
A magyar mondattan néhány tanítási nehézsége
(The Difficulty of Teaching the Hungarian Syntax)
- Author(s):Réka Pupp
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Education
- Page Range:317-327
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:syntax; grammar; subordinate; co-ordination; complex and simple sentence;
- Summary/Abstract:The essence of teaching and learning a foreign language lies primarily in the contrast and transferability of the person learning the language. The teacher should be aware of the difficulties faced by students in learning Hungarian. That is why s/he needs to see from an objective vantage point what is obvious to the native speaker. The rules that we provide our students with are not just about describing the form but about giving them the key to forming sentences, using the language. There is a great need for the teacher to have a general picture of the pupils’ language so that they can compare the similarities and differences with the Hungarian. This will make it more accurate for him/her, what s/he should actually teach and how to do it. In this paper, I discuss the sentence and the learning problems that I experience when working with Romanian students in Bucharest.
A többalakú névszótövek a magyar mint idegen nyelv oktatásában. A többalakú főnevek toldalékolási problémái
A többalakú névszótövek a magyar mint idegen nyelv oktatásában. A többalakú főnevek toldalékolási problémái
(The Problems of Suffixation of Pluriform Nouns)
- Author(s):András Zopus
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:329-338
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:pluriform noun roots; types of roots; variants of roots; classes of roots;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most difficult problems of teaching Hungarian as foreign language is the explanation regarding the pluriform nouns and verbs roots. My paper deals with the classification of the pluriform noun roots, and I will present the different groups of nouns based on the database realized by the digitized material of the seven volumes of A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (1959–1962) [The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language (1959–1962)]. In Hungarian linguistics, this work is known as Debreceni Thesaurus (DT). In the conclusions, I will present the possible solutions for this problem.
A Magyar Athenastól az Új Magyar Athenasig. Benkó József és Szathmári Mihály pótlásai mint köztes terek
A Magyar Athenastól az Új Magyar Athenasig. Benkó József és Szathmári Mihály pótlásai mint köztes terek
(From the Hungarian Athenas to the New Hungarian Athenas. Additions by József Benkő and Mihály Szathmári as Intermediate Spaces)
- Author(s):Adél Csata
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Social history
- Page Range:341-356
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Hungarian Athenas; József Benkő; Mihály Szathmári Pap; additions;
- Summary/Abstract:In the last quarter of the 18th century, Protestant intellectuals were trying to write substitutions for Péter Bod’s Magyar Athenas. Mihály Szathmári Pap and József Benkő also took part in this. The notes of the two scientists can be found in Cluj-Napoca. These lists can be defined as intermediate spaces that emerged between the appearance of Hungarian Athenas and the New Hungarian Athenas. In my lecture, I would like to reveal the relation of the texts to each other because in this way we do not only gain insight into how these corpora were enriched but can also understand what kind of professional relationships were formed.
Egy határrendezés visszhangja: zuglegeltetésből nemzetközi botrány. Bezálogolás Solyomtáron
Egy határrendezés visszhangja: zuglegeltetésből nemzetközi botrány. Bezálogolás Solyomtáron
(The Echo of a Border Revision. From Illegal Pasture to International Conflict. Pledging the Sólyomtár Mountains)
- Author(s):Csaba Szabó
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):History, Local History / Microhistory
- Page Range:357-373
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:history; Austria-Hungary; Romania; 19th century; Csík County;
- Summary/Abstract:I have found new records in the local archives to reconstruct the evolution of a Szekler private property to becoming an intermediate space at the end of the 19th century. This is the Sólyomtár Mountains, whose troubled history reflected the life of its Szekler inhabitants. In 1886, there was a borderline revision between Austria-Hungary and Romania to solve the former conflicts regarding the ownership of the nearby mountains. The commission decided that Sólyomtár [in Romanian: Solintaru] should belong to Romania. This decision led to a new legal and economic conflict between the neighbours. The mountain has become an intermedial space as it formerly belonged to the so-called Szekler Private Properties and not directly to the Hungarian state. The Hungarian leaders confirmed that it still should belong to the Szekler Private Properties. In the vision of the Romanian leaders, it had to belong to Romania. The clarification of this situation was becoming more important for the local leaders of Csík County for it caused an international diplomatic incident, too. They decided to pledge the cattle of Romanian farmers who refused to pay rent for the pasture. This incident finally elucidated the chaotic situation, and so the intermediate space disappeared.
A tudományos próza mint a történelmi emlékezet új köztes tere. Újragondolás és nemzeti kibeszélés lehetőségei a második világháborús magyar történelemről (1938–1944)
A tudományos próza mint a történelmi emlékezet új köztes tere. Újragondolás és nemzeti kibeszélés lehetőségei a második világháborús magyar történelemről (1938–1944)
(The Scientific Prose as a New Interspace of Historical Memory. National Talking and Rethinking the Possibilities of the Second World War Hungarian History (1938–1944))
- Author(s):Márton Erdős
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):History, Modern Age
- Page Range:375-381
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:national history; scientific prose; rethinking; World War II; Hungary;
- Summary/Abstract:Scientific prose means giving voice to silent national history with modern texts, based on reviewed and rethought history. Our reviewed historiography is framed by an attempt at synthetizing a problem centred on chronological historical narrative. History and narrative are no more, but at the same time not less, than science, fiction, and art. Regarding the history of Hungary during the Second World War, it is of outstanding importance that national history should be interpreted in an international context, creating a series of complex and high-quality historical works with many aspects.We should eliminate the empty, unilateral, and harmful method of post-Marxism and give space to understanding and understandable historiography written from a national perspective. The task of the Hungarian historian regarding the Horthy era and the Hungarian national history in the Second World War is to be the advocate and not the prosecutor. The historical figures of Miklós Horthy, Pál Teleki, László Bárdossy, and Miklós Kállay should be given their rightful place in history; the hidden correspondence between historical figures and the era they lived in should be identified. It is also necessary to harmonize facts and subjective heroism. We suggest that a new historical philosophy should be outlined, whose main aim is to restore the whole Hungarian nation’s self-esteem.Pathos and irony are the emotions evoked by these texts, related with objectivity, prioritizing correct decision-making. There is a new trend today: the days of research solely based on unexplored sources are gone by; bibliographies should also be considered as scientific sources.
А műfordítás elmélet és gyakorlat között. Gondolatok egy műfordítói pályázat kapcsán
А műfordítás elmélet és gyakorlat között. Gondolatok egy műfordítói pályázat kapcsán
(Тhe Trаnslаtiоn between Theоrу аnd Prасtiсe. (Refleсtiоns оn One Literаrу Trаnslаtiоn Cоmрetitiоn))
- Author(s):Lilyana LЕSNIСHKОVА
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:385-397
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:theory and practice of translation; trаnslаtiоn frоm Нungаriаn tо Вulgаriаn; translational transformations; quality of trаnslаtiоn; Frigуes Kаrinthу;
- Summary/Abstract:Аt the verу heаrt оf trаnslаtiоn studies lies the issue оf trаnslаtiоn quаlitу. In mу рresentаtiоn, I wоuld like tо intrоduсe sоme bаsiс рrоblem situаtiоns, diffiсulties, inассurасies, and errоrs in trаnslаting Нungаriаn literаrу wоrks tо Вulgаriаn. Тhe аnаlуsis is bаsed оn the trаnslаtiоn teхts оf the раrtiсiраnts in the literаrу trаnslаtiоn соmрetitiоn оrgаnized in 2018 bу the Нungаriаn Сulturаl Institute in Sоfiа оn the оссаsiоn оf the 80th аnniversаrу оf the deаth оf Нungаriаn writer, роet, аnd trаnslаtоr Frigуes Kаrinthу. Аs сhаirmаn оf the jurу evаluаting the соmpeting trаnslаtiоns, I hаve fоund in mаnу wоrks а lасk оf сlаritу, vаgue eхрressiоns, struсturаl irregulаrities аnd stуlistiс rоughnesses, рhenоmenа оf interlаnguаge interferenсe, literаl trаnslаtiоn, аnd sо оn. Stаrting frоm the соnсrete оbservаtiоns, the рresent рарer аims tо desсribe аnd sуstemаtize the mоst imроrtаnt lаnguаge рrоblems thаt аrise frоm differenсes in sуstem аnd use between the sоurсe аnd the tаrget lаnguаge. Соmраring the sоlutiоns аррlied bу the trаnslаtоrs сlаrifies the essenсe оf trаnslаtiоn mistаkes аnd their deрendenсe оn linguistic and extralinguistic fасtоrs. Тhe аnаlуsis оf trаnslаtiоn inассurасies, misunderstаndings, misсоnсeрtiоns, аnd misinterрretаtiоns different in nаture аnd severitу аnd the соnсlusiоns thаt саn be drаwn frоm them reveаl the relаtiоnshiр between theоretiсаl knоwledge аnd its рrасtiсаl аррliсаbilitу аnd mаke trаnslаtiоn theоrу аn efficient meаns fоr аdequаte аnd suссessful trаnslаtiоn.
A hűség, a szépség és az élet. A műfordítás köztes terei
A hűség, a szépség és az élet. A műfordítás köztes terei
(Intermediate Spaces of Translation)
- Author(s):Ferenc András
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:399-404
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:language philosophy; meaning; interpretation; communication;
- Summary/Abstract:The success of both literary translation and understanding of the meaning expressed in images depends on the chances of realizing the meaning attribution. The correct meaning attribution is actually nothing more than harmony. Harmony is understanding in itself: we understand the other person when we attribute to the expression what the sender of the message attributes to the countless possible meanings. The identity of meaning attribution is the criterion for correct understanding. In all other cases, there is no understanding but misunderstanding. Warren Goldfarb, referring to Wittgenstein, writes that all the problems related to following the rules can be traced back to the paradigm of identity in some way. I have no doubt that Goldfarb’s statement can be extended to the whole question of understanding: all the problems of understanding and interpreting can be traced back to the paradigm of identity in some way. In my presentation, I take the criteria of this identity into consideration.
A tolmács határhelyzetben. Egy tolmács tapasztalatai Daoud Hari The Translator című regénye alapján
A tolmács határhelyzetben. Egy tolmács tapasztalatai Daoud Hari The Translator című regénye alapján
(Interpreters in Danger Zones – The Challenges of the Profession Based on Daoud Hari’s Book Entitled The Translator)
- Author(s):Krisztina Sárosi-Márdirosz
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:405-417
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:interpreter; linguistic mediation; cultural transfer; field interpreter;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate the challenges of the life of interpreters with the help of an interpreter who, in many cases, has had to make linguistic mediation in very dangerous situations. The role of the interpreter is not only performing linguistic mediation because cultural transfer is also necessary for the resolution of conflicts. Daoud Hari’s autobiographical work illustrates the risks involved in the life of an interpreter who interprets for the international media in emergency situations crossing cultural borders. In the presentation, based on the analysed book, we would like to outline the features that define the work and life of a field interpreter. We consider the works of Barbara Moser-Mercer as the starting-point for the theoretical background of the work. We intend to present certain situations of the book from the perspective of the theory of interpretation focusing on the adaptation of the interpreters’ skills and competencies to the given circumstances.
A pragmatika és a fordítástudomány köztes terei (a japán-magyar nyelvpár viszonylatában)
A pragmatika és a fordítástudomány köztes terei (a japán-magyar nyelvpár viszonylatában)
(Spaces in Between Pragmatics and Translation Studies (with Special Regard to Translations from Japanese to Hungarian))
- Author(s):Júlia Somodi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Translation Studies
- Page Range:419-436
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Japanology; pragmatics; translation studies; vocatives;
- Summary/Abstract:Many studies have highlighted the fact that pragmatics plays an important role in translation and translation studies (Klaudy 2017, Colina 2015). This is not a coincidence since in the case of pragmatics focus is placed on the language user, and it investigates the speaker’s meaning (Szili 2004). Meanwhile, in translation studies, the focus is on texts produced by people and the reproduction of these texts in the target language. Thus, it is not enough to rely on the literal meaning of the utterance (locution), but the intended meaning (illocution) must also be conveyed. The utterance produced in the target language must have the same effect as the one in the source language. The presentation will focus on the relation between pragmatics and translation studies. Based on examples gained from audiovisual translations, the presentation is going to examine the pragmatic functions of vocatives in source-text utterances as well as in the translation of the same utterances. I am looking for answers to (1) what are those problematic pragmatic factors in translation that should be discussed in translation practice courses as well? and (2) are fansubbers aware of the importance of the pragmatic functions of certain utterances? The presentation not only discusses the contribution of pragmatics to translation studies, but it shows that translation studies can also help language users by raising their awareness regarding the pragmatic functions of utterances.