A szlovákiai magyar nyelvhasználat vizsgálata középiskolákban
A Study of Hungarian Language Use in High Schools in Slovakia
Author(s): Angelika Gál, István Kozmács
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: Slovakian Hungarian language use
Summary/Abstract: One of the sociolinguistic investigations into Slovakian Hungarian language use, István Lanstyák’s and Gizella Szabómihály’s book Magyar nyelvhasználat – iskola – kétnyelvűség [Hungarian language use, schools, and bilingualism] was published in 1997 and investigated similarities and differences of Hungarian language use in Hungary vs in Slovakia on the basis of the authors’ questionnaire-based study carried out between 1991 and 1993 in schools in Slovakia and in Hungary.The present paper reports on a study carried out in order to gain insight into the changes of recent years, namely to see whether Slovakian Hungarian language use has undergone changes as compared to 25 years ago and whether there are morphological, lexicological, and syntactic differences between this and the language use of Hungarians from Hungary.The processed data is only part of the entire database, and the digitization of the questionnaires is being carried out right now. The examples discussed and the results of the test sentences show only a small fraction of the 106 questions and tasks of the Slovakian questionnaire (96 questions and tasks were used in the Hungarian version). It is my goal to provide an insight into the detailed characteristics of the current Slovakian Hungarian language once the comparisons with the earlier study are made possible following the processing and evaluation of the entire database.
Book: Nyelvi tájkép, nyelvi sokszínűség II. Nyelvhasználati terek és nyelvi sokszínűség
- Page Range: 123-134
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Hungarian