Гражданска регистрация за лица от страни-членки на EС – аспекти във формите на дискриминация
Civil Registration of Persons from Member States of the Eu – Aspects in the Forms of Discriminaton

Author(s): Mihal Stojanov
Subject(s): Economy, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: civil registration; EU citizens; Civil Identification Number; personal number (ID)
Summary/Abstract: The present work is dedicated to the problems of the legislative changes that caused the exclusion of EU citizens from the scope of the Civil Registration Act. The objective consequences of the created situation place the citizens of EU Member States permanently resident in the Republic of Bulgaria in a situation where it is impossible to treat them with equal attention by public and private institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

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