Nyelvi tájkép, nyelvi sokszínűség II. Nyelvhasználati terek és nyelvi sokszínűség
Linguistic Landscape, Linguistic Diversity II. Spaces of Linguistic Use and Linguistic Diversity
Contributor(s): Erika-Mária Tódor (Editor), Enikő Tankó (Editor), Zsuzsanna Dégi (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: linguistic landscape;spaces of Linguistic use; linguistic diversity
Series: Műhely
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-975-017-9
- Page Count: 274
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Hungarian
„Jó lett, Taven baktali!" Egy orális kultúra vizualitása: a cigány nyelv meg-JEL-enései a Youtube szemiotikai terében
„Jó lett, Taven baktali!" Egy orális kultúra vizualitása: a cigány nyelv meg-JEL-enései a Youtube szemiotikai terében
(“it’s good, Taven Baktali!” Visuality of an Oral Culture: the Presence of Gipsy Language in the Semiotic Landscape of YouTube)
- Author(s):Ágnes Hámori
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:13-31
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Romani language;oral culture;YouTube;semiotic landscape
- Summary/Abstract:The study investigates the use of Romani (Gipsy) language in YouTube in an expanded multimodal linguistic landscape approach. The study is based on the analysis of appr. 100 YouTube pages (50 Gipsy songs and 50 videos of Gipsy family events as weddings, birthday parties, etc. from Hungary), involving both the uploaded videos and the comments. The analysis brings out that Romani language is present on YouTube, it is being actively used by users both in uploaded videos and in comments, and it can fulfil different functions as a tool of communication or as a symbol of Gipsy culture, as the sign of ethnic identity or of respectful attitude. The Romani language is generally accompanied by the use of Hungarian in a bilingual setting; in the comments, also other languages appear, creating a super diverse translanguaging space. Besides language use, also signs of other modalities – music, pictures of automobiles, clothes or foods, dance, emoticons – have often been used to represent different meanings. Through these multimodal communicative practices, YouTube turned into a multimodal, multilingual-multicultural semiotic landscape where users actively and creatively communicate complex meanings in connection with Romani language and culture, too.
Kárpátaljai magyarul a mémek világában
Kárpátaljai magyarul a mémek világában
(Hungarians in Transcarpathia and the World Of Memes)
- Author(s):Anita Márku
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:33-51
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:memes;Hungarians in Transcarpathia
- Summary/Abstract:The spread of internet-based communication and other forms of technology-mediated linguistic practices has had a significant impact not only on formerly preferred modes of interaction within the Transcarpathian Hungarian community but also on the concepts of private and public communication. The aim of the paper is to obtain a deep insight into the nature and functions of the internet-memes of Hungarians in Transcarpathia in the social networks. Focusing on the peculiarities of language use and the presence of contact phenomena in the memes and the actual as well as the potential impact these have on Hungarian language maintenance, the increase of language creativity, identity constructions, and reflection of the political and social activities.
A honlap mint nyelvi tájkép
A honlap mint nyelvi tájkép
(The Website as a Linguistic Landscape)
- Author(s):Etelka Tóth
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:53-63
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:websites;Hungary;linguistic landscape
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines the appearance and information content of websites in the neighbouring countries of Hungary, and in connection with this, the accessibility of Hungarian and the visibility of websites. It seeks an answer to how communities show their togetherness with linguistic (text) and typographical (pictures) signs and what image they present of themselves to the Hungarian-speaking community.
Betekintés néhány romániai kisebbségi iskola virtuális nyelvi tájképébe
Betekintés néhány romániai kisebbségi iskola virtuális nyelvi tájképébe
(An Introspection in the Linguistic Cyberscape of Minority Schools in Romania)
- Author(s):Réka Vitályos-Bartalis
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:65-81
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:virtual linguistic landscape;Hungarian; Serbian; Slovak and German minority schools in Romania
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims to discuss the virtual linguistic landscape of Hungarian, Serbian, Slovak, and German minority schools in Romania. The research set out to analyse the multilingual traits of each school’s website by using the criteria of the website analysis and the theory of general linguistic landscape and the theory of schoolscape and cyberscape, as well. The paper focuses on the following research questions: What languages are displayed on the official website of the schools?; To what extent are these websites multilingual?; What role does each language play? The analysis will provide a general picture of the linguistic cyberscapes of the above mentioned schools and will discuss the roles of each language (minority language, state language, and foreign languages) in the construction of these virtual landscapes. Finally, the paper offers a comparative analysis of all the investigated school websites.
Sociolinguistic practices of the Hungarian community in the Greater Toronto Area
Sociolinguistic practices of the Hungarian community in the Greater Toronto Area
(Sociolinguistic practices of the Hungarian community in the Greater Toronto Area)
- Author(s):Timea Molnár
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:85-98
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Toronto; sociolinguistic practices; Hungarian community in Canada
- Summary/Abstract:The present study focuses on the Canadian Hungarian community in the Greater Toronto Area providing a macro sociolinguistic analysis of their language use. First, in order to describe the language contact situation, a brief outline of the historical and demographic data is presented as well as an account of the institutions that play an important role in the preservation of Hungarian as a heritage language in Canada. Second, a more in-depth analysis of the Hungarian community is given based on a sociolinguistic questionnaire developed for the study of Hungarian spoken in the various countries in the Carpathian Basin. The subjects come from Ontario, the province with the largest Hungarian population, and cover three generations, thus providing an opportunity for a cross-generational analysis. The paper focuses on six topics: (1) national identity, (2) mother tongue, (3) locus of acquisition of Hungarian, (4) choice of language based on interlocutors, (5) choice of language in the private spheres, and (6) choice of language in the public spheres. The results show that in spite of the community members’ desire to maintain the heritage language, a shift towards the majority language can be observed through loss of domains of heritage language use among second- and third-generation speakers.
A spontán beszéd néhány aspektusa kétnyelvű kisiskolásoknál
A spontán beszéd néhány aspektusa kétnyelvű kisiskolásoknál
(Aspects of Speech Production at Bilingual Primary School Children)
- Author(s):Krisztina Bartha
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:99-108
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:bilingual environment; speech production; bilingual primary school children
- Summary/Abstract:In a bilingual environment, two languages have effects on the child from the beginning or at a very early stage. Where parents have different mother tongues, they use both of them with the child, and so s/he becomes bilingual at an early age. Those children who learn a second language from early childhood at school or in kindergarten will also become bilingual at an early stage of life.The aim of the research is to gather information about the spontaneous speech of bilingual primary school children in Oradea and to explore the age-specific features thereof. My hypotheses are as follows: 1) There are measureable differences within the age-groups and the groups of different types of bilingualism. 2) Silence and hesitation will be the most common phenomenon of speech blockage. With age, speech errors will become more diversified. 3) In every age-group, Hungarian pupils studying in a Hungarian-language class are more likely to experience less speech errors and blockages.Testing was done with 90 students. In one of the groups, there were children from Hungarian families who studied in Hungarian classes, in another group, there were children who came from a mixed Hungarian and Romanian family, and in the third group there were children from Hungarian families who went to a Romanian school. In each group, there were 30 children. Pupils were asked to speak about a vacation experience. There was no time limit. In the texts of the children, I examined speaking time and the phenomena of speech blockage.There were measurable differences in speech length and speech errors among age-groups, but there was no significant difference between the different bilingual groups.
Nyelvi kódváltás és annak implikációi székelyudvarhelyi kétnyelvű adatközlők beszédében
Nyelvi kódváltás és annak implikációi székelyudvarhelyi kétnyelvű adatközlők beszédében
(Codeswitching and its Implications in the Speech of Bilingual People in Udvarhely)
- Author(s):Emilia Kelemen
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:109-121
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:codeswitching; bilingual people
- Summary/Abstract:The current article belongs to bilingual studies and discusses the available communication possibilities of some Hungarian speakers when using the Romanian language, targeting the phenomenon of codeswitching. At first, a theoretical basis is presented within the limits allowed by the article. The methods used in the conducted research are those of interviews and observations, the number of subjects being quite small. As a consequence, the research is not representative but rather informational, based on which some observations could be made regarding the appearance and the cause of linguistic codeswitching. It has been noticed that codeswitching has got a specific behavioural-emotional component, and certain communication-related intentions connect to one of the languages consistently.
A szlovákiai magyar nyelvhasználat vizsgálata középiskolákban
A szlovákiai magyar nyelvhasználat vizsgálata középiskolákban
(A Study of Hungarian Language Use in High Schools in Slovakia)
- Author(s):Angelika Gál, István Kozmács
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:123-134
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Slovakian Hungarian language use
- Summary/Abstract:One of the sociolinguistic investigations into Slovakian Hungarian language use, István Lanstyák’s and Gizella Szabómihály’s book Magyar nyelvhasználat – iskola – kétnyelvűség [Hungarian language use, schools, and bilingualism] was published in 1997 and investigated similarities and differences of Hungarian language use in Hungary vs in Slovakia on the basis of the authors’ questionnaire-based study carried out between 1991 and 1993 in schools in Slovakia and in Hungary.The present paper reports on a study carried out in order to gain insight into the changes of recent years, namely to see whether Slovakian Hungarian language use has undergone changes as compared to 25 years ago and whether there are morphological, lexicological, and syntactic differences between this and the language use of Hungarians from Hungary.The processed data is only part of the entire database, and the digitization of the questionnaires is being carried out right now. The examples discussed and the results of the test sentences show only a small fraction of the 106 questions and tasks of the Slovakian questionnaire (96 questions and tasks were used in the Hungarian version). It is my goal to provide an insight into the detailed characteristics of the current Slovakian Hungarian language once the comparisons with the earlier study are made possible following the processing and evaluation of the entire database.
Jogi nyelv és nyelvi jogok
Jogi nyelv és nyelvi jogok
(Language of the Law and Language Rights)
- Author(s):Boróka Salamon
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:135-148
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The project, entitled Language of the Law and Language Rights, presents a thorough study of legal translation, concerning Romanian and Hungarian languages and analyses the linguistic rights of the Hungarian minority in Romania both from the perspective of regulation and practice. The analysis includes certain widespread forms, in Hungarian both as target language and source language in order to observe the differences from the perspective of corpus linguistics, followed by a theoretical approach to Hungarian legal language in Romania.
Bevándorló gyerekek közoktatásbeli integrációja a befogadó iskola szempontjából
Bevándorló gyerekek közoktatásbeli integrációja a befogadó iskola szempontjából
(Integration of Immigrant Children into the Public Education System from the Perspective of the Host School)
- Author(s):Ildikó Schmidt
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:151-163
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:immigrant children’s education; integration
- Summary/Abstract:The successful integration of immigrant children into the public education system largely depends, on the one hand, on the students’ ability to get the most out of their skills in the course of learning the language, progressing in their subjects, and building their social network, and, on the other hand, on the ability of the school – functioning among many other things as the host community – to accept and support them. Based on the findings of the NyelvEsély project and the case study project of my doctoral dissertation, the present study underlines the significance of social networks, as schools, due to their institutional nature, are the most important environment of children’s social integration. In terms of social influence, the community of the school can be divided into two groups: teachers and other school staff, and students. Interviews with the members of the two groups clearly show certain thematic categories which strongly influence the relationship between immigrant students and the host community, revealing a complementary nature in some cases and causality in others. In addition to the above-mentioned thematic categories, the study also identifies the points of the integration process where supportive programmes could be added to the system at an institutional level to promote a more supportive and inclusive educational system.
Hogyan befolyásolja nyelvi diszkrimináció a magyar pedagógusok és a pedagógusjelöltek értékelését Magyarországon és Szlovákiában?
Hogyan befolyásolja nyelvi diszkrimináció a magyar pedagógusok és a pedagógusjelöltek értékelését Magyarországon és Szlovákiában?
(How Does the Linguistic Discrimination Influence the Evaluation of Hungarian Teachers (Trainees) in Slovakia and Hungary?)
- Author(s):István Jánk
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:165-174
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:linguistic discrimination;Slovakia; Hungary
- Summary/Abstract:Many factors distort teachers’ assessment and evaluation of students in the process of education. These distorting factors include the phenomenon where teachers stigmatize the varieties students bring from home, and, according to my hypothesis, during educational assessment, students’ performance is judged against this variety even in cases where factual knowledge is to be measured. Therefore, in my research, I examine the extent to which students’ vernaculars influence the validity of the evaluation and teachers’ attitudes in situations when teachers intend to measure the students’ factual knowledge in oral production. However, traditional research methods are inadequate for this measure – consequently, a partially new approach is required.The method requires teachers to evaluate, based on various factors, the oral test versions of six short teaching material parts. The questions may be divided into two main groups: those related to the actual test performance and to students’ personalities. The answers vary along three dimensions: (1) standardization (standard or non-standard), (2) code (restricted or elaborated), and (3) information content (100% or 60%).In this paper, I introduce this method briefly and the methodological consequences of the pilot study and also the partial results of the currently running research that uses this method.
Nyelvoktatás, ideológiák és nyelvtanítási hiedelmek - székelyföldi magyar iskolák nyelvi tájképelemzése
Nyelvoktatás, ideológiák és nyelvtanítási hiedelmek - székelyföldi magyar iskolák nyelvi tájképelemzése
(Language Teaching, Ideologies and Beliefs Related to It – Analysis of the Linguistic Schoolscapes of Hungarian Schools in the Szekler Region)
- Author(s):Enikő Biró
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:175-190
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:language teaching;language ideologies; language learning beliefs
- Summary/Abstract:Learning languages in schools receives a great amount of criticism. This is especially true regarding learning Romanian, the state language, by the Hungarian minority in Romania. In a minority setting, there are many factors involved in the process of successful language learning, namely the curricula, language ideologies, and language learning beliefs. The present research investigates the relationships between language teaching, language teaching ideologies, and teachers’ beliefs within the linguistic landscape of Hungarian medium and Romanian-Hungarian mixed medium schools in three towns in the central part of Romania, Covasna County, collecting qualitative data through interviews with language teachers and photo taking. In this study, the examination of schoolscape element varieties and of their reflection of language ideologies through the different examples of teaching languages has been the main aim. Schoolscapes outline a multilingual environment (Hungarian–Romanian–English) which has been building up lately. One important outcome of this study is the demonstration of different language ideologies and language policies present in schoolscapes. The study also presents the role of these schoolscapes in the successful process of learning languages.
Új trendek és irányzatok a nyelvoktatásban
Új trendek és irányzatok a nyelvoktatásban
(New Trends and Orientations in Language Teaching)
- Author(s):Zsuzsanna Dégi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:191-201
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:language teaching; globalization; multilingualism
- Summary/Abstract:Globalization, technological development as well as international mobility and communication have enhanced work and research on multilingualism. Multilingualism has also spread in the field of education – numerous school curricula include the teaching of four–five languages or even more.In the last 15 years, more and more studies concerning education and/or language learning adopt a social approach, paying more attention to the linguistic needs of students, their language behaviour and practices, and the language environment in which the teaching/learning process is taking place. From such perspective, language is considered as a resource, wherefore the ultimate goal of language teaching is not the perfect acquirement of one or more languages but the development of such a linguistic repertoire where each language has its own place and role (CE 2001: 5).Researchers dealing with the so-called holistic multilingual education are interested in new language teaching methodologies through which language boundaries become blurred and softened, such as „translanguaging” (Portolés & Martí 2017), the study of cognates and false friends in vocabulary teaching (Carlo et al. 2004, Cenoz & Gorter 2011, Otwinowska 2016), or the development of metalinguistic awareness (Cenoz & Gorter 2011, 2015).The present study aims to present briefly the above mentioned approaches to language teaching as well as the results of interviews carried out with high school English teachers concerning their classroom language use.
Elsőéves angol szakos hallgatók nyelvtudása és nyelvtanulói háttere tanulmányaik kezdetén
Elsőéves angol szakos hallgatók nyelvtudása és nyelvtanulói háttere tanulmányaik kezdetén
(Language Proficiency and Language Learning Background of First-Year English Major Students)
- Author(s):Ágnes Tápainé Balla, Beatrix Bajnóczi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:203-213
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:language proficiency; language learning; Hungary
- Summary/Abstract:As instructors of the Department of English Language Teacher Education and Applied Linguistics at the University of Szeged, we have been keeping track of the language proficiency of students entering the English and American Studies, and more recently that of the English teacher trainees. In the past years, our own observations have been supplemented with placement tests as well as questionnaires aiming at surveying the students’ language learning background. We have been applying these in an attempt to gain accurate information on what prior language knowledge our students have and what plans and expectations they arrive with at the start of their tertiary studies. In our former publications, we described our students’ real language proficiency as well as their own conception of their proficiency level (T. Balla-Bajnóczi 2015, Bajnóczi-T. Balla 2015). As a starting point for the present publication, we have mapped such background information, which we believe to be of major importance from the perspective of the language proficiency and language learning strategies of our students (T. Balla-Bajnóczi 2017 [in press]). The students’ answers provided us with information about their motivation to engage in English studies, their self-assessment, and how they view their own role and responsibility in developing their language proficiency in English. We have asked the same questions from our colleagues teaching first graders on a regular basis. Their answers are informative of the differences between the instructors’ expectations and the students’ background in reality
Negatív transzfer a present perfect elsajátításánál a magyar –román kétnyelvű diákok esetében
Negatív transzfer a present perfect elsajátításánál a magyar –román kétnyelvű diákok esetében
(Negative Transfer in the Acquisition of the Present Perfect by Hungarian-Romanian Bilinguals)
- Author(s):Tünde Nagy
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:215-226
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Hungarian-Romanian Bilinguals; present perfect
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the difficulties encountered by Hungarian-Romanian bilinguals while studying the uses of the present perfect and also tries to come up with a methodology that is suitable for teaching them this tense-aspectual form. Taking into consideration the fact that one and the same verb form can have different aspectual values in Hungarian (perfect, perfective, and imperfective) depending on segmental and super-segmental features (like the use of proverbs, the presence of definite or indefinite article, and also other factors such as word order, focus, and stress), and in Romanian perfectul compus can have both narrative and perfect values, Hungarian-Romanian bilinguals are faced with a negative linguistic transfer. After briefly presenting the characteristics of the English, Hungarian, and Romanian aspectual systems, the paper presents the results of a questionnaire regarding the uses of the present perfect, filled out by students of Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc. The paper reinforces the idea that when teaching the present prefect it is important to consider not only linguistic aspects but non-linguistic elements as well such as motivation.
A nyelvi, metanyelvi tudatosság elemei a szövegértési képességfejlesztés folyamatában
A nyelvi, metanyelvi tudatosság elemei a szövegértési képességfejlesztés folyamatában
(The Elements of Linguistic and Metalinguistic Awareness in the Process of Developing Reading Comprehension Skills)
- Author(s):Györgyi Zs. Sejtes
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:227-239
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:reading comprehension skills; linguistic and metalinguistic awareness
- Summary/Abstract:Linguistic awareness is an indispensable condition in the acquisition of reading and understanding texts. It is a task of institutionalized mother tongue education to familiarize students with the linguistic structure and develop reading and text production competence. Knowledge of language and its use should go hand in hand during the process of development. This hand-in-hand process works especially well with the age-group of 13- to 14-year-old students, who have already started developing abstract-logical thinking and can become capable of consciously applying their metalinguistic knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to present the readers with an action research project which compares the reading comprehension results of a given class in the national competence survey with their test results measuring their metalinguistic knowledge of the notion of text. The question addressed is whether there is a correlation between their level of text comprehension and their text linguistic knowledge. Our hypothesis is that students who perform well in text comprehension have a more elaborate notion of text. We also examine what metalinguistic knowledge helps the more successful students perform better than the others and incorporate that knowledge into their future development.
Nyelvi attitűd vizsgálata két csíkszeredai magyar tannyelvű általános iskolában az új román nyelv és irodalom tankönyv kapcsán
Nyelvi attitűd vizsgálata két csíkszeredai magyar tannyelvű általános iskolában az új román nyelv és irodalom tankönyv kapcsán
(Analysis of Language Attitudes in Two Hungarian Elementary Schools from Miercurea Ciuc from the Perspective of the New Romanian School Books in the Fifth Grade)
- Author(s):Enikő Tankó
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:241-252
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:language attitudes; Romanian language and literature curriculum
- Summary/Abstract:In the reform of the educational system, the Romanian language and literature curriculum for the schools where the teaching language is Hungarian proposes a new perspective: education based on communication. Earlier differences between native and non-native speakers have not been considered; and the main goal has been offering mainly knowledge connected to literary analysis and grammar issues. Presently, the authors of the two alternative Romanian language and literature school books written for non-native speakers of Romanian in the fifth grade aim at developing communicational skills and understanding of spoken linguistic production. In the present paper, I propose an analysis of the linguistic attitude of fifth-grader learners in two elementary schools in Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda) where the working language is Hungarian, with respect to the new Romanian language and literature curriculum and the introduction of the alternative Romanian school books written for non-native speakers of Romanian.